I believe many churches are corrupted.

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True or False

I gave you a one liner, and you misunderstood me.

I gave you a multi-paragraph post, and you understood me just fine.

I think I'll stick with the latter.
Just because you say it does not make is true.

You gave me your opinions just like you are doing now.

How about proving something you say.


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Just because you say it does not make is true.

Agreed. Though, I don't know where I made the claim that what I said is true.

You gave me your opinions just like you are doing now.

I gave you what the Bible says.

How about proving something you say.

I say a lot of things. Care to specify what I should prove that is something I say?

True or False

Agreed. Though, I don't know where I made the claim that what I said is true.

I gave you what the Bible says.

I say a lot of things. Care to specify what I should prove that is something I say?
Al right we will go back over everything you stated
line for line and you can prove it.


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No I did not misunderstand you.

I can read word for word what you have stated.

Cut and past the statement you say you made that I misunderstood.

You asked:

Truthfully speaking is there just 1 church?

True or false?

And I answered:

There is one Body of Christ.


You misunderstood me.

The Body of Christ is the church. There is one Body of Christ.

However, there's a difference between the Body of Christ and what the definition of "church" is.

Hence why I said "Scripturally speaking, there is one church."

Meshak isn't speaking about the Body of Christ, because many of the "churches" today are not part of it, as they don't teach the gospel, but "religion."

Jesus didn't start a church.

When Jesus came to earth, the "church" was the house of Israel (or, house of Jacob). If you wanted to enter the house of God (ie, be called God's child), you had to go through Israel and her priests, and become a Jew.

After God cut off Israel, and grafted in the Gentiles so that anyone who wanted to enter God's house could do so through Christ, the church was no longer "Israel", but was anyone who became part of the Body of Christ. Paul was the first person to become part of the Body, and he would be the first member of the new church, the "Body of Christ."

However, when God is done with the Body of Christ, He will return to working with Israel, and she will be the church again.


All that to say, the "church of the Body of Christ" and the "church of Israel" are not the topic of discussion here, but simply the denominations which have formed since God switched to working with the Jews AND Gentiles.

In response to:

So tell us if you will not admit
that there is just one church how many churches
are there that Jesus started?

In which you asked, thinking that my answer was that "No, there is not just 1 church" in response to your initial question, if Jesus started multiple churches.

My response was actually that, "truthfully speaking," there is currently only one church, and that is the Body of Christ. That is why I said you misunderstood me, because you followed up with a question appropriate to an answer that you perceived to be something other than what I was actually saying as what I was actually saying, and not a question that was an appropriate follow-up to what I actually said.


Have I lost you yet? :)

You may find it easier to just go point by point instead of sentence by sentence. My posts can get quite extensive and long-winded...

True or False

You asked:

And I answered:


In response to:

In which you asked, thinking that my answer was that "No, there is not just 1 church" in response to your initial question, if Jesus started multiple churches.

My response was actually that, "truthfully speaking," there is currently only one church, and that is the Body of Christ. That is why I said you misunderstood me, because you followed up with a question appropriate to an answer that you perceived to be something other than what I was actually saying as what I was actually saying, and not a question that was an appropriate follow-up to what I actually said.


Have I lost you yet? :)

You may find it easier to just go point by point instead of sentence by sentence. My posts can get quite extensive and long-winded...

No I did not misunderstand you.

I can read word for word what you have stated.

Cut and past the statement you say you made that I misunderstood.

Try again.

My instructions are far easier to obey than God's.

I want to see if you have it in you to do that to which is right.


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No I did not misunderstand you.

I can read word for word what you have stated.

Cut and past the statement you say you made that I misunderstood.

I did. It was "There is one Body of Christ."

Try again.

My instructions are far easier to obey than God's.

I want to see if you have it in you to do that to which is right.

Right according to whom?


The most popular formula is; "you don't have to follow Jesus to be saved".

This is not true statement but popular.


Well-known member
Let me stop you there. if someone disagrees with me, I don't immediately call them a heretic, especially if we're not talking about the Bible.

I call people heretics who disagree with what Scripture says, who reject scripture in favor of their own interpretation. I call you a heretic because you reject scripture in favor of your own interpretation.

I honestly don't care how deep you go in your studies. If you disagree with what Scripture says, or place your own interpretation of it above what scripture says, you're a heretic, no matter how deeply you've thought about it.

And you put your own interpretation above the Bible's, instead of letting scripture interpret scripture.

While I agree that some churches have abandoned scripture to varying degrees, it still doesn't give you the right to place your own interpretation of scripture above the Bible.

Keypurr, you have yet to establish which teachings were introduced by pagans.

Your faith comes from your own understanding of scripture, and not simply what the Bible says.

You deny the deity of Christ so casually, yet you ignore the fact that over 400 times in the Old Testament it says "Thus saith the LORD" (yes, small capital letters indicating YHWH), but not once in the New Testament does it say that, but instead Jesus says over 100 times "I say unto you."

False. You are a heretic because you reject scripture.

Keypurr, there's a difference between calling someone stupid because it's the truth and calling someone stupid as libel (bearing false witness). One is a sin and a crime, the other is righteous judgment. I'm sure you can figure out which is which.

Calling me stupid just because you don't like me calling you a heretic because you reject what scripture plainly states does not reflect well on your character.

Me calling you a heretic is a statement of fact. You are a heretic because you reject scripture.

You calling me stupid is your own opinion, and you have no supporting evidence. Therefore it's libel (written).

Your under the impression then the majority is right. Big mistake. Scripture must prove itself. The churches are not the authority on scripture, scripture itself is. Your not open to see truth JR.

Who are you, or your church to think that others are not in the fold. Theology is deep whit my different interpretations. You have no right to judge anyone Judge Rightly. We see things an a different way but our love for God and his son are foremost in our minds.

Jesus is not God, his Father is. YHWH is the only God, everything else is a creation. You fail to see the words and their content. You assume the majority must be correct. Your so wrong. You disregard his law and think your in good hands with the church.

I call you stupid because you say stupid things, things way beyond your ability to understand.

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Well-known member
Your under the impression then the majority is right. Big mistake. Scripture must prove itself. The churches are not the authority on scripture, scripture itself is. Your not open to see truth JR.

Who are you, or your church to think that others are not in the fold. Theology is deep whit my different interpretations. You have no right to judge anyone Judge Rightly. We see things an a different way but our love for God and his son are foremost in our minds.

Jesus is not God, his Father is. YHWH is the only God, everything else is a creation. You fail to see the words and their content. You assume the majority must be correct. Your so wrong. You disregard his law and think your in good hands with the church.

I call you stupid because you say stupid things, things way beyond your ability to understand.

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That's rich. :down:


Your under the impression then the majority is right. Big mistake. Scripture must prove itself. The churches are not the authority on scripture, scripture itself is. Your not open to see truth JR.

Who are you, or your church to think that others are not in the fold. Theology is deep whit my different interpretations. You have no right to judge anyone Judge Rightly. We see things an a different way but our love for God and his son are foremost in our minds.

Jesus is not God, his Father is. YHWH is the only God, everything else is a creation. You fail to see the words and their content. You assume the majority must be correct. Your so wrong. You disregard his law and think your in good hands with the church.

I call you stupid because you say stupid things, things way beyond your ability to understand.

Sent from my SM-T330NU using TOL mobile app

well said brother:)


Well-known member
Your under the impression then the majority is right. Big mistake. Scripture must prove itself. The churches are not the authority on scripture, scripture itself is. Your not open to see truth JR.

Who are you, or your church to think that others are not in the fold. Theology is deep whit my different interpretations. You have no right to judge anyone Judge Rightly. We see things an a different way but our love for God and his son are foremost in our minds.

Jesus is not God, his Father is. YHWH is the only God, everything else is a creation. You fail to see the words and their content. You assume the majority must be correct. Your so wrong. You disregard his law and think your in good hands with the church.

I call you stupid because you say stupid things, things way beyond your ability to understand.

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So basically your saying if the majority believe a certain doctrine, they are wrong. So its the minority opinion that prevails in your and [MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION]s warped brains.


Well-known member
So basically your saying if the majority believe a certain doctrine, they are wrong. So its the minority opinion that prevails in your and [MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION]s warped brains.
No, what I am saying is the majority can be wrong and they are when they hand on to the stuff handed down to them by church fathers who thought the world was flat and combined truth with paganism.

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