I spent a great many years volunteering in an abortion alternative center, first in Phoenix, Arizona, and later in Alabama. For those who do not know, an abortion alternative center is a place where a woman in a crisis pregnancy can come to for counseling, and for help finding the resources she will need to carry her baby to term, and to provide a safe and healthy birth experience, as well as resources to help her care for her child afterword.
I have taken several of these young ladies into my own home, where I helped them to get ready for their baby. To this day, many of those kids call me "Nana", just like my own grandkids.
Unfortunately we often find ourselves counseling post abortion women. The fact is that, although they were told that it was a "simple procedure, just like getting a wart removed", deep down they know the truth...they consented to the murder of their child. Telling them that "it's just a clump of cells" might ease their conscience long enough to get them into the clinic for the abortion...but once it is all over, the truth hits them, hard. And suddenly, all those friendly, helpful people who wanted to help her "get through this difficult time and put it all behind her" seem to have disappeared.
And so, they wind up sitting with someone like me.
So, please, don't bother telling me all about how we must give women a choice...not until you have held someone who was under "twilight sleep" for her "simple procedure", and happened to have a lucid moment when she looked down to see her baby's severed head floating around in a bucket of blood...