I am disgusted!


New member
Talking to Zakath:
Wamba the Fool said:
On Judgement Day you will stand before God and be accountable for all of the mocking and wicked things you said here.
And you'll be thrown into hell forever and you'll get exactly what you want: life without God. And they won't have alcohol, weed, and wild parties in hell.

Mr. 5020

New member
Turbo said:
Where do you get that idea? Why didn't you quote the "often quoted" pastor?
Because I had read it, but couldn't find it.
Turbo said:
Frankly, I'm disappointed and surprised at you, Mr. 5020.
:( That does sadden me, but I'm sure I'll be alright.

Mr. 5020

New member
ShadowMaid said:
Mr. 5020, would you give a dying man/woman one last drink of water? If she's really dying, why hold water from her?
Yes, I would - if it was at all possible.
ShadowMaid said:
Terri's blood will be on the police mens hands, because they are allowing an innocent life to be taken. They're "just doing their jobs," and the consequence is the blood of the innocent.
I guess it is on your hands, my hands, and every Christian's hands (other than Doug McBurney, of course) since we have done nothing. How do we know that those police officers aren't doing everything within their legal power to stop what is happening. I know that I have.


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
Because I had read it, but couldn't find it.

Here it is:

Bob Enyart said:
Pro-life community just switched positions; it now supports assisted suicide!

You blinked, you missed it. The pro-life community just switched positions; it now supports assisted suicide! In their vital fight to save Florida’s Terri Schiavo from being starved to death by judicial decree, they foolishly hinged their position on the absence of a “written directive.” If the Hemlock Society had tried to pass a federal law legitimizing assisted suicide, pro-lifers would have stopped them. But pro-life leaders have so often compromised on “Thou shall not murder,” they no longer realize when they’re making concessions. They tried desperately to pass the Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act which, for the first time ever in federal law, would have legitimized state assisted suicide laws permitting “the withdrawal of food or fluids” simply with “a written advance directive valid under applicable law.” Morality does not require ventilating and pumping fluids through a virtual corpse that has no brain activity, but starving someone to death is wrong. With this development, the pro-life movement would have people looking to “pull the plug,” and when finding no plug, go ahead and assist in suicide by starvation because of a “written directive.” And now that even pro-lifers are sliding down the slippery slope, when the culture of death wants to prevent the suffering of starvation and administer a mercy-killing lethal injection, who will be left to argue?
Pastor Bob Enyart
Denver Bible Church .org


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
I guess it is on your hands, my hands, and every Christian's hands (other than Doug McBurney, of course) since we have done nothing. How do we know that those police officers aren't doing everything within their legal power to stop what is happening. I know that I have.

There's a difference between trying to help, and trying to stop help.

Mr. 5020

New member
ShadowMaid said:
You can't be pro-death and pro-life at the same time.
I never said you could. I said they could be stopping help (arresting people doing nothing but attracting media attention) and trying to help (contacting people who can actually do something) at the same time.


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
I never said you could. I said they could be stopping help (arresting people doing nothing but attracting media attention) and trying to help (contacting people who can actually do something) at the same time.

Are you trying to imply something you didn't type out?


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
I don't think I was. I'm not nearly that creative.

So you're just saying that Karl and Mr. McBurney just wants the spotlight. I'm surprised to here you imply this, though maybe I shouldn't be. You're also saying that we should do this paper/phone, and people who can actually do something to help Terri.... yes? No? Am I incorrect?


New member
ShadowMaid said:
You can't be pro-death and pro-life at the same time.

Unfortunately too many people are both. They support unborn children and then support the sale of assault rifle to kill the already born ones. Or they support homes for unwed mothers and adoption agencies for kids but support assisted suicide for the elderly. People are very aware of the consequences of their choices. Some are pro-death when it comes to criminals and pro-life when it comes to dying patients. But the reality is either ALL life is sacred or it AIN'T! People need to use some logic to make decisions that square with what they say they believe... not just following the lead of their favourite talking head. :hammer:

Mr. 5020

New member
ShadowMaid said:
So you're just saying that Karl and Mr. McBurney just wants the spotlight. I'm surprised to here you imply this, though maybe I shouldn't be.
I'm not saying that is what they wanted. I said that is all they did.
ShadowMaid said:
You're also saying that we should do this paper/phone, and people who can actually do something to help Terri.... yes? No? Am I incorrect?
Usually you're very articulate, but I don't understand this sentence.


New member
Chileice said:
Unfortunately too many people are both. They support unborn children and then support the sale of assault rifle to kill the already born ones. Or they support homes for unwed mothers and adoption agencies for kids but support assisted suicide for the elderly. People are very aware of the consequences of their choices. Some are pro-death when it comes to criminals and pro-life when it comes to dying patients. But the reality is either ALL life is sacred or it AIN'T! People need to use some logic to make decisions that square with what they say they believe... not just following the lead of their favourite talking head. :hammer:

... I'm not even going to begin taking this apart.

Mr. 5020

New member
Chileice said:
Unfortunately too many people are both. They support unborn children and then support the sale of assault rifle to kill the already born ones. Or they support homes for unwed mothers and adoption agencies for kids but support assisted suicide for the elderly. People are very aware of the consequences of their choices. Some are pro-death when it comes to criminals and pro-life when it comes to dying patients. But the reality is either ALL life is sacred or it AIN'T! People need to use some logic to make decisions that square with what they say they believe... not just following the lead of their favourite talking head. :hammer:
I disagree. People can lose the sanctity of their own life by taking another. For example, if I hold you hostage, and threaten to shoot you in the head, it would not be wrong for a police sniper to blow my brains all over the place.


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
I'm not saying that is what they wanted. I said that is all they did.

All they did but not all they wanted?

Usually you're very articulate, but I don't understand this sentence.

Are you saying that people should stop protesting, and do it the "civil" way? Wouldn't only Terri benefit from that?