Hypocrite Bernie Sanders blames Trump for Charlotteville violence.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Facts, eh?

Sanders said at the time "I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign, I am sickened by this despicable act." He owned the shooter and specifically rejected that specific person's behaviour.

did James Fields volunteer on trump's presidential campaign?


New member
Jeffblue101 claimed that their were similarities — ask him why he raised Sanders in the OP. :idunno:

I get that you hate Trump but don't let that hatred distort the facts. On the same exact day the violence in Charlottesville occured he released this clear condemnation statement.
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time.


New member
I get that you hate Trump but don't let that hatred distort the facts. On the same exact day the violence in Charlottesville occured he released this clear condemnation statement.

Exactly. And you are so blinded by your Trump man-love that you can't see the differences.


New member
The real reason why liberals hates Trump's statements.
There's lots of other talk about this -- and the Virginia ACLU's response to Governor McAuliffe is particularly worth reading -- but I think there's an observation others have missed: I think the real issue is that Trump isn't blaming the Nazi cosplayers exclusively. And why is that "bad"? Because it continues to implicate the Antifa protesters too. Think of when anyone pressed Obama to condemn Black Lives Matter violence: can anyone find an example of Obama doing so explicitly? From the video and tweet above, it seems McAuliffe avoided the question entirely. I think that's the real aim: they won't be satisfied until Trump blames the Illinois Nazis and just the Illinois Nazis, and leaves Antifa completely out of it.

Which, of course, is excusing Antifa. So far Trump is refusing. I hope he continues.


Just because Bannon, Miller and Gorka use the term alt-right, doesn't mean they are less corrosive and sinister than the KKK. Let's not forget Flynn.

Please, enlighten the board's ignorance if you know anything.


New member
Three was only one murder that needed blame. Nice that Trump shared the blame around so thin that the nationalists declared that Trump was on their side.
There was also plenty of violence that needed blaming. Just because murder is worse, doesn't mean you should ignore lesser forms of violence, all of which could have turned into murder if not for police intervention.


New member
Trump doesn't single out white racists as the only real problem in this country as most progressives do as do the MSM. That is being realistic and without an agenda. These white nationalists are generally pretty slow minded and simplistic in their thinking. They take a fair and even hand towards them as being on their side because they have been singled out as the only true evil out there for so long. They simply do not know how to assess someone who is actually fair in their judgements. Simplistic thinking leads them to jump to conclusions.


New member
There was also plenty of violence that needed blaming. Just because murder is worse, doesn't mean you should ignore lesser forms of violence, all of which could have turned into murder if not for police intervention.

Well, you are on side with David Duke then, and against senior Republicans who object to Trump's claim of moral equivalence.