That's not what we're talking about, if you'd actually read anything I posted. But hey you'd be turning over a new leaf if you bothered to do that. need to be testy. :chuckle:
The problem is Reid is ramming through the nominees.
I think you mean McConnell, and he is doing exactly what Reid did. In fact it is Reid who crafted these rules to have no type of public discourse or any type of consensus, with the opposing party. All kidding aside I liked government better before the advent of marxist progressive liberalism, you know, when we all came to compromises for the good of everyone. This is what majority rule looks like, are you sure you really want that? You had to know when Reid & Pelosi practiced this sort of politics that it would someday come back to haunt them/you...not pretty is it?
Sure they took away the filibuster, but no filibuster doesn't mean - ethics review isn't finished for many nominees and run as many of the hearings as possible on the same day as the inauguration. They're intentionally trying to keep people from looking into any problems with the nominees.
Wrong Alate, Reid not only suspended the filibuster but, he also made it so that a simple majority (51 votes) could confirm cabinet nominees & judiciary appointments with the exception of the supreme court. Reid's action was a scorched earth approach to ram through anyone he/Obama wanted. Well, the shoe is on the other foot, and did you think that the republicans were not going to get their pound of flesh when the table was turned...Please. As far as the ethics reviews all nominees will have their paperwork in before votes are cast, so it is really just a formality, with the Senate rules as Reid made them democrats are powerless to stop the confirmation of any of Trumps cabinet nominees, and they know it.
Democrats removed the filibuster because Republicans abused it and blocked pretty much everything. Now they're going still farther, when they spent ages complaining about "ramming things through", (which was regular order).
As I pointed out above it wasn't just the filibuster, and it is subjective to say any abuse was made, it is the same action used by liberals when they are in the minority, and blocking is exactly what republican voters wanted just like the democrats will try their level best to block anything Trump wants to do right now because that is what you would expect of your elected is called politics, and it is a contact sport. Suspending the 60 vote majority was a big mistake, an abuse of power to squelch all opposing views, and to appease a radical president who had no intention of compromising on anything, furthermore anything that needed legislation of both houses Obama used the ole pen & phone executive order, another abuse of power. Do you see where running rough shod over the citizenry can backfire? Working together for solutions demands public discourse and a willingness to compromise for the common good, all you crazy regressive liberals did was poison that well for the last 8 years so, I would say sit back and enjoy your handiwork.