Hurting People On TOL

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Your wording of "green eyed spirit" means jealous? :think:

Why would I be jealous of the JW scholars not knowing Greek or Hebrew when they translated the Scriptures?

Why would I be be jealous of the JW scholars removing entire verses?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You said trinitarians are perverts. You said it many times. Do you still believe it?

Hey Pot, don't be calling the Kettle black.

You call Catholics heathens and idolaters, which makes you a bald faced liar yourself.

Take the plank out of your own eye before you worry about the splinter in others.

EDIT: And that is coming from a Trinitarian: ME.


Your wording of "green eyed spirit" means jealous? :think:

Why would I be jealous of the JW scholars not knowing Greek or Hebrew when they translated the Scriptures?

Why would I be be jealous of the JW scholars removing entire verses?

You are jealous of their godly conduct which most of the mianstreamers don't strive to be.


You said trinitarians are perverts. You said it many times. Do you still believe it?

I know many protestants are sex centered lives. That's why they don't want to address in their bible lesson at their church. I have attended and joined major denomination when I was a new believer. So I know how they operate.

You can hide but you cannot run. Don't be pretenders.


Well-known member
Hey Pot, don't be calling the Kettle black.

You call Catholics heathens and idolaters, which makes you a bald faced liar yourself.

Take the plank out of your own eye before you worry about the splinter in others.

EDIT: And that is coming from a Trinitarian: ME.

And this is where your puerile, juvenile reasoning is thrown into stark relief. Try to follow this, now, I'll make it as simple as I can...

1. Meshak accused ALL Trinitarians of engaging in secret sexual perversions which, for awhile, she insisted we openly confess here on TOL. Even if were true (and it may be) that some people here are pervy who also believe in the Trinity, Meshak has no way to know that and, in any case, was accusing ALL 'trins' of it, without exception. That is false and it is slander of which she has not repented.

2. You bow down and pray to false, lily-white likenesses of Mary (and who knows what else). You kneel before a wafer of bread you've been brainwashed into believing is Christ Himself, yanked off of His throne in glory at the alleged command of filthy heathens in absurd collars. Both are Type II idolatry according to God in Exodus 20:4.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Hey Pot, don't be calling the Kettle black.

You call Catholics heathens and idolaters, which makes you a bald faced liar yourself.

Take the plank out of your own eye before you worry about the splinter in others.

EDIT: And that is coming from a Trinitarian: ME.
And this is where your puerile, juvenile reasoning is thrown into stark relief.............

Why, because I called a liar a liar?

If you don't like it then stop lying. We are neither heathens or idolaters. I can't help it if your mindless anti-Catholic bigotry prevents you from seeing that.


Well-known member
You are jealous of their godly conduct which most of the mianstreamers don't strive to be.

You said elsewhere that they kicked you out of the Watchtower because you were preaching on your own time, and that they didn't like it. I seriously doubt that. I think there's another, more serious reason they shunned you.


Well-known member
Why, because I called a liar a liar?

If you don't like it then stop lying. We are neither heathens or idolaters. I can't help it if your mindless anti-Catholic bigotry prevents you from seeing that.

You say Catholics don't worship Mary, saints, etc, but you just pray to them, which is ok.

Forget the statues and idols for a minute.

Show me ONE example in all of the Bible where God approved of a prayer directed at ANYONE except Him, or where any of the apostles did so.

Just one.

If you provide it, I will apologize.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.........Show me ONE example in all of the Bible where God approved of a prayer directed at ANYONE except Him, or where any of the apostles did so.

Just one.

If you provide it, I will apologize.

A prayer is a request.

The Bible directs us to invoke those in heaven and request them to pray with us. Thus in Psalms 103, we pray, "Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word! Bless the Lord, all his hosts, his ministers that do his will!" (Ps. 103:20-21). And in Psalms 148 we pray, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his host!" (Ps. 148:1-2).

Not only do those in heaven pray with us, they also pray for us. In the book of Revelation, we read: "[An] angel came and stood at the altar [in heaven] with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God" (Rev. 8:3-4).

And those in heaven who offer to God our prayers aren’t just angels, but humans as well. John sees that "the twenty-four elders [the leaders of the people of God in heaven] fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints" (Rev. 5:8). The simple fact is, as this passage shows: The saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth.

Now apologize


Well-known member
The Bible directs us to invoke those in heaven and ask them to pray with us. Thus in Psalms 103, we pray, "Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word! Bless the Lord, all his hosts, his ministers that do his will!" (Ps. 103:20-21). And in Psalms 148 we pray, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his host!" (Ps. 148:1-2).

Not only do those in heaven pray with us, they also pray for us. In the book of Revelation, we read: "[An] angel came and stood at the altar [in heaven] with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God" (Rev. 8:3-4).

And those in heaven who offer to God our prayers aren’t just angels, but humans as well. John sees that "the twenty-four elders [the leaders of the people of God in heaven] fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints" (Rev. 5:8). The simple fact is, as this passage shows: The saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth.

Now apologize

Good job, CutandPasteCrusader, you just ripped this whole thing from You can't even formulate your own responses. That means you don't care enough about your own beliefs to even try to defend them yourself. Keep letting your church do your thinking for you. You'll go far.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You are putting the word into my mouth.

Not all but many of them.

quote me what you just said.

It is sin to false witness. You need to know simple principle of Jesus' teachings, and you claim to be true and saved Christian.

Many of them? How many? Have you personally investigated them, taken a poll, or had them fill out a "Meshak questionnaire?"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your wording of "green eyed spirit" means jealous? :think:

Why would I be jealous of the JW scholars not knowing Greek or Hebrew when they translated the Scriptures?

Why would I be be jealous of the JW scholars removing entire verses?

I'll bet you're even jealous of Meshaks hat and silly grin?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Good job, CutandPasteCrusader, you just ripped this whole thing from You can't even formulate your own responses. That means you don't care enough about your own beliefs to even try to defend them yourself. Keep letting your church do your thinking for you. You'll go far.

You asked me to show you, and I did. You said nothing about what source I should use. Now you are mad and changing the subject. You are such a pathetic excuse for a person its unbelievable.

You said: "Show me ONE example in all of the Bible where God approved of a prayer directed at ANYONE except Him, or where any of the apostles did so. Just one. If you provide it, I will apologize."

Well I did. And you don't like it.

Go get a life. And if you are the Christian you claim to be, start being honest and keep your word. I am waiting for my apology.


Well-known member
First paragraph of your rip: David was not praying to angels. If he was, he also prayed to God's works:

Praise the Lord, all His works
in all the places where He rules.

Second paragraph: No one is praying to the angel.

Third paragraph: No one prayed to the elders.

You failed.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I know many protestants are sex centered lives. That's why they don't want to address in their bible lesson at their church. I have attended and joined major denomination when I was a new believer. So I know how they operate.

You can hide but you cannot run. Don't be pretenders.

Is the first thing you do when visiting a new church is, to question
EVERYONE about their personal lives? Is that how you KNOW these

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I know many protestants are sex centered lives. That's why they don't want to address in their bible lesson at their church. I have attended and joined major denomination when I was a new believer. So I know how they operate.

You can hide but you cannot run. Don't be pretenders.

You mean; You can run but you can't hide! You have it turned
around, sort of like your thinking processes!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
......Second paragraph: No one is praying to the angel.

Third paragraph: No one prayed to the elders.

You failed.

Your problem is that you don't know what the word "prayer" means. Therefore YOU failed, not me.

When we say we pray "to" the saints, it is the archaic Old English form of the word we are using.

In Old English, the phrase "Pray thee", or its contraction "Prithee" was often used the way we might say "Would you please......". For example, we might say "Please open your door", whereas in Old English they might say, "Prithee open thy door", or "Pray thee, open thy door". Therefore, when we "pray" to saints we are making a request to them, which is: Please pray for us. We are asking them to pray for us.

Its one of those words that has more than one meaning. But for people who think it has only one meaning - worship - they therefore think we "worship" saints. But obviously, we do not.

Of course, I don't expect someone like you who lies as a way of life to understand this, and even if you do you will never admit it. For you, bigotry trumps facts.

Plus, I knew you would never apologize also. Just another lie to add to your list of lies.
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