ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Yep. The average predicted she'd get about 2.3 millon more votes than Trump. She got about 3 million more.
Which isn't the same as winning :chuckle:
Yep. The average predicted she'd get about 2.3 millon more votes than Trump. She got about 3 million more.
Which isn't the same as winning :chuckle:
And President Donald John Trump, has never used any illicit drugs, and he also does not drink any liquor.
"I'm not a crack user; I just play one on Twitter."
Maybe so.
Donald Trump’s Alleged Drug Use: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know
1. Trump Claims That He Lives a Drug-Free Lifestyle
2. His Brother Was an Alcoholic
3. Allegations of Trump’s Drug Use First Surfaced 24 Years Ago
Despite Trump’s claim that he lives a clean, drug-free lifestyle, rumors that he abused certain types of drugs have circulated for more than two decades. In a February, 1992, Spy Magazine story, investigative reporter John Connolly unearthed a medical record that appeared to show that Trump had visited a New York doctor named Joseph Greenberg who, Connolly reported, was a physician to the stars known for prescribing diet drugs to celebrities — including Trump, Spy Magazine reported.
According to the story, which was revisited by the site Gawker this summer, Greenberg diagnosed Trump with “metabolic imbalance,” which despite not being an recognized medical condition, gave Greenberg a pretext to prescribe Trump a drug called Tenuate Dospan, or diethylpropion, which according to the site Drugs.com, “may impair your thinking or reactions… (and) may also cause restless feelings that can hide the symptoms of extreme tiredness.”
In other words, the drug acts like an amphetamine.
The medical site WebMD says that patients should not use diethylpropionm for more than “a few weeks at a time.” But according to the findings in Connolly’s 1992 story, Trump may have used the drug for a period of at least three years, from 1982 to 1985, the period during which he was Greenberg’s patient.
4. More Allegations Of “Cheap Speed” Use Surfaced This Year
5. Trump’s Bizarre Sniffing Habit at the Debates Sparked New Allegations
At both the first and second presidential debates, Trump exhibited an odd and frequently repeated sniffing behavior.
Whose rights are Trump violating?http://www.reuters.com/article/us-rights-icj-idUSKBN1A42A3
Trump is new breed of 'authoritarian populist': rights watchdog
GENEVA (Reuters) - Donald Trump is one of a new breed of leaders around the world who seek to use their democratic mandate to undermine the rule of law, the head of a legal and human rights watchdog said on Wednesday.
Branding the U.S. president an "authoritarian populist", Saman Zia-Zarifi, secretary-general of the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), compared him to the leaders of Turkey, the Philippines, Hungary and Venezuela.
"The new populism has a certain shamelessness about it that is new. It's not that people are denying that they are violating rights, what they are saying is they can violate rights because somehow they are empowered by the people," he said.
"I would say that in the U.S., Trump is an authoritarian populist. He has authoritarian tendencies but he still is facing checks and balances," Zarifi said. "So he is not a full-blown authoritarian figure."
I think that last quote is spot on.
How is that authoritarian?Travel ban~ :think:
The deep state is not the form of government outlined in the Constitution.Trump has indeed attacked our form of government as outdated and inefficient.
He has never liked the idea of accountability.
If there is consent, there is no sexual assault. The women wanted it ...that is if you believe Trump wasn't just bragging about an non existent event.You have a point. After the tape of Trump bragging about being able to get away with sexual assault, a poll showed about 19% of his followers saying that the tape actually made them like him better.
How is that authoritarian?
True of every practicing Mormon, too.Right. So as I said, President Donald John Trump has never used illicit drugs, nor does he drink any liquor.
But not the Mormons. lain: Or, presumably, the Mormon stars.Unlike so many other of our "stars."
If there is consent, there is no sexual assault. The women wanted it ...that is if you believe Trump wasn't just bragging about an non existent event.
Please specify event. Names and places and times. Rumor doesnt count.No, he was bragging about existing events. And of course his narcissism demands that every woman wants him.
Maybe some women did want him. Who are you to say? You don't know every woman.No, he was bragging about existing events. And of course his narcissism demands that every woman wants him.
Right. So as I said, President Donald John Trump has never used illicit drugs, nor does he drink any liquor.
True of every practicing Mormon, too.
Unlike so many other of our "stars."
Before President Barack Hussein Obama became President of the United States, he was a pothead and a cokehead.But not the Mormons. lain: Or, presumably, the Mormon stars.
So, way to go, Wilford Brimley. Shame about the diabetes though.
President Trump hasn't said anything like, "They let you [censored]," since becoming President of the United States;
It's real progress. And he hasn't actually tried to shoot anyone to test his theory of personal popularity. I call that a win for self-control.Well, that's a good thing, I suppose. Credit where credit is due.
It is, and lest anybody pats him on the back for it, it's not tough to abstain from what we're talking about here. Anybody can not do that stuff.It's real progress. And he hasn't actually tried to shoot anyone to test his theory of personal popularity. I call that a win for self-control.
I personally enjoy that he does this. I wish all of our Presidents, not only did what he's doing, but were forced to do it, even if they didn't want to. Presidents should be constantly chattering with Americans, as much as possible; we knowing him better than we ever knew any previous leader, is not a bad thing!Now about that Twitter account...