How to tell if you're a Marxist

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well, actually he didn't [lie].
Sure he did. He wrote:

A few days ago he PMed me and I reciprocated
It was willfully misleading in a way that served his purpose, which is what lies do. Anyone who didn't know the actual facts, reading his above, would assume that I contacted him and he responded. He's at least intelligent enough to realize it. So are you, comes to that. The rest is song and dance.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Excellent post, as usual.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How liberal of you to assume the Clown is telling the truth.

The elites are always so clean compared to the deplorables. :chuckle:

(It's the whitewash.)

Well, considering TH provided proof of the actual exchange in question, showing GM to be the instigator of proceedings along with a willingness for Sherman to confirm this should there (somehow) still be any misunderstanding on the matter - it would be more than a bit silly to assume TH isn't telling the truth.

Besides which, anyone who knows TH and isn't clouded by personal dislike knows fine well that he doesn't go around making stuff up...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
At least now, I don't have to read any of his nonsense. A few days ago he PMed me and I reciprocated and actually complimented him. However, he takes compliments, then continues to offer up his 'sarcastic remarks.'
So, I'm through with him. I'll not be discussing him in any further posts. Seeing him on ignore, gives me a satisfied feeling of peaceful bliss. I'll not be reading what he posts to others, either.

You didn't 'reciprocate', you initiated the conversation. That's intentionally dishonest and typical of passive aggressive's. None too bright on this occasion though.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You didn't 'reciprocate', you initiated the conversation. That's intentionally dishonest and typical of passive aggressive's. None too bright on this occasion though.

Below is the PM that Town Heretic sent to me on the 2nd of this month, I'm only posting it because I've been accused of PMing him first, which is not true. I answered this PM of his, afterwards:

Re: TH
Quote Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe
Thanks for your disingenuous compliment on my thread entitled; "DELETION FOR MORAL REASONS."

Town Heretic below:

Now there's an outrageous accusation...compliment my aunt Fanny.

I hope you're not so naive to believe I'm not aware of what you were 'truly saying/doing?'
I'm never entirely sure you know what either of us is doing, which is part of the charm of the whole thing.

I'll give you that much credit anyway. Hopefully, you'll give me credit for discerning your brand of sarcasm.
And that's what got the government in trouble to begin with.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Below is the PM that Town Heretic sent to me on the 2nd of this month, I'm only posting it because I've been accused of PMing him first, which is not true. I answered this PM of his, afterwards:

Re: TH
Quote Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe
Thanks for your disingenuous compliment on my thread entitled; "DELETION FOR MORAL REASONS."

Town Heretic below:

Now there's an outrageous accusation...compliment my aunt Fanny.

I hope you're not so naive to believe I'm not aware of what you were 'truly saying/doing?'
I'm never entirely sure you know what either of us is doing, which is part of the charm of the whole thing.

I'll give you that much credit anyway. Hopefully, you'll give me credit for discerning your brand of sarcasm.
And that's what got the government in trouble to begin with.

So you're saying that TH messaged you first, that you didn't strike up a convo via PM yourself? Post #84 says otherwise GM. The fact that TH is happy for Sherman to verify times, dates etc doesn't look too good for you, especially given your track record for implying things that simply aren't true.


Hall of Fame
So you're saying that TH messaged you first, that you didn't strike up a convo via PM yourself? Post #84 says otherwise GM. The fact that TH is happy for Sherman to verify times, dates etc doesn't look too good for you, especially given your track record for implying things that simply aren't true.

Indeed ... I know TH is honest enough that I don't need to see verification.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Indeed ... I know TH is honest enough that I don't need to see verification.

An example of GM's "consistency" in this exchange...:

"If I bother you that much then put me on ignore ya big crank."

"And, miss the opportunity to show the world what a 'know nothing' you are? Not a chance, pal."

"I have decided to place Arthur Brain on 'permanent ignore.' I will no longer be in communication with him. It was fun for a while; however, I now find him, rather boring."

So, he's not gonna ignore me, then he decides to place me on permanent ignore, and yet here he is responding to me. So who's the more believable, GM or TH?



Hall of Fame
So, he's not gonna ignore me, then he decides to place me on permanent ignore, and yet here he is responding to me. So who's the more believable, GM or TH?


I will just comment on TH. He doesn't lie. He doesn't troll. He doesn't hate. Therefore, any comments/accusations to the contrary are automatically suspect and thereby disregarded.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I will just comment on TH. He doesn't lie. He doesn't troll. He doesn't hate. Therefore, any comments/accusations to the contrary are automatically suspect and thereby disregarded.

Couldn't agree more. Whatever differences of opinion I've had with TH (and there's been plenty, heated ones at that) there's no way he'd lie about stuff or be embroiled in puerile name calling or rumour spreading and the like. He's above that kinda crap and the snark he gets from some of the childish little zealots here is almost hysterical. On this occasion GM has just dropped the ball completely, probably failing to see post #84 cos he has TH on ignore. The proof that GM is lying is all there in black and white. I doubt he'll dare to comment further or if he does it'll be a progression of deflective "tweets" and blah blah blah...


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Below is the PM that Town Heretic sent to me on the 2nd of this month, I'm only posting it because I've been accused of PMing him first, which is not true.

It's entirely true and I make the following challenge, which you'll pretend not to know about and avoid because, well, if you take it you'll be on vacation for a month.

Okay, I wager a month's ban that you PM'd me first, subject to Sherman checking the stamps.

Here's how it will look:

GM PMs me on
March 26th, 2018, 02:18 AM
I responded less than an hour later, March 26th, 2018, 02:44 AM
Sorry, but as I copied the time stamps and they were in some color I can't see the result is something you'll have to highlight to see.

GM responds to that on
May 3rd, 2018, 08:05 AM
And I answer on May 2nd, 2018, 05:24 PM

So there it is and there's the easy solution to GM's odd and continuing dishonesty. Easy-peasy.

Otherwise, what anyone reading should note is that everything he attributes to me is responsive. No one opens a conversation with, "Now there's an outrageous accusation." I mean not unless they're hearing voices.

Re: TH
Quote Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe
Thanks for your disingenuous compliment on my thread entitled; "DELETION FOR MORAL REASONS."

Town Heretic below:

Now there's an outrageous accusation...compliment my aunt Fanny.

See the problem?


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So does GM and what the heck he thinks he's trying to accomplish with this is anyone's guess...
:idunno: But then, he does that sort of thing, writes ridiculous assertions without regard for the truth. Usually they're gross exaggerations and half the time they're positively aimed at himself...I suppose he just wanted to put a petty bee in my hat as he started the latest peek-a-boo bit.

Who really knows with him?
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like marbles on glass
I would say at the most, there have been toss ups. Both sides making valid points, but neither conceding. THOSE are the types of discussions that are solely lacking in place of the "let's call Town names and personally insult his profession".

TH and I've had our go-rounds (often via PM) :chuckle: but I've never had a reason to doubt his integrity. And he readily apologizes when he gets something wrong, so when he sees he's made a mistake he owns up to it readily, which is more than I can say for a lot of his adversaries.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
:idunno: But then, he does that sort of thing, writes ridiculous assertions without regard for the truth. Usually their gross exaggerations and half the time they're positively aimed at himself...I suppose he just wanted to put a petty bee in my hat as he started the latest peek-a-boo bit.

Who really knows with him?

He just seems to hope they'll fly. I highly doubt he'll take you up on your challenge as he's simply caught in a lie and there's no way out of it but to hope it'll go away...

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I've never seen him discussing his faith. (If he's even a believer?)
Come now, brother. This is hyperbole in appeal to the crowd or perhaps given over to frustrations or just having a bad day. I suspect you may have not been following and reading @Town Heretic over the years.

A few, among many, exemplars related to your quoted point:

No one doubts that my brother in the Lord, TH, is an acquired taste. In fact, you are much the same to me, GM. For that matter, I suspect not a few consider myself in the same light, too. ;)

It takes some honest investment to get to know the mind of the person behind the words we read in an online venue. That requires reading what they have to say often and reading them carefully. It took me quite a bit of time to tease out Town's essential belief system, for he is just not one who wades into each and every topic related to doctrine.

When I engage another, it can be assured that I have first taken the time to read what they have had to say by viewing their post histories and conducting searches that do not appear in the normal search history listings (which are limited to about 100 prior posts). For me, such a review is just good manners, for after all, if I have no idea about where my interlocutor is coming from, I have no business weighing in or taking he or she to task. It also is a sign of respect, in that I am not just making some knee-jerk reactive post to whatever has just crossed my desk online.

Fortunately, nothing I have read would give me claim to believe TH is beyond the bounds of orthodox Christendom. And at this site, that is quite an achievement, as we all know too well. Sigh.

We all have our wheelhouses wherein we feel most confident to speak publicly. Our confidence is built up by years of study, thinking, review, engagement with others, and, of course, prayer for discernment. A wise person knows wherein he or she may hold themselves forth, exposing themselves to cross-examination, on a particular topic. Only fools weigh in where others fear to tread.

That TH does not spend the bulk of his time in the ECF forums probably speaks well to his own assessment of where his words would carry great weight. This is not to say he is some shrinking violet on matters of doctrine, only that he likely assumes there are those better equipped to take up some cause. In fact, I would probably tread with fear and trembling, should he apply that mind of his towards matters that I hold dear, so I am loathe to go about poking sleeping bears needlessly. ;)

In summary, Town's interests are quite eclectic, hence, you may just not run across him in print on this site unless you travel in the same circles. My own interests are primarily theological, so when the occasion arises wherein Town is waxing eloquent on such matters, I tend to pay attention to what he (or anyone else, including yourself, GM) has to say.

I have found that what TH has to say is always edifying to me, even perhaps occasionally frustrating, but never worth ignoring. I appreciate any man or woman whose printed thoughts make me a better person on matters that I hold dear, whether we are walking the same paths or are but co-belligerents. Fortunately, in Town's case, the former is more likely than the latter. ;)

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