How To Spot Trump's Endless Lying...

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Greatest poster ever
You know how fragile Trump's ego is. Can you imagine how Trump must have reacted when he heard about what Bannon said? He must have been fuming!

Shortly before Bannon got the axe, Trump stated that there were "leakers" in his administration, and that if these unnamed people didn't stop leaking info to the press, they would be fired. Well, during the 60 Minutes interview, at time 22:28, Charlie Rose accused Bannon of being one of the leakers, and Bannon did not deny it. Quite interesting, don't you think?

Here are some quotes from the comments section of one of Breitbart's articles:

"Trump kicked out the only honest, pro-American voices in his whole cabinet....he is going down with the swamp now!"

"Yeah it's Idiotic. It makes Bannon and Gorka look bad."

"Trumps staff is now nothing but Obamabots!!!"

"Trump chose globalists over Americans. We should have seen this coming."

"Why is Breitbart putting Bolton's name in the same sentence with Gorka and Bannon? Bolton is a warmonger NeoCon. He helped give us the Iraq debacle"


Vindicated by recent events.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Bannon still supports Trump? Well let's see... During the 60 Minutes interview, Bannon said that Trump made "the biggest mistake in modern political history" by firing Comey. He also said that Trump's decision to allow debate in Congress over DACA will lead to a civil war in the Republican Party and cause them to lose in 2018. That doesn't sound like "support" to me.

Both Bannon and Sebastian Gorka were fired. Gorka stated: “[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka’s letter expressed unhappiness with the direction the Trump administration’s foreign policy has taken, as signaled by the president’s recent speech on Afghanistan. --

Proven right by recent events.


New member
Trump is in cahoots with the Jesuits and the Illuminati now. :chuckle:

Nah; he is ever too incompetently needing to be obvious - he'd only bring them down with him also.

Trump is the ever incompetent public figure of the so called "right" in the same sense that Mob Boss: John Gotti had been the ever incompetent public figure of the Mob.

In the end, the other Mob bosses decided the best way to get rid of him would be to "let Gotti be Gotti."

They were right; the fool brought himself down.

In the same sense - I say "let Trump be Trump."

And yours,Tam's, and GD's moronic neg reps to me for pointing out the obvious are not going to change that.

Geez have you three really slipped into your own, Trump like self-delusions.

PJ - get off that computer already and go and straighten out that giant fake Trump Magazine Cover plastered on the ceiling of your bedroom or something.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Bannon has proven to be an opportunist with no credibility. He uses people, always has.

Trump Destroys Bannon, Salts The Earth | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 446

At 48:20 when he starts talking about the Oregon gas pumping law, some of the comments of the citizens were hilarious (to us who have pumped our own gas most all our lives).
(In Oregon, they have a LAW that you are not allowed to pump gas into your own car, but must have a station attendant do it. So for years, no one has pumped their own gas.)
Now Oregon is trying to pass a LAW allowing certain areas with certain amount of population to have self-serve gas stations.

Some of the citizen's comments (I am paraphrasing cause I don't want to rewind to quote exactly every word):

I'm 62 years old and I don't even know how to pump my own gas, so what good is a law saying I can?

This law is horrible and dangerous, as only a trained qualified person should be allowed to pump something as dangerous as gasoline.

I have small children. Do they really expect me to exit my car and dabble with gasoline???​

Ben's comment:
This is what happens when you have a government that passes laws making you dependent on others for things you could easily do yourself.
And therefore folks become inadequate to care for themselves if need be because government regulations have been convincing you that you are not qualified to do it.

Right on, Ben!
I wholeheartedly agree.
The government has made far too many regulations on it's citizens.


New member
Bannon has proven to be an opportunist with no credibility. He uses people, always has.

He's like Trump that way. Funny, though, how the Right seems to be just learning about it. What took you so long?

[h=1]Trump Destroys Bannon, Salts The Earth | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 446[/h]

Let's see the video where he calls out the various creeps in the Trump administration before they become inconvenient for them. What Shapiro is demonstrating here is not wisdom, but loyalty.

Think of all the other people who've passed through the White House with a story to tell. Maybe a book deal in the works.

Apparently one of Trump's lawyers quite after the Air Force One meeting to explain away the meeting with the Russians because he thought he had witnessed obstruction of justice.

This is unraveling fast.

patrick jane

He's like Trump that way. Funny, though, how the Right seems to be just learning about it. What took you so long?

Let's see the video where he calls out the various creeps in the Trump administration before they become inconvenient for them. What Shapiro is demonstrating here is not wisdom, but loyalty.

Think of all the other people who've passed through the White House with a story to tell. Maybe a book deal in the works.

Apparently one of Trump's lawyers quite after the Air Force One meeting to explain away the meeting with the Russians because he thought he had witnessed obstruction of justice.

This is unraveling fast.
It's just the weakened , beaten and bloodied Trump haters trying to change the real narrative being unearthed in the deep state. It's all an ebb and flow process ever since Trump came on the scene. I spent about 18 months soaking up real news from FOX many other unbiased sources and tons of Fake News from the sources you feed your head with.

I'm going to be a casual observer for the foreseeable future and I'm not going get excited every time the Witch Hunt cries wolf. Wake me up when you have a crime by Trump. :yawn:


New member
It's just the weakened , beaten and bloodied Trump haters trying to change the real narrative being unearthed in the deep state.

Is Bannon part of the deep state now? That's your line?

It's all an ebb and flow process ever since Trump came on the scene. I spent about 18 months soaking up real news from FOX many other unbiased sources and tons of Fake News from the sources you feed your head with.

Fox doesn't have a news channel. It runs state TV for Trump. It only tells you what Trump wants you to know.

I'm going to be a casual observer for the foreseeable future and I'm not going get excited every time the Witch Hunt cries wolf. Wake me up when you have a crime by Trump. :yawn:

Alright, let your ego heal a bit.

patrick jane

Is Bannon part of the deep state now? That's your line?

Fox doesn't have a news channel. It runs state TV for Trump. It only tells you what Trump wants you to know.

Alright, let your ego heal a bit.
Ego? That must be what this all about for you, rex. I'm a genuine Trump supporter and fan, I couldn't care less about Bannon and I never put my trust in Bannon. He helped Trump in some areas but now I've heard more of his past and his selfish agendas. I certainly don't think Bannon is part of the deep state but if you don't think there IS a deep state you're lacking intelligence. FOX has been number one in cable news for a decade or more, how would they be in any way connected to Trump? More collusion delusion, you poor soul. Have fun talking to the pittance of your like minded Trump obsessed rubes.


New member
Ego? That must be what this all about for you, rex.

Right...that's why you lashed out at a bunch of people.

I'm a genuine Trump supporter and fan,

Yeah, I picked up on that. That doesn't exactly speak well of your judgement.

I couldn't care less about Bannon and I never put my trust in Bannon.

Well, there was that one time.

He helped Trump in some areas but now I've heard more of his past and his selfish agendas.

I'm not sure if you're lying to yourself, or just to me. You didn't learn more about his past. You learned that he turned against your Messiah, Trump. In your moral hierarchy, Trump is higher than Bannon, so Bannon had to go. His horrible past isn't a secret, and has been a matter of record for years, and if you're as well-read as you claim to be in Right-wing media, you would have known that long before this all came out.

I certainly don't think Bannon is part of the deep state but if you don't think there IS a deep state you're lacking intelligence.

It's not perfectly clear what fits into the notion of a deep state. As with a lot of conspiracy theories, it's not all that well-defined. But as I have pointed out to you in the past, a shallow state is a dictatorship. The fact that there is some depth to the state is by design, i.e., the state is staffed by a large and non-partisan civil service that does most of the real work of the government. It is that depth that gives the government the credibility to rule a nation that is made up of many partisanships. The deep state conspiracy theory is the demand of Republicans to be ruled only and always by their fellow partisans, and it is a completely illegitimate demand.

FOX has been number one in cable news for a decade or more, how would they be in any way connected to Trump? More collusion delusion, you poor soul. Have fun talking to the pittance of your like minded Trump obsessed rubes.

Both Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch have had close relationships to Trump.

The Barbarian

It's not perfectly clear what fits into the notion of a deep state. As with a lot of conspiracy theories, it's not all that well-defined. But as I have pointed out to you in the past, a shallow state is a dictatorship. The fact that there is some depth to the state is by design, i.e., the state is staffed by a large and non-partisan civil service that does most of the real work of the government. It is that depth that gives the government the credibility to rule a nation that is made up of many partisanships. The deep state conspiracy theory is the demand of Republicans to be ruled only and always by their fellow partisans, and it is a completely illegitimate demand.

This is quite perceptive on your part. Trump is constantly moaning and complaining that he can't just have Hillary Clinton arrested, or force Muslims to wear a distinctive badge, or keep transgendered people from having rights, and so on.

As you suggest, it's precisely because the state is somewhat "deep" that a dictatorship is so difficult in America. The Bill of Rights is the original deep state enabling document. And it's what Trump hates the most about America, other than it has so many people in it who don't look and act like he does.



Steve Bannon destroys Trump's detractors on 60 Minutes

What a difference a few months make in the never-ending, stranger than fiction Trump "soap opera" - especially given the past "posts" to prove it!

Bannon has proven to be an opportunist with no credibility. He uses people, always has......

Apparently "patrick jane" is now attempting to rewrite history, given that Bannon has now joined the ranks of "Trump detractors" - characterizing Donald Jr. and Jared Kushner as guilty of "treason" for conspiring with the Russians to "smear" Hillary, and confirming that Donald Sr. has longstanding financial ties with the Russians?

"Bannon" has had several days to refute the quotes attributed to him - butlikemost of those mentioned, has chosen to remain silent

Meanwhile Trump is looking for ways to prevent "Fire and Fury" from being published - apparently he wants to repeal the 1st Amendment!
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