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Not true. We regularly quote scripture that give explanation for the ideas that God changes His mind, in which case, the future wasn't settled before He changed His mind each time.Isn't a strawman, there is no other reason any Open Theist ever has given.
I don't necessarily disagree that Open Theism is free will theism. But that isn't the same as saying that free will is some principle that requires our adulation. That's where the straw comes in from you.It thus may be 'your' strawman, (it isn't, you have often argued about your free will in conversations as a concern), but it isn't an Open Theist free will strawman. Open Theism, is free will theism,
Not true. We desire to understand the bible, and in doing so we have found plenty of evidence that God changes His mind, and in doing so, proves that the future wasn't settled.even your own arguments are founded in your desire to retain your free will and as necessary for relationship and love.
Of course it is part and parcel. Because Open Theism is the only extant theology that faithfully (to the scriptures) retains something we find clearly evident in the scriptures.It isn't, as Clete denies, a consequence, it is part and parcel from every conversation I've ever had with an Open Theist.
Yes, free will is an argument for Open Theism. Free will is found in scripture, from the very first story about man's actions to the very last. The stories lose all meaning if free will didn't exist from the very beginnning, and probably to the very end. It seems to me that the whole point of mankind's existence with the possibility of death is for its members to subject (a free will word) their wills (a free will word) to God's will. And those who don't will suffer consequences (a free will word).He pops up more than I discussing free will in a search for "free will" Me always against it. Him always in support. JR, Derf, and most other Open Theists often post in support of free will as an argument (easy TOL search, I just did).
Not true. It is a result of reading free will out of the pages of scripture.Never said that. You are the one complaining of strawmen. This is just a wrong assumption.
Open Theists are incapable of listening? This is what you got from this discussion? None of this is even part of the conversation.
Open Theism, despite denial, is free will theism. It is all not a desire to prompt up God, but to read 'free will' into interactions.
Good.It is always the first thing mentioned when omniscience is on the table from any Open Theist. It might be good to evaluate one's own assumptions.
LOL. I can and do. Open Theism is what is untenable. YOU don't see them as logical, that much is evident. Rather, it is more obvious that 1) I've been challenged to be very up front and lately I have been.
How in the world would you know this? Are you able to tell me all of the thought I've put into considering other views, and how long I held them before settling on Open Theism? Or even how settled I am on Open Theism?I realize it accosts, but we should hold our theology in such a way that God Himself can accost it. If you or I are able to deliver that message, well and good. 2) I've given Open Theism a lot of consideration, way more than you or any Open Theist contra wise.
Regularly. And every time I do so, in regards to Open Theism, Open Theism comes out on top. It better fits scripture over and over again.Do you even entertain you may be wrong?
Yours? No. Because you discard the scriptures to speak of some other standard of truth, such as how you feel about God making you a robot, or how I should feel about aligning (a free will word) my will (a free will word, as already mentioned) with God's.Do none of these arguments or discussion even make a dent?
(a free will word)List one. I rather said that at the heart of Christianity, is a denial
Which is a free will concept.of self, a negation of free will. So you are poor at assessing? Yes. It has all been an address against anyone imperializing their will over God's.
Okay. We don't understand such criticism. We believe we are bible-centric. And bringing such a criticism is red-herring-ish at the very least. So what if we were being egocentric, if the world God created was created for man? Isn't that the very point? And how do we know that the world was created for man? Because God gave mankind dominion over it.It is then, an accusation. I'm accusing free will theists about being egocentric.
Which is a free will concept!!!!! If our will is involved, then our will matters to God.That isn't Christian. So instead of 'guessing' wrongly, understand exactly what is at stake: Our will vs His will.
Sometimes insult gets you heated enough to hear beyond what you've allowed in before. Sometimes.Wasn't clear? I don't believe you. I don't believe you've been careful, or honest, or picked up at all what I've been throwing down and these responses are an insult, not challenging, not even meeting the challenge.
(a free will word)You 'ought to feel' that you need to follow
(a free will word)His will and leave self-interest
(not exactly a free will concept on its face, but in your context it is)in theology behind. We live when we die.
You have little to say that bears on the conversation, and you have stated it over and over again for some reason that we don't understand, as evidenced by @Clete's post.If you don't understand Christ's teachings, say so. I'm trying to speak to eyes that don't want to see, and ears that don't want to hear.
(a free will word)It is a declarative anyway. If it props up your free will, you may have gotten it wrong.
Then think how audacious
(a free will word)you must think
How does this matter in a discussion about truth?you are: There are millions of us, a few thousand of you.
It is. I suspect that's why you don't use scripture very often in this discussion.On my side? Scholars, not lazy theologians, who have produced a plethora of scholarly work. "Scripture doesn't support" isn't a very good leg to stand on.
Some is fluff and flutter and complain, I agree. But that's purely his free will talking.You actually go to my scholars every time you open a commentary or concordance for crying out loud. Do you think before you speak?I'm beginning to think you guys emote quite a bit when cornered. These last responses from all of you are posturing posts with no substance other than "I love Open Theism and am hurt you'd think to question it." Look at Clete's as well, nothing but a lot of fluff and flutter and complaint that "Lon is being mean to us."
I like you, Lon. I enjoy much of your content, and I often "like" your posts. But when it comes to this topic, you let your feelings (a free will concept) get in the way.I am not. I'm talking about Open Theism. Instead? It becomes a 'I don't like Lon" show![]()
You're assuming that Open Theism is what doesn't belong. Maybe the other options are what don't belong."Yes" I want you all to look a lot harder at what you've bought into with Open Theism. Why? Because I care. I care that you guys are so brainwashed you can't see in this thread that your ideas are being significantly challenged. Nobody likes to be wrong. Be wrong and get it right.
The pharisees used scriptures 'for their own well being' instead of doing theology, they did self-interest. So, my point, ever, is to allow God to eradicate what doesn't belong (between us).
In general I don't have a problem with those descriptions, when properly understood. You've even acknowledge my understanding of these a few times.I've been hear over 25 years. I've allowed Open Theism a lot of assailing without a lot of complaint (not much at all, which is why I got 'whishy washy'). I took the challenge: I don't believe Open Theism holds up. As I said, ultimately, even in Open Theism, God has to become Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent.
Win against whom? Only against someone who has free will to seek to defeat Him. And if free will to seek such, then free will to seek the opposite.Prayer banks on a God who is an incredible Master Chess Player. One that can win.
God lost, temporarily, before the flood. God lost regularly in Canaan in the time of Judges. In the end, God will not lose, but if God never loses, then He must support and endorse sin in your view.I simply see God never loses.
I didn't see the point in most of it, except to repeat your own posturing, which I've rejected as fluff and flutter and complaining. Sound familiar? But I think you can do better, just as you think I can.Open Theists think He loses sometimes, not on purpose. You say it doesn't support scripture? Prove it in thread. This ain't it. It isn't but posturing. Do I know why? I think I do. There aren't many reasons for it other than 'reasons for posturing' without an iota of support or address. Do better. You skipped the last post that was discussing these maters. -Lon