I believe in grace G.M.,,,,and I also believe there are a great multitude among us who aren't that confident in the cross.
,,Again, I believe there are many,being unsure that the blood of the cross reconciled them of their lack of ability to reason through and comprehend the works that they should have done,but didn't,because they couldn't muster up the strength to accomplish those things they should have done.
,,,And that also it is apparent in their works and the words they type that they also do not believe that the lord Jesus Christ is the provider, whom has done the very work of their salvation,Grace.
It makes me cry to see them. They are in a panic,the panic of unbelief. They in believing not that the Lord has made a mince their weakness seek to fulfill that which they believe in their hearts has not yet been fulfilled,the work of their salvation.
The Lord hath undergone an bitter agony,an huge waist of energy in his efforts to deliver them their salvation,it seems they think. Why would they,or why should they believe in Grace seeing that they in their great intelligence and supreme strengths in abilities of preforming the works of salvation trust or believe that they are saved by any other work other than their own?
Here is the division,the separation of those who believe in Grace from those who do not,that they would struggle to do the very thing that they believe he did not,,,let them all claim to be the Christ,the Savior,,,many shall come,many are present.
I believe in Grace,,,and I am in the midst of loving you,