
...A Grace Gospel Believer is one who knows how to Rightly Divide the Scriptures...

:yawn: They weren't written to you...for you, remember? 2 Pe 2:1

"One of the first lessons we must learn in reading the Bible is to distinguish between that which is written to us and that which is written for us. Not all the Bible is directed to us, but all the Bible is for us." ~ J. Vernon McGee 2 Ti 3:16

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
:yawn: They weren't written to you...for you, remember? 2 Pe 2:1

"One of the first lessons we must learn in reading the Bible is to distinguish between that which is written to us and that which is written for us. Not all the Bible is directed to us, but all the Bible is for us." ~ J. Vernon McGee 2 Ti 3:16

Yep, Romans through Philemon.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
:yawn: They weren't written to you...for you, remember? 2 Pe 2:1

"One of the first lessons we must learn in reading the Bible is to distinguish between that which is written to us and that which is written for us. Not all the Bible is directed to us, but all the Bible is for us." ~ J. Vernon McGee 2 Ti 3:16

One of your problems may be that you don't read/study the Scriptures enough? Have you ever read the entire Bible cover to cover, word for word, and name for name?


New member
A Grace Gospel Believer is one who knows how to Rightly Divide the Scriptures. Knows that one must hear the Gospel and place ALL their faith in Christ as their Savior. They believe that by doing so, the Holy Spirit seals, indwells, and baptizes (not by water) them into the Body of Christ. They also receive the righteousness of Christ and are guaranteed eternal life which they cannot lose under any circumstances.

They become a "Child of God" through this Spiritual process. In their position in Christ, they have no sin, however, while they are still in their flesh, they're still susceptible to sin and are thus in a position to be disciplined by God the Father. GG Believers believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, yet, these three are one. In essence, God the Son came to earth in the flesh, without sin. He died on the cross, was buried and resurrected. He took upon Himself the sins of ALL Humanity, however, only those who hear the Gospel and place their faith in Christ will reap the benefit. Those who reject the Gospel (Christ) will stand before God the Father and be judged by their works and cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

The Apostle Paul was given the "Grace Gospel" by the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ and subsequently made the Apostle to the Gentiles. Whereas, Peter preached the Kingdom Gospel to the House of Israel. Paul's Gospel to the Gentiles included, "Faith without works" in order to enter eternal life. Peter's Gospel was: Faith and works." Today, we go by Paul's "Grace Gospel" and it includes both Jew and Gentile alike. Therefore, we're all saved by faith alone without works.
Thank you very much for your attempted clarification. So what of those who understand works to be a product of Faith? Understanding too, of course that no work is for the sight of man or reward of any sort, but a product or effect of the grace of GOD and Faith?

Why such emphasis on spiritual baptism without water baptism? I thought water baptism was a sign of spiritual baptism of sorts.

Lastly; I find that if one really, utterly believes in the Word of GOD they would conduct themselves wholly as if so. Which is to say they know truthfully that the teaching and example of the Christ is without fault or waver and would carry themselves in like fashion, knowing such fully, without any doubt.

*to whomever may be reading this; this is simple honest inquiry, not judgement or passive aggressiveness. I am not rebuking or attacking anyone. People here speak of the gift of discernment, so what better place than here to discern?

Peace, with humility

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
:yawn: They weren't written to you...for you, remember? 2 Pe 2:1

"One of the first lessons we must learn in reading the Bible is to distinguish between that which is written to us and that which is written for us. Not all the Bible is directed to us, but all the Bible is for us." ~ J. Vernon McGee 2 Ti 3:16

One of your problems may be that you don't read/study the Scriptures enough? Have you ever read the entire Bible cover to cover, word for word, and name for name? By the way, who was Peter speaking/referring to?

God's Truth

New member
Thank you very much for your attempted clarification. So what of those who understand works to be a product of Faith?

My beliefs are that faith without right action is dead and cannot save anyone, see James 2:14, 17, 20, and 22.

Understanding too, of course that no work is for the sight of man or reward of any sort, but a product or effect of the grace of GOD and Faith?

Paul says to work for the Lord and that we will receive an inheritance as our reward.

Colossians 3:23 23Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men, 24because you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as your reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.…

Why such emphasis on spiritual baptism without water baptism? I thought water baptism was a sign of spiritual baptism of sorts.

We should obey everything that Jesus says, and that includes water baptism.

Lastly; I find that if one really, utterly believes in the Word of GOD they would conduct themselves wholly as if so. Which is to say they know truthfully that the teaching and example of the Christ is without fault or waver and would carry themselves in like fashion, knowing such fully, without any doubt.

Jesus is the Way to the Father. We have to do what the Way says to get to the Father, and then continue to live obeying to stay with the Father. Obeying Jesus' words are Spirit and life. It is how we are transformed to his image. It is how we are blessed as his family and friend.
*to whomever may be reading this; this is simple honest inquiry, not judgement or passive aggressiveness. I am not rebuking or attacking anyone. People here speak of the gift of discernment, so what better place than here to discern?

Peace, with humility

Sent from my HTC Desire 512 using Tapatalk

Anytime you need a scripture reference just ask.


I admit my ignorance in reference to GOD's grace believers, and what the difference is between them and any other believer...
Greasy grace teachers
will be the ones in heaven with all the blood on their hands. They assure men that they are saved when they live like the devil. :banana: Those headed to hell will point at the greasy grace teacher
and say, "But greasy grace teacher
assured me that I was saved because I: signed a card, walked down an aisle, got baptized in a church..." Etc.

Two people know if you are saved--you and God. If you are led by the spirit, you belong to God (Ro 8:14).

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel. When you hear a word from My mouth, give them a warning from Me. If I say to the wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ but you do not warn him—you don’t speak out to warn him about his wicked way in order to save his life—that wicked person will die for his iniquity. Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood. But if you warn a wicked person and he does not turn from his wickedness or his wicked way, he will die for his iniquity, but you will have saved your life. Now if a righteous person turns from his righteousness and practices iniquity, and I put a stumbling block in front of him, he will die. If you did not warn him, he will die because of his sin and the righteous acts he did will not be remembered. Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood. But if you warn the righteous person that he should not sin, and he does not sin, he will indeed live because he listened to your warning, and you will have saved your life.” Eze 3:16–21

...Greasy grace teacher
will take scissors to this passage of scripture by the way.


New member
Greasy grace teachers
will be the ones in heaven with all the blood on their hands. They assure men that they are saved when they live like the devil. :banana: Those headed to hell will point at the greasy grace teacher
and say, "But greasy grace teacher
assured me that I was saved because I: signed a card, walked down an aisle, got baptized in a church..." Etc.

Two people know if you are saved--you and God. If you are led by the spirit, you belong to God (Ro 8:14).

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel. When you hear a word from My mouth, give them a warning from Me. If I say to the wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ but you do not warn him—you don’t speak out to warn him about his wicked way in order to save his life—that wicked person will die for his iniquity. Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood. But if you warn a wicked person and he does not turn from his wickedness or his wicked way, he will die for his iniquity, but you will have saved your life. Now if a righteous person turns from his righteousness and practices iniquity, and I put a stumbling block in front of him, he will die. If you did not warn him, he will die because of his sin and the righteous acts he did will not be remembered. Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood. But if you warn the righteous person that he should not sin, and he does not sin, he will indeed live because he listened to your warning, and you will have saved your life.” Eze 3:16–21

...Greasy grace teacher
will take scissors to this passage of scripture by the way.
I enjoyed the passage. Thank you.

Sent from my HTC Desire 512 using Tapatalk

Ben Masada

New member
Religiosity will not lead you to eternal life.

Hey GM, NOTHING will lead you to eternal life. Besides, to believe in any message about eternal life is the same as to believe in the Christian doctrine of the serpent. That's what, allegorically, happened in the Garden of Eden. The Lord said not to eat of the tree of knowledge or you would die and, the serpent said not to believe Him because if you do eat of the tree of knowledge, you will rather become the same as God Himself with eternal life. The truth though is that Adam & Eve had to be banned from the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating also of tree of life and live forever. Evidence of the fact is that up to this day, every one dies and no one lives forever.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey GM, NOTHING will lead you to eternal life. Besides, to believe in any message about eternal life is the same as to believe in the Christian doctrine of the serpent. That's what, allegory, happened in the Garden of Eden. The Lord said not to eat of the tree of knowledge or you would die and, the serpent said not to believe because if you do eat of the tree of knowledge, you will rather become the same as God Himself with eternal life. The truth though is that Adam & Eve had to be banned from the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating also of tree of life and live forever. Evidence of the fact is that up to our day, ever one dies and no one lives forever.

The Gospel heard and believed will lead you to eternal life. By the way, I respect the Jewish people and refuse to argue or do them harm in any way. So, don't expect an argument from GM.