How is it that the evolutionists . . .


Another thing of interest is the fact that the ancient life forms are still the same today.

All of them? trilobites?

Dogs and cats are ancient forms of life?

Maple trees are ancient forms of life?

What about roses and tulips? Ancient forms of life??

Seen any pterodactyls lately?

bony fish? right from the start of life? Who knew?


New member
All of them? trilobites?

Dogs and cats are ancient forms of life?

Maple trees are ancient forms of life?

What about roses and tulips? Ancient forms of life??

Seen any pterodactyls lately?

bony fish? right from the start of life? Who knew?

They have recently found a feathered bird from about 220 million years ago.
So they say.

How can a fossil be older than the rock and sediment?


Evolutionist have that animal life is older than plant life.
Try to figure that one out. Lol.

The latest major group of plants to evolve were the grasses, which became important in the mid-Paleogene, from around 40 million years ago. The oldest known dinosaur fossils belonged to small, meat-eating creatures found in South America that dated to around 230 million years ago.

Citation please.


I see. I understand. Thank you.

Now, perhaps you can answer the question what came first the plant or the seed?

Sure. First came the sea plants such as algee that evolved into land plants between 450 and 350 million years ago. The theory is that the first plants came from spores, some still do. Seeds might be evolutions way of keeping the embryo moist. For those of us who belive in God we can see the continuation of the "spark of life" regardless.


Well-known member
So the 2nd verse of the Bible contains the expression tohu wa-bohu, but no one is going to deal with it?

So much for intellectual honesty about the Bible.


New member
Charles Darwin coined the term “living fossil” in The Origin of Species to describe some creatures. Eventually, "living fossil" came to signify creatures that had emerged that had not changed. Today the term “Living fossil” is no longer a passing phrase.

The Horn

I fail to understand how anyone could believe in the preposterous idea of a young earth ,only 6,000 years old . It defies all logic and common sense . The ancient Sumerians already had an advanced civilization 6,000 years ago . Genesis must have come as quite a surprise to them ! LOL !!!

Cross Reference

New member
Sure. First came the sea plants such as algee that evolved into land plants between 450 and 350 million years ago. The theory is that the first plants came from spores, some still do. Seeds might be evolutions way of keeping the embryo moist. For those of us who belive in God we can see the continuation of the "spark of life" regardless.

But where did all begin that you can cite such an explanation??? It just didn't just happen by itself. What is so difficult to understand. If you are a man you must know you need a woman to produce a baby.

Both male and female in all their completeness can only produce a like offspring. Both male an female had to appear on the scene biologically complete at the same time for procreation to be made effective.

Jose Fly

New member
Still waiting for those citations and this "evolutionist website" that was claimed to be the source for some of the claims in this thread.


But where did all begin that you can cite such an explanation??? It just didn't just happen by itself. What is so difficult to understand. If you are a man you must know you need a woman to produce a baby.

Both male and female in all their completeness can only produce a like offspring. Both male an female had to appear on the scene biologically complete at the same time for procreation to be made effective.

I already told you point blank but you dismissed it out of hand. The undeniable evidence is that this planet has been the host of many ages of varied life forms. Human life is a very very recent development or mutation.

As I said before, I have no problem with God using cosmic evolution to get us to where we are now.

Cross Reference

New member
I already told you point blank but you dismissed it out of hand. The undeniable evidence is that this plant has been the host of many ages of varied life forms. Human life is a very very recent development or mutation.

OK. One more time: How did the process of evolution begin. It had to begin with something to work with to make happen that which we have wound up with. How did the beginning pieces it needed come into being, given there was nothing but darkness in which there could be nothing. Go for it.