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Surely you're not serious. You're joking right?
Of course it is not a joke. Any thing else would be saying that Christ is lying. Christ said his new body had flesh and bone.
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Surely you're not serious. You're joking right?
The passage in Jonah does not indicate that.
Of course it is not a joke. Any thing else would be saying that Chris is lying. Christ said his new body had flesh and bone.
Spirit beings are interdimensional, they can manifest themselves in a physical body when in the physical realm. Otherwise no one could see them, they would be invisible to human eyes.
For the time being we are one dimensional, we exist only in the physical realm.
Also Christ said he is not spirit.
I am a Judaic Christian that is Non-Denominational. Pastors and Rabbi's learn from me.
That is why it is such an excellent example of what happens when a person dies.
Jonah did not know he had been dead for over 72 hours. It seemed to him like nothing had happened.
OK, let's deal with this first. Is a flesh and bone person lighter than air?
Jonah 1 & 2 give no indication of what you are promoting here.
The Flesh and Bone body appear to be different than the Flesh and Blood body.
We know that Christ had a Flesh and Bone body and has a incorruptible body.
My question is, "Is a flesh and bone person lighter than air?"
Christ still has a flesh and bone body, we're it.
I do not know. Christ rose in the air but then again God is able to raise flesh and blood bodies into the air also.
Maybe not to you, but do you realize how deep the Mediterranean is?
Genesis 5:21-24 Enoch lived sixty-five years and begot Methuselah. After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God and he was not, for God took him.
Enoch lived 365 years and then God took him (he died)
Elijah was transported in a conveyance.
Christ rose into the clouds without a conveyance and he didn't even take a jacket.
He said he still has flesh and bone but that does not mean it is the same as ours. Paul said there are Spirit sown bodies.
What does that have to do with Jonah 1 & 2?