How important is the Sabbath?


New member
You are using the wrong verse. The feast day of Un-Leavened Bread was always on a Sunday when using the Biblical Calendar. That particular Sunday was also a REST DAY where no work was to be done. The women would not have attended his body that day because it was against the law. Luke 23:56
Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment. The Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread Exodus 12:16
On the first day hold a sacred assembly, and another one on the seventh day. Do no work at all on these days, except to prepare food for everyone to eat; that is all you may do.

Wait what?

the festival of unleavened bread was 7 days not one day

And it started the 15th day...the Passover...the lamb was slain and eaten the afternoon and night of the 14th

15th was a high sabbath as the Passover was every year...the first fruit followed the next day...


New member
Jonah was not dead...merely confined.

Jonah 2:2 Out of the belly of Sheol I cried and You heard my voice.

Sheol symbolizes the grave.

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Jonah died and Jesus died. Jonah was resurrected physically, but Jesus was resurrected as Spirit.


New member
Wait what?

the festival of unleavened bread was 7 days not one day

And it started the 15th day...the Passover...the lamb was slain and eaten the afternoon and night of the 14th

15th was a high sabbath as the Passover was every year...the first fruit followed the next day...

The 15th was always on a Sunday when using the Biblical Calendar. No work was to be done on the 15th. That would include preparing a grave body with spice. Firstfruits followed the 15th day of Un-Leavened Bread.


New member
First sentence is true. Second sentence is irrelevant. Niether responds to my post.

The other sabbaths, drink offerings, and festivals; they have nothing to do with the Sabbath Day Rest command. They have to do with the Mosaic priesthood.


New member
According to Matthew 28:1, there was neither Sunday night nor Monday day. Therefore, there were only two days and two nights. It means that the prophecy of Matthew 12:40 of the three days and three nights was proved to have been a hoax.

[FONT=&quot]The word "day" was added to that verse. Here is what it really says: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Matthew 28:1. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]That would be Tuesday morning.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The 15th of Sunday, of Un-Leavened Bread, it was also a day of rest were no work was to be done. That would include preparing a body for the grave.[/FONT]


New member
Jonah 2:2 Out of the belly of Sheol I cried and You heard my voice.

Sheol symbolizes the grave.

Psalm 116:3 says, "The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of Sheol got hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow." Also, "For great [is] thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest Sheol.( Psalm 86:13 )

I don't think David died and was resurrected.

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

I think the emphasis is on the time table not state of being. Jonah was there as a result of fleeing his mission, he was praying to be delivered and oh yeah surrounded by water so it is not exactly AS Jonah...

Jonah died and Jesus died. Jonah was resurrected physically, but Jesus was resurrected as Spirit.

Called a prophet of Yah in th NT what's he doing in hell, the final destination of those judged evil? How is it he was able to reverse that judgement and pray himself out of it? And out of death?

Only resurrected as Spirit? Then why was the tomb found empty? What happened to the body, His uncorrupted body?

Desirous to bring comfort and surety to His people you would think He would leave it as a relic or something...

patrick jane

Only resurrected as Spirit? Then why was the tomb found empty? What happened to the body, His uncorrupted body?

Desirous to bring comfort and surety to His people you would think He would leave it as a relic or something...
Because He came back in a glorified body for 40 days before the ascension.


New member
[FONT="]The word "[B]day[/B]" was added to that verse. Here is what it really says: [/FONT]
[FONT="]Matthew 28:1. [/FONT]
[FONT="]After the Sabbath, at dawn on the [B]first of the week[/B], Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. [/FONT]
[FONT="]That would be Tuesday morning.[/FONT]
[FONT="]The 15th of Sunday, of Un-Leavened Bread, it was also a day of rest were no work was to be done. That would include preparing a body for the grave.[/FONT]

Actually Mia ton sabbaton is "first of seven".

Seven what? Days of the week or first of seven sabbaths in the count to Pentecost?

The first of the week is Tuesday?

You are losing me.

The Passover floats on a calendar with first days through the fixed calendar of Sunday's.

Are you saying that the biblical first day that year was a Tuesday on the fixed one?


New member
Called a prophet of Yah in th NT what's he doing in hell, the final destination of those judged evil?

I don't know how much time you have spent in the belly of a great fish, but it's dark and there is no air.

The story of Jonah is a good example of what happens when a person dies. When the brain flatlines it can no longer process information from sensory inputs. A person doesn't know they're dead until they are restored to life such as Jonah was.

Jonah didn't know where he was until the great fish spit him out onto the beach.


Well-known member
Lunatic alert!

I ignore lunatics.


Yes, of course, your kind always see the truth from scripture and those who speak it as the lunatic fringe. You wave but you have no clue from where I come or where I go because the Father has used foolish things to confound the wise and "strong" in their own minds. You are strong by your own proclamation in a previous post, and no doubt you think you are strong because you eat the roasted flesh of the innocent formerly living souls and creatures of Elohim to satisfy the lust of your belly, as you said yourself that you are strong; but by your own admission you only reveal that you do not know the Spirit of the Word. :)


Active member
Jonah 2:2 Out of the belly of Sheol I cried and You heard my voice.

Sheol symbolizes the grave.

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Jonah died and Jesus died. Jonah was resurrected physically, but Jesus was resurrected as Spirit.

Jesus was not resurrected as spirit. He still has a body. A new body incorruptible but still a body.

Luke 24:39 "Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have."


New member
I don't know how much time you have spent in the belly of a great fish, but it's dark and there is no air.
ha...I haven't spent much time in a fiery furnace either but I know of three who did and merely walked around without their clothes singed.

Again, this sign is not AS Jonah was, but the time he spent confined.

The story of Jonah is a good example of what happens when a person dies. When the brain flatlines it can no longer process information from sensory inputs. A person doesn't know they're dead until they are restored to life such as Jonah was.

Jonah didn't know where he was until the great fish spit him out onto the beach.
Well now you condradict your own argument because he knew enough to pray and was able to. Are flat lined brains able to do that? Imagine how many would pray for that!


New member
Jesus was not resurrected as spirit. He still has a body. A new body incorruptible but still a body.

A Spirit being has an immaterial body of spirit but can manifest himself in a physical body in the physical dimension.


New member
ha...I haven't spent much time in a fiery furnace either but I know of three who did and merely walked around without their clothes singed.

Again, this sign is not AS Jonah was, but the time he spent confined.

Well now you condradict your own argument because he knew enough to pray and was able to. Are flat lined brains able to do that? Imagine how many would pray for that!

They saw four men in the furnace and Jonah's life was restored.

Dead men don't pray.


Active member
A Spirit being has an immaterial body of spirit but can manifest himself in a physical body in the physical dimension.

Do you have a verse for that? I have never seen anything like that in the bible. The body is a temple for God's spirit. Christ said his body is a temple. Christ also said he is not spirit.


New member
They saw four men in the furnace and Jonah's life was restored.

Dead men don't pray.

So how many men went in the furnace? How many came out?

I know three did the fourth they say looked like the son of gods, later described as an angel. Certainly no mere man.

And I agree, dead men don't pray...Jonah did.


Well-known member

Lol, yeah, that is what Clete implied in the following comments:

And the reverse is true as well. If a weaker brother doesn't eat pig meat, for example, then don't cause him to stumble by giving him cause to be offended by your liberty. But the one who observes such things is the WEAKER brother, not the other way around and so you certainly should not let him judge you because of your liberty.

Resting in Him,

In the mind of Clete the "WEAKER brother" is the one who does not eat pig meat. And because I responded in the way that I did Clete feels that as the STRONGER PIG FLESH EATER Clete has justification to label me a lunatic:

Funny how people quote such things and twist them around to suit their own viewpoints not realizing that Paul is always speaking of his own weaknesses and how it is that when he is weak Messiah is strong in and through him. That would likely be due, in the strictly physical sense, to the high probability that Paul was a vegetarian, (for "Thou shalt not murder-kill", period, without stipulation), eating only "broma" which concerns only those foods which Elohim has openly proclaimed from the beginning as foods to be consumed by mankind for physical nourishment, (Genesis 1:29). If one looks into most of the passages where Paul speaks of such things the same will find in most occasions that he uses the various forms of the word broma; and when a person looks honestly at what broma actually stands for in the older definitions it completely changes the meaning of what he is saying in most of those passages.

Lunatic alert!

I ignore lunatics.


But of course lunatic is a word used by the KJV, (ye olde spelling is "lunatick"), and the Greek word is σεληνιάζομαι, (seleniazomai), as employed in Matthew 4:24 in conjunction with those possessed of devils. However Clete again shows a complete lack of understanding and judges me without knowing me because the word lunatic is used in the scripture and literally means "moonstruck", (the first portion of the compound word seleniazomai, which is selene, is the moon in Greek), yet I myself neither follow a lunar calendar, nor the lunisolar calendar of the Jews, but rather of course the equinoctial solar calendar of the Essene-Nazarene community. :)