How do you take the bible


New member
Some of Paul's epistles are certainly for us, you just gave terrible advice. Paul teaches things that were told to him by the Risen Christ, it's new information for salvation that was given to Paul first by revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ.

What about Paul's view on women covering their head during prayer or women shouldn't have leadership roles in the church?

Those are two things I struggle with. And they are written no where in the gospels. I don't know what to believe about those and whether they apply to me today.

patrick jane

What about Paul's view on women covering their head during prayer or women shouldn't have leadership roles in the church?

Those are two things I struggle with. And they are written no where in the gospels. I don't know what to believe about those and whether they apply to me today.
Those things were customs of the times and cultural. We know that women can lead churches now and many women attend Church and are active in the Church. Those teachings are to be grazed over, but Paul's teachings of the gospel of grace are only found through Paul. Did you read Ephesians already ? It's directly to you and me.

1 Corinthians 4:15-16 KJV -


I'm just curious, how does everyone else read and interpret the bible? Do you take what Peter says as strongly and as equally as what Jesus says for example?

I mainly focus on what Jesus teaches and practiced in the New Testament and interpret everything else to harmonize to it.

We are, after all, calling ourselves Christ's followers. We ought to know what He teaches and practiced.

He is the perfect Teacher and says don't let anyone call you a teacher because He is the Teacher.

patrick jane

I mainly focus on what Jesus teaches and practiced in the New Testament and interpret everything else to harmonize to it.

We are, after all, Calling ourselves Christ's followers. We ought to know what He teaches and practiced.

He is the perfect Teacher and says don't let anyone call you a teacher because He is the Teacher.

Thanks teacher


New member
Those things were customs of the times and cultural. We know that women can lead churches now and many women attend Church and are active in the Church. Those teachings are to be grazed over, but Paul's teachings of the gospel of grace are only found through Paul. Did you read Ephesians already ? It's directly to you and me.

1 Corinthians 4:15-16 KJV -

I did read Ephesians. I loved the Book overall and agree with most of it. I'm lm not too sure about the husband and wive thing and the master and slave thing.

I always found Paul to be a little sexist.


New member
Taking the Old Testament as little to do with today and how I live my life.
If you want a love story..... read the OT.

If you like murder the OT.

How about erotica as God the OT.

Exciting genealogies / family the OT.

If you want the NT to come alive and be the OT.

The Bible is one continuous account from beginning to end of God redeeming us....loving us even while we were enemies with Him. "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved."

Perhaps you think I'm overselling the OT. I used to find it boring. But, honestly it has so much exciting, fascinating and relevant things for we Christians. When you study the various feasts....the OT tabernacles...the roles of the priest etc; the New Testament then starts to become a lot more meaningful. For example; would you like Easter to be more meaningful? The cross truly will become more meaningful if you understand the OT 'day of Atonement'.


If you want a love story..... read the OT.

If you like murder the OT.

How about erotica as God the OT.

Exciting genealogies / family the OT.

If you want the NT to come alive and be the OT.

The Bible is one continuous account from beginning to end of God redeeming us....loving us even while we were enemies with Him. "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved."

Perhaps you think I'm overselling the OT. I used to find it boring. But, honestly it has so much exciting, fascinating and relevant things for we Christians. When you study the various feasts....the OT tabernacles...the roles of the priest etc; the New Testament then starts to become a lot more meaningful. For example; would you like Easter to be more meaningful? The cross truly will become more meaningful if you understand the OT 'day of Atonement'.

Christianity is all about Jesus' teachings and He taught us how to practice.

We should take heed of how He read the OT.

why not take advantage of it and not to make the same mistakes that OP people did.


Jesus fulfilled the law by correcting OT people's mistakes.

Jesus fulfilled by practicing what God's original intention were for His people and the world.


New member
Christianity is all about Jesus' teachings and He taught us how to practice.

We should take heed of how He read the OT.

why not take advantage of it and not to make the same mistakes that OP people did.
Yes Meshak..... Christianity is about Christ and the cross. Everything in both OT and NT points to the cross.