• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

How did DNA originate?

Right Divider

Body part
Miller and Urey attempted to re-create the conditions of primordial Earth.
It's so cute when materialists tell us about re-creating completely unknown conditions.
In a flask, they combined ammonia, hydrogen, methane, and water vapor plus electrical sparks (Miller 1953).
Yes, fun speculations.
They found that new molecules were formed, and they identified these molecules as eleven standard amino acids. From this observation, they posited that the first organisms likely arose in an environment similar to the one they constructed in their flask, one rich in organic compounds, now widely described as the primordial soup. This hypothesis is further extended to the claim that, within this soup, single-celled organisms evolved.
Claims are easy to make.


Well-known member
Miller and Urey attempted to re-create the conditions of primordial Earth. In a flask, they combined ammonia, hydrogen, methane, and water vapor plus electrical sparks (Miller 1953). They found that new molecules were formed, and they identified these molecules as eleven standard amino acids. From this observation, they posited that the first organisms likely arose in an environment similar to the one they constructed in their flask, one rich in organic compounds, now widely described as the primordial soup. This hypothesis is further extended to the claim that, within this soup, single-celled organisms evolved.
Miller and Urey assumed earth had a hostile environment at the beginning, a hostile environment that somehow unexplainably miraculously changed mid-stream after the first chemical amino acids were also miraculously formed without intelligence or design and jumped into life in a way that has no scientific support.


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. . . any second now new life will arise! Just a matter of time!
Miraculously jumping into life is the foundational speculation that underlies the miracle of original life formation on earth that secularists claim without evidence did not involve God. The miracle of life formation cannot be explained scientifically except by the erroneous theory that given enough time any impossible thing will happen.

Nobel Laureate George Wald explained the unscientific dogma well:

“When it comes to the origin of life there are only two possibilities: creation or spontaneous generation. There is no third way. Spontaneous generation was disproved one hundred years ago, but that leads us to only one other conclusion, that of supernatural creation. We cannot accept that on philosophical grounds; therefore, we choose to believe the impossible: that life arose spontaneously by chance!”
-- George Wald
That is something atheists and assorted Bible-rejecters cannot answer in scientific terms. Without intelligent design at the beginning DNA would have never become the essential part of life on earth that it is. But God-rejecters have no scientific clue where the intelligent design came from which created DNA. Francis Crick was awarded a Nobel Prize for his research into DNA, and he suggested DNA came to earth on spaceships piloted by aliens. I guess Crick refused to believe God designed and created life on earth just like the Bible says.

More importantly how did RNA come to exist, without it life would not exist - they think they have found an explanation for DNA

And until recently they were searching for how RNA came about. And they concluded in the past few years, it came from outer space.

Yes they would rather believe life began on Earth through the process of panspermia or abiogenesis.

And to be frank and honest the definition of extraterrestrial/alien is anything not of this Earth. Both words are fairly new words of the 20th century. God our Father is not of this Earth, none of the Angels of heaven are from this Earth.

Jesus said in my Father's house are many mansions and he wasn't talking about buildings.
Jesus said my kingdom "is not of this world."
Jesus came "down" to earth.
Jesus went back "up" to heaven.
And if you think about what people these days say aliens are doing, feats they perform _ when you open your Bible and read it you see the exact same thing _ from Angels appearing and disappearing to brightess of light, to Elijah being taken up.
According to the definition of the word alien, meaning unworldly, Francis Crick is right.
The sad thing is far too many people refuse to put the pieces together - Christians think Little Green Man or some sci-fi creature defined as alien, when that's not the case. Scientist/atheist think advanced other worldly life forms, which is the case but they refuse to see him as God, the ancient of days, the Creator of all things visible and that which man can't see in the universe.
Please anyone that reads my words don't get angry - just going by the definition of the words.
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More importantly how did RNA come to exist, without it life would not exist - they think they have found an explanation for DNA

And until recently they were searching for how RNA came about. And they concluded in the past few years, it came from outer space.

Yes they would rather believe life began on Earth through the process of panspermia or abiogenesis.

And to be frank and honest the definition of extraterrestrial/alien is anything not of this Earth. Both words are fairly new words of the 20th century. God our Father is not of this Earth, none of the Angels of heaven are from this Earth.

Jesus said in my Father's house are many mansions and he wasn't talking about buildings.
Jesus said my kingdom "is not of this world."
Jesus came "down" to earth.
Jesus went back "up" to heaven.
And if you think about what people these days say aliens are doing, feats they perform _ when you open your Bible and read it you see the exact same thing _ from Angels appearing and disappearing to brightess of light, to Elijah being taken up.
According to the definition of the word alien, meaning unworldly, Francis Crick is right.
The sad thing is far too many people refuse to put the pieces together - Christians think Little Green Man or some sci-fi creature defined as alien, when that's not the case. Scientist/atheist think advanced other worldly life forms, which is the case but they refuse to see him as God, the ancient of days, the Creator of all things visible and that which man can't see in the universe.
Please anyone that reads my words don't get angry - just going by the definition of the words.

Please do not post in ALL CAPS or in all bolded text.

This will be your only warning without consequence.
This will be your only warning without consequence.
I didn't realize I voice typed it in all caps or bolded. I saw it was typing blacker than normal letters and frankly I saw nothing wrong with it - apparently I hit something in order for it to do that. Now I know on this site blacker than normal letters mean boldness and stay away.
I'm curious why would this be my only warning without consequences - seems to me there would be a consequence. Thank you


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I didn't realize I voice typed it in all caps or bolded. I saw it was typing blacker than normal letters and frankly I saw nothing wrong with it - apparently I hit something in order for it to do that. Now I know on this site blacker than normal letters mean boldness and stay away.
I'm curious why would this be my only warning without consequences - seems to me there would be a consequence. Thank you

Because of situations exactly like this.
That is something atheists and assorted Bible-rejecters cannot answer in scientific terms. Without intelligent design at the beginning DNA would have never become the essential part of life on earth that it is. But God-rejecters have no scientific clue where the intelligent design came from which created DNA. Francis Crick was awarded a Nobel Prize for his research into DNA, and he suggested DNA came to earth on spaceships piloted by aliens. I guess Crick refused to believe God designed and created life on earth just like the Bible says.
Agreed - but a better question is how did the RNA come into existence without it life would not exist.

At one point scientists admit it they had no idea where it comes from.

Now they're saying: those who believe in abiogenesis it sprung up spontaneously from none life and those who believe in panspermia says it come from outer space too.


They have no idea!
That is something atheists and assorted Bible-rejecters cannot answer in scientific terms. Without intelligent design at the beginning DNA would have never become the essential part of life on earth that it is. But God-rejecters have no scientific clue where the intelligent design came from which created DNA. Francis Crick was awarded a Nobel Prize for his research into DNA, and he suggested DNA came to earth on spaceships piloted by aliens. I guess Crick refused to believe God designed and created life on earth just like the Bible says.
Scientifically they say that either DNA came from and that includes RNA, asteroids which fell to Earth, meaning from outer space or it sprung up spontaneously in the primordial soup mix.

And evidence is greatly growing have extraterrestrial activities and to those who have witnessed those crafts knowledge of them is in refutable..... And I have to ask what are the chariots of God - what exactly was Ezekiel's wheel that had the four cherubims - are those actually UFOs in the centuries old paintings of Jesus and Mary painting. Would Elijah and Enoch not be considered as abductees today - and it's amazing how eye witness accounts and the accounts of angelic capabilities seem to go hand in hand. And then one truly has to wonder what is the definition of alien or extraterrestrial: beings not from Earth.

Right Divider

Body part
Scientifically they say that either DNA came from and that includes RNA, asteroids which fell to Earth, meaning from outer space or it sprung up spontaneously in the primordial soup mix.
Who is THEY? I'd say that it's typically atheists and secularists that are opposed to the truth that God created DNA when He created life.
And evidence is greatly growing have extraterrestrial activities and to those who have witnessed those crafts knowledge of them is in refutable.....
What in the world is this supposed to mean?
And I have to ask what are the chariots of God - what exactly was Ezekiel's wheel that had the four cherubims - are those actually UFOs in the centuries old paintings of Jesus and Mary painting. Would Elijah and Enoch not be considered as abductees today - and it's amazing how eye witness accounts and the accounts of angelic capabilities seem to go hand in hand. And then one truly has to wonder what is the definition of alien or extraterrestrial: beings not from Earth.
You've gone off into fantasy land.

Eric h

Well-known member
Scientifically they say that either DNA came from and that includes RNA, asteroids which fell to Earth, meaning from outer space or it sprung up spontaneously in the primordial soup mix.

Meaning they haven't a clue. Which one is it?

We know for sure that life can survive on Earth, we have the evidence today. It would make far more sense that life started here on Earth. rather than some asteroid, or other planet. But how could life start purely by natural causes if there is no God?

And some fun numbers to play with. Our bodies are made up of around thirty trillion cells. They are being renewed at the rate of around 350 billion cells every day, or about three million cells every second. Imagine, producing and completing a three million piece jigsaw puzzle; of a human skeleton every second; for seventy years. I struggle to do a thousand piece jig saw in a week.

How was the Big Bang set in motion? How could a random life carrying asteroid that was born from the Big Bang, set all this in motion?

If the universe and life started by natural causes, we need to know a truthful explanation, with hard evidence, that can be tested. Failing that, all you have are beliefs.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That is something atheists and assorted Bible-rejecters cannot answer in scientific terms. Without intelligent design at the beginning DNA would have never become the essential part of life on earth that it is. But God-rejecters have no scientific clue where the intelligent design came from which created DNA. Francis Crick was awarded a Nobel Prize for his research into DNA, and he suggested DNA came to earth on spaceships piloted by aliens. I guess Crick refused to believe God designed and created life on earth just like the Bible says.
I have no idea what a gene is. But I was reading a while back about an engineered organism that someone made in a lab. They said there were something like 463 genes in the DNA that they had to splice together and if just one of those 463 genes was missing, the DNA wouldn't live. (They checked.) Once it had the whole set of genes then it would live.

I was astounded that the simplest organism they could identify had 463 genes in it and every single one of them is needed in order for the organism to live. If that's how many genes the simplest organisms need, I wonder how many that more sophisticated organisms need.