How Corrupt and Evil Hillary's Campaign Is

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Don't they have a secret ballot in USA? How do you know how the dead are voting? Are you peeking over 4 million dead people's shoulder every voting day? That's creepy....:rotfl:

That's a fair question. The point that George Will made is that voter rolls are supposed to be purged on a regular basis and the Democrats resist efforts to do it, so one must ask themselves why? Probably for the same reason that they attack the very reasonable idea of someone having to show their ID to prove who they are at the polls, because they want voter fraud. Cheating and lying is the way of the Democrats.


New member
Hall of Fame
Don't they have a secret ballot in USA? How do you know how the dead are voting? Are you peeking over 4 million dead people's shoulder every voting day? That's creepy....:rotfl:

They have to register to vote and in many places show id. Thats how they know. It doesnt tell them who they voted for, but that they showed up (or sent in an absentee ballot) and signed off on it being them.

Havent you ever voted?

They are able then to check the names and adresses and registry of those listed on voter registration rolls.


Active member
That's a fair question. The point that George Will made is that voter rolls are supposed to be purged on a regular basis and the Democrats resist efforts to do it, so one must ask themselves why?
Unless it's because Republicans are trying to disenfranchise legitimate voters who'll probably vote Democrat. I admit I don't understand all the nuances involved.


Active member
They have to register to vote and in many places show id. Thats how they know. It doesnt tell them who they voted for, but that they showed up (or sent in an absentee ballot) and signed off on it being them.

Havent you ever voted? they may have voted Republican...


Active member
Well in most states one has to register as either a republican or democrat or independant etc.. and there are rules about voting in primaries, are you an american?
No A4T I'm Canadian, we don't need to register here as to party. I freely admitted I don't understand all the nuances involved here so thanks for your help!:p