How accurate is your Bible translation version?


I apologize. I viewed the other response literal seconds after posting my own. Had I seen the other, I would not have mentioned it. My fault.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL
Thanks for the apology. Been through it.

Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk


Well-known member
This chart is inaccurate. While I agree that "word for word" translations are best in terms of accuracy, several on the chart are misplaced. One must also take into account scholastic input, Manuscript comparison, cross-referencing and analysis, etc.

As far as several posts referencing a text that is "easier to understand," there are scholastic versions, which are nearly "word for word," such as the RSV. Personally, the excuse of inability to read older scholastic versions is lame (granted, I practically cut my teeth with the KJV).

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

You can always take it up with Brent macDonald, perhaps you could help them with version 4d? :chuckle:

Right Divider

Body part
Prior to my coming on this site, did I or any one of JWs ever attack you verbally or physically? (Please provide details). Did I/we call you names, insult your intelligence, make assertions about your heritage, accuse you of anything at all?

If not, why all this hostility?
JW's always feel so "persecuted" when their beliefs are shown to be incorrect. Too bad.

When you started replying to my posts, everything appeared okay. When it became clear that I'm one of JWs, your attitude changed.
All in your "persecuted" imagination.

Are you really that shallow that you can't have a civil conversation with someone, including JWs, without bringing out the claws and fangs? I realize that I reacted badly to your reaction, and for that I am sorry.
No, "claws and fangs". But thanks for the apology.

My only reason for being on TOL is to share what I know to be the truth of the Bible. Maybe you're here for the same reason. Does something so benign make the two of us enemies who have never even met?
You're only my enemy when you're an enemy of the LORD Jesus Christ. So long as you blaspheme Him, we will be at odds.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I have a good friend who grew up JW. After speaking to her I have learned the the JW organization is a vile one. She had a close friend growing up, so close she considered him to be her brother. He had problems. His home was abusive (A JW home, remember) and he had mental issues. He made some bad choices and the Temple disfollowshiped him according to what the NWT instructed. This lead directly to his suicide. All of the people that loved and cared about him were forbidden to speak to him. The JW elders completely removed his family and friends from his live. He was left all alone when he desperately needed love and support. Abandoning people who need help is certainly not a Christlike quality.

In another instance, my friends sister was in an abusive marriage. He hit his wife and cheated on her. She tried and tried to do what was expected of her including going to the temple elders for help. Since she was a woman, they took the husbands side and ignored her. She finally filed for a divorce and the court documents showed that the husband was abusive and a philanderer so the elders had no choice but too disfellowship him. In their worldly wisdom (for it certainly was not Godly), they disfellowshiped her as well. Again, her friends and family were not allowed to speak to her and she fell into a drug addiction. Again, a complete lack of Christlike qualities in the elders.

I have met her family and they can be the most hypocritical bunch you have ever met. They wont celebrate Christmas but they will get together on the 26th for a "family dinner". Can't celebrate Thanksgiving but we can get together for a "family dinner" on Saturday. Mustn't celebrate the grandkids birthday but its okay to bring them by a little surprise a day or two later.

It seems that the JW's spend so much time attempting to defend their translation that they forget to actually read it and learn what Jesus actually taught about loving God and your neighbor.


I have a good friend who grew up JW. After speaking to her I have learned the the JW organization is a vile one. She had a close friend growing up, so close she considered him to be her brother. He had problems. His home was abusive (A JW home, remember) and he had mental issues. He made some bad choices and the Temple disfollowshiped him according to what the NWT instructed. This lead directly to his suicide. All of the people that loved and cared about him were forbidden to speak to him. The JW elders completely removed his family and friends from his live. He was left all alone when he desperately needed love and support. Abandoning people who need help is certainly not a Christlike quality.

In another instance, my friends sister was in an abusive marriage. He hit his wife and cheated on her. She tried and tried to do what was expected of her including going to the temple elders for help. Since she was a woman, they took the husbands side and ignored her. She finally filed for a divorce and the court documents showed that the husband was abusive and a philanderer so the elders had no choice but too disfellowship him. In their worldly wisdom (for it certainly was not Godly), they disfellowshiped her as well. Again, her friends and family were not allowed to speak to her and she fell into a drug addiction. Again, a complete lack of Christlike qualities in the elders.

I have met her family and they can be the most hypocritical bunch you have ever met. They wont celebrate Christmas but they will get together on the 26th for a "family dinner". Can't celebrate Thanksgiving but we can get together for a "family dinner" on Saturday. Mustn't celebrate the grandkids birthday but its okay to bring them by a little surprise a day or two later.

It seems that the JW's spend so much time attempting to defend their translation that they forget to actually read it and learn what Jesus actually taught about loving God and your neighbor.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

I have a good friend who grew up JW. After speaking to her I have learned the the JW organization is a vile one. She had a close friend growing up, so close she considered him to be her brother. He had problems. His home was abusive (A JW home, remember) and he had mental issues. He made some bad choices and the Temple disfollowshiped him according to what the NWT instructed. This lead directly to his suicide. All of the people that loved and cared about him were forbidden to speak to him. The JW elders completely removed his family and friends from his live. He was left all alone when he desperately needed love and support. Abandoning people who need help is certainly not a Christlike quality.

In another instance, my friends sister was in an abusive marriage. He hit his wife and cheated on her. She tried and tried to do what was expected of her including going to the temple elders for help. Since she was a woman, they took the husbands side and ignored her. She finally filed for a divorce and the court documents showed that the husband was abusive and a philanderer so the elders had no choice but too disfellowship him. In their worldly wisdom (for it certainly was not Godly), they disfellowshiped her as well. Again, her friends and family were not allowed to speak to her and she fell into a drug addiction. Again, a complete lack of Christlike qualities in the elders.

I have met her family and they can be the most hypocritical bunch you have ever met. They wont celebrate Christmas but they will get together on the 26th for a "family dinner". Can't celebrate Thanksgiving but we can get together for a "family dinner" on Saturday. Mustn't celebrate the grandkids birthday but its okay to bring them by a little surprise a day or two later.

It seems that the JW's spend so much time attempting to defend their translation that they forget to actually read it and learn what Jesus actually taught about loving God and your neighbor.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.
I have a good friend who grew up JW. After speaking to her I have learned the the JW organization is a vile one. She had a close friend growing up, so close she considered him to be her brother. He had problems. His home was abusive (A JW home, remember) and he had mental issues. He made some bad choices and the Temple disfollowshiped him according to what the NWT instructed. This lead directly to his suicide. All of the people that loved and cared about him were forbidden to speak to him. The JW elders completely removed his family and friends from his live. He was left all alone when he desperately needed love and support. Abandoning people who need help is certainly not a Christlike quality.

In another instance, my friends sister was in an abusive marriage. He hit his wife and cheated on her. She tried and tried to do what was expected of her including going to the temple elders for help. Since she was a woman, they took the husbands side and ignored her. She finally filed for a divorce and the court documents showed that the husband was abusive and a philanderer so the elders had no choice but too disfellowship him. In their worldly wisdom (for it certainly was not Godly), they disfellowshiped her as well. Again, her friends and family were not allowed to speak to her and she fell into a drug addiction. Again, a complete lack of Christlike qualities in the elders.

I have met her family and they can be the most hypocritical bunch you have ever met. They wont celebrate Christmas but they will get together on the 26th for a "family dinner". Can't celebrate Thanksgiving but we can get together for a "family dinner" on Saturday. Mustn't celebrate the grandkids birthday but its okay to bring them by a little surprise a day or two later.

It seems that the JW's spend so much time attempting to defend their translation that they forget to actually read it and learn what Jesus actually taught about loving God and your neighbor.

I have a good friend who grew up JW. After speaking to her I have learned the the JW organization is a vile one. She had a close friend growing up, so close she considered him to be her brother. He had problems. His home was abusive (A JW home, remember) and he had mental issues. He made some bad choices and the Temple disfollowshiped him according to what the NWT instructed. This lead directly to his suicide. All of the people that loved and cared about him were forbidden to speak to him. The JW elders completely removed his family and friends from his live. He was left all alone when he desperately needed love and support. Abandoning people who need help is certainly not a Christlike quality.

In another instance, my friends sister was in an abusive marriage. He hit his wife and cheated on her. She tried and tried to do what was expected of her including going to the temple elders for help. Since she was a woman, they took the husbands side and ignored her. She finally filed for a divorce and the court documents showed that the husband was abusive and a philanderer so the elders had no choice but too disfellowship him. In their worldly wisdom (for it certainly was not Godly), they disfellowshiped her as well. Again, her friends and family were not allowed to speak to her and she fell into a drug addiction. Again, a complete lack of Christlike qualities in the elders.

I have met her family and they can be the most hypocritical bunch you have ever met. They wont celebrate Christmas but they will get together on the 26th for a "family dinner". Can't celebrate Thanksgiving but we can get together for a "family dinner" on Saturday. Mustn't celebrate the grandkids birthday but its okay to bring them by a little surprise a day or two later.

It seems that the JW's spend so much time attempting to defend their translation that they forget to actually read it and learn what Jesus actually taught about loving God and your neighbor.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

I have a good friend who grew up JW. After speaking to her I have learned the the JW organization is a vile one. She had a close friend growing up, so close she considered him to be her brother. He had problems. His home was abusive (A JW home, remember) and he had mental issues. He made some bad choices and the Temple disfollowshiped him according to what the NWT instructed. This lead directly to his suicide. All of the people that loved and cared about him were forbidden to speak to him. The JW elders completely removed his family and friends from his live. He was left all alone when he desperately needed love and support. Abandoning people who need help is certainly not a Christlike quality.

In another instance, my friends sister was in an abusive marriage. He hit his wife and cheated on her. She tried and tried to do what was expected of her including going to the temple elders for help. Since she was a woman, they took the husbands side and ignored her. She finally filed for a divorce and the court documents showed that the husband was abusive and a philanderer so the elders had no choice but too disfellowship him. In their worldly wisdom (for it certainly was not Godly), they disfellowshiped her as well. Again, her friends and family were not allowed to speak to her and she fell into a drug addiction. Again, a complete lack of Christlike qualities in the elders.

I have met her family and they can be the most hypocritical bunch you have ever met. They wont celebrate Christmas but they will get together on the 26th for a "family dinner". Can't celebrate Thanksgiving but we can get together for a "family dinner" on Saturday. Mustn't celebrate the grandkids birthday but its okay to bring them by a little surprise a day or two later.

It seems that the JW's spend so much time attempting to defend their translation that they forget to actually read it and learn what Jesus actually taught about loving God and your neighbor.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

I have a good friend who grew up JW. After speaking to her I have learned the the JW organization is a vile one. She had a close friend growing up, so close she considered him to be her brother. He had problems. His home was abusive (A JW home, remember) and he had mental issues. He made some bad choices and the Temple disfollowshiped him according to what the NWT instructed. This lead directly to his suicide. All of the people that loved and cared about him were forbidden to speak to him. The JW elders completely removed his family and friends from his live. He was left all alone when he desperately needed love and support. Abandoning people who need help is certainly not a Christlike quality.

In another instance, my friends sister was in an abusive marriage. He hit his wife and cheated on her. She tried and tried to do what was expected of her including going to the temple elders for help. Since she was a woman, they took the husbands side and ignored her. She finally filed for a divorce and the court documents showed that the husband was abusive and a philanderer so the elders had no choice but too disfellowship him. In their worldly wisdom (for it certainly was not Godly), they disfellowshiped her as well. Again, her friends and family were not allowed to speak to her and she fell into a drug addiction. Again, a complete lack of Christlike qualities in the elders.

I have met her family and they can be the most hypocritical bunch you have ever met. They wont celebrate Christmas but they will get together on the 26th for a "family dinner". Can't celebrate Thanksgiving but we can get together for a "family dinner" on Saturday. Mustn't celebrate the grandkids birthday but its okay to bring them by a little surprise a day or two later.

It seems that the JW's spend so much time attempting to defend their translation that they forget to actually read it and learn what Jesus actually taught about loving God and your neighbor.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

I have a good friend who grew up JW. After speaking to her I have learned the the JW organization is a vile one. She had a close friend growing up, so close she considered him to be her brother. He had problems. His home was abusive (A JW home, remember) and he had mental issues. He made some bad choices and the Temple disfollowshiped him according to what the NWT instructed. This lead directly to his suicide. All of the people that loved and cared about him were forbidden to speak to him. The JW elders completely removed his family and friends from his live. He was left all alone when he desperately needed love and support. Abandoning people who need help is certainly not a Christlike quality.

In another instance, my friends sister was in an abusive marriage. He hit his wife and cheated on her. She tried and tried to do what was expected of her including going to the temple elders for help. Since she was a woman, they took the husbands side and ignored her. She finally filed for a divorce and the court documents showed that the husband was abusive and a philanderer so the elders had no choice but too disfellowship him. In their worldly wisdom (for it certainly was not Godly), they disfellowshiped her as well. Again, her friends and family were not allowed to speak to her and she fell into a drug addiction. Again, a complete lack of Christlike qualities in the elders.

I have met her family and they can be the most hypocritical bunch you have ever met. They wont celebrate Christmas but they will get together on the 26th for a "family dinner". Can't celebrate Thanksgiving but we can get together for a "family dinner" on Saturday. Mustn't celebrate the grandkids birthday but its okay to bring them by a little surprise a day or two later.

It seems that the JW's spend so much time attempting to defend their translation that they forget to actually read it and learn what Jesus actually taught about loving God and your neighbor.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

We do not automatically disfellowship someone who commits a serious sin. If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned or disfellowshipped. The Bible clearly states: “Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.”—1 Corinthians 5:13.

I've known of many Witnesses who've been disfellowshipped, realized that the act they were engaged in was truly wrong, and after a prescribed time period were allowed to associate with the congregation again. It's called disciplining in righteousness.

What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah’s Witnesses? The religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue.

Disfellowshipped individuals may attend our religious services. If they wish, they may also receive spiritual counsel from congregation elders. The goal is to HELP each individual once more to qualify to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Disfellowshipped people who reject improper conduct and demonstrate a sincere desire to live by the Bible’s standards are always welcome to become members of the congregation again.

The elders who handled the individual cases you spoke of, and the people who were disfellowshiped, are the only ones who are supposed to know exactly what occurred, because it allows the offender to retain as much of their dignity as possible. As such, it's none of my, yours or anyone else's business what went on. There is no Monday morning quarterbacking in the congregation.

The outcome of someone's disfellowshipping is no one's fault except the offenders. That would be like blaming someone else because you robbed a bank and you were put in prison. The elders are not psychiatrists or psychologists. They take all of the information available for each situation and make a decision based on the person's attitude of repentance or unrepentance, using the Bible and earnest prayer. It never happens overnight or hastily.

As for family dinners, most every Witness around the world came from another religion and find that it's oftentimes hard to make an immediate break with their former traditions. So they have the family over a day or two after a holiday. Some have family get togethers after holidays because that's when everyone is off work, or when everyone's schedule permits it. Bottom line is that it's their conscience, personal decision and business, just as your choosing to celebrate any holidays you prefer to. The same applies to birthdays. In my experience, it's usually unbelieving parents and grandparents who give children gifts the day after. Witnesses normally give their children and grandchildren gifts year round.

As for defending our translation, I suppose you would to, especially if it was as accurate as the NWT.

Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk


Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

When someone is disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation it's because they have committed a SERIOUS sin and must be separated from the rest of the congregation, as per the Bible.

Allow me to clarify some of the statements you have made for your benefit and other's too.

We do not have temples. We have Kingdom Halls where everyone is invited.

We do not automatically disfellowship someone who commits a serious sin. If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned or disfellowshipped. The Bible clearly states: “Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.”—1 Corinthians 5:13.

I've known of many Witnesses who've been disfellowshipped, realized that the act they were engaged in was truly wrong, and after a prescribed time period were allowed to associate with the congregation again. It's called disciplining in righteousness.

What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah’s Witnesses? The religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue.

Disfellowshipped individuals may attend our religious services. If they wish, they may also receive spiritual counsel from congregation elders. The goal is to HELP each individual once more to qualify to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Disfellowshipped people who reject improper conduct and demonstrate a sincere desire to live by the Bible’s standards are always welcome to become members of the congregation again.

The elders who handled the individual cases you spoke of, and the people who were disfellowshiped, are the only ones who are supposed to know exactly what occurred, because it allows the offender to retain as much of their dignity as possible. As such, it's none of my, yours or anyone else's business what went on. There is no Monday morning quarterbacking in the congregation.

The outcome of someone's disfellowshipping is no one's fault except the offenders. That would be like blaming someone else because you robbed a bank and you were put in prison. The elders are not psychiatrists or psychologists. They take all of the information available for each situation and make a decision based on the person's attitude of repentance or unrepentance, using the Bible and earnest prayer. It never happens overnight or hastily.

As for family dinners, most every Witness around the world came from another religion and find that it's oftentimes hard to make an immediate break with their former traditions. So they have the family over a day or two after a holiday. Some have family get togethers after holidays because that's when everyone is off work, or when everyone's schedule permits it. Bottom line is that it's their conscience, personal decision and business, just as your choosing to celebrate any holidays you prefer to. The same applies to birthdays. In my experience, it's usually unbelieving parents and grandparents who give children gifts the day after. Witnesses normally give their children and grandchildren gifts year round.

As for defending our translation, I suppose you would to, especially if it was as accurate as the NWT.

Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk
Btw, I didn't post this over and over again. I Don't know what happened.

Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Greetings again dcon,
Btw, I didn't post this over and over again. I Don't know what happened.
Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk
You need a new device that hasn't got the jitters. There is a "Go advanced" option before posting, and this should show you if there is a repeat. You seem a very convinced and committed JW. Possibly it will take you many years to see the true perspective, and one step is to open the Bible and do some serious independent personal study by reading and meditating upon the word of God.

Kind regards


JW's always feel so "persecuted" when their beliefs are shown to be incorrect. Too bad.

All in your "persecuted" imagination.

No, "claws and fangs". But thanks for the apology.

You're only my enemy when you're an enemy of the LORD Jesus Christ. So long as you blaspheme Him, we will be at odds.
I've to make peace here as everyone here can see, I've even apologized as sincerely as possible and you won't have any of it. It's become painfully obvious that you are simply a hater of anyone who doesn't agree with you 100%, and on your terms only. If you ever get your head out of the darkness, maybe you'll find that it's not the world according to Right Divider, it's the world according to everyone who lives in it!!!

Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk

Right Divider

Body part
I've to make peace here as everyone here can see, I've even apologized as sincerely as possible and you won't have any of it.
I thanked you for your apology. Therefore, we can see that you have perception problems.

It's become painfully obvious that you are simply a hater of anyone who doesn't agree with you 100%, and on your terms only.
Wrong again... I'm neither a hater nor someone that needs 100% agreement.

If you ever get your head out of the darkness, maybe you'll find that it's not the world according to Right Divider, it's the world according to everyone who lives in it!!!
Another insult from the "true Christian".

P.S. So is the "average of all opinions" what you consider to be "the truth"?
Last edited:


JW's always feel so "persecuted" when their beliefs are shown to be incorrect. Too bad.

All in your "persecuted" imagination.

No, "claws and fangs". But thanks for the apology.

You're only my enemy when you're an enemy of the LORD Jesus Christ. So long as you blaspheme Him, we will be at odds.

Thanks for the apology would mean something if the rest of the message wasn't so acidic.

You, never show any compassion for anyone in your posts.

One of your main issues here, appears to be the name, Jehovah. Everyone has a name and sometimes even a title. God is a title, not a name. LORD is a title, not a name. Messiah is a title, not a name. Lord is a title, not a name. Dcon is a title, not a name. Right Divider is a title not a name.

Whether you like it or not, Jehovah is a name, Jesus is a name, I have a name, you obviously have a name. You definitely don't accept Jehovah as God's name, but that doesn't mean that it isn't.

You could spend your entire life trying to prove my beliefs incorrect, and never even scratch the surface.

Jesus is the Son of God and the promised Messiah. He is the ruler of his Father's Kingdom in heaven.

Very soon, people with attitudes such as yours, will have to know that God is Jehovah just before your destruction.

Allow me to list the verses that relate to that, so it won't be a surprise when it happens.

Isaiah 49:23, 26
Ezekiel 6:10
Ezekiel 6:10, 13, 14
Ezekiel 7:27
Ezekiel 12:15, 16
Ezekiel 13:9, 21
Ezekiel 15:7
Ezekiel 20:38
Ezekiel 23:49
Ezekiel 24:27
Ezekiel 25:11, 17
Ezekiel 28:23, 26
Ezekiel 29:6, 9, 16, 21
Ezekiel 30:8, 19, 25, 26
Ezekiel 32:15
Ezekiel 33:29
Ezekiel 34:27, 30
Ezekiel 35:15
Ezekiel 36:11, 38
Ezekiel 38:23
Ezekiel 39:6, 28

You must understand that these are not threats. Jehovah never does anything without giving people advance warning. But they are promises meant only for those who refuse to change.

Everyone has the choice to accept or refuse, only in this case, if you refuse, you die. You don't have to believe me. Just be prepared for it when it happens. That's it.

Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Thanks for the apology would mean something if the rest of the message wasn't so acidic.

I saw nothing "acidic" in RD's post. Would you see acidic in Jesus' words as well?

Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

You, never show any compassion for anyone in your posts.

The pharisees probably made the same claim.

Matthew 23:33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?​

You could spend your entire life trying to prove my beliefs incorrect, and never even scratch the surface.

True, one could, there are so many things wrong with your beliefs.

Very soon, people with attitudes such as yours, will have to know that God is Jehovah just before your destruction.

Those who know Jesus is God will be with Him.

There is NO CONDEMNATION for those IN Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

Everyone has the choice to accept or refuse, only in this case, if you refuse, you die. You don't have to believe me. Just be prepared for it when it happens. That's it.

It's too bad you have stumbled over the Rock of Offence. Romans 9:33 :nono:

patrick jane

Thanks for the apology would mean something if the rest of the message wasn't so acidic.

You, never show any compassion for anyone in your posts.

One of your main issues here, appears to be the name, Jehovah. Everyone has a name and sometimes even a title. God is a title, not a name. LORD is a title, not a name. Messiah is a title, not a name. Lord is a title, not a name. Dcon is a title, not a name. Right Divider is a title not a name.

Whether you like it or not, Jehovah is a name, Jesus is a name, I have a name, you obviously have a name. You definitely don't accept Jehovah as God's name, but that doesn't mean that it isn't.

You could spend your entire life trying to prove my beliefs incorrect, and never even scratch the surface.

Jesus is the Son of God and the promised Messiah. He is the ruler of his Father's Kingdom in heaven.

Very soon, people with attitudes such as yours, will have to know that God is Jehovah just before your destruction.

Allow me to list the verses that relate to that, so it won't be a surprise when it happens.

Isaiah 49:23, 26
Ezekiel 6:10
Ezekiel 6:10, 13, 14
Ezekiel 7:27
Ezekiel 12:15, 16
Ezekiel 13:9, 21
Ezekiel 15:7
Ezekiel 20:38
Ezekiel 23:49
Ezekiel 24:27
Ezekiel 25:11, 17
Ezekiel 28:23, 26
Ezekiel 29:6, 9, 16, 21
Ezekiel 30:8, 19, 25, 26
Ezekiel 32:15
Ezekiel 33:29
Ezekiel 34:27, 30
Ezekiel 35:15
Ezekiel 36:11, 38
Ezekiel 38:23
Ezekiel 39:6, 28

You must understand that these are not threats. Jehovah never does anything without giving people advance warning. But they are promises meant only for those who refuse to change.

Everyone has the choice to accept or refuse, only in this case, if you refuse, you die. You don't have to believe me. Just be prepared for it when it happens. That's it.

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John 1:1-3 KJV

John 1:14 KJV -

Philippians 2:10-11 KJV -

Romans 14:11 KJV -

Isaiah 45:23 KJV -

Revelation 1:7 KJV -

Revelation 5:13 KJV -

Hebrews 13:8 KJV -

You've been told. You had your warning. Be prepared.

Read my signature at the bottom of the post.


I saw nothing "acidic" in RD's post. Would you see acidic in Jesus' words as well?

Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

The pharisees probably made the same claim.

Matthew 23:33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?​

True, one could, there are so many things wrong with your beliefs.

Those who know Jesus is God will be with Him.

There is NO CONDEMNATION for those IN Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

It's too bad you have stumbled over the Rock of Offence. Romans 9:33 :nono:
glorydaz; I guess you're here to join the happy couple in Holy matrimony! Before you talk about marewidge, make sure one of them has the wing.

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John 1:1-3 KJV

John 1:14 KJV -

Philippians 2:10-11 KJV -

Romans 14:11 KJV -

Isaiah 45:23 KJV -

Revelation 1:7 KJV -

Revelation 5:13 KJV -

Hebrews 13:8 KJV -

You've been told. You had your warning. Be prepared.

Read my signature at the bottom of the post.
You're here for the wedding, too?

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