Hooray For Pedophilia!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Kansas passed a law in 2011 demanding the Kansas Department for Children and Families (KDCF) produce child sex abuse records from abortion clinics.

KDCF never did it in the past 12 years despite abortion clinics reporting child sex abuse (who knows how many cases went unreported, though!).

The Topeka Capital-Journal found out when it requested the records after reports that a 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio traveled to Indiana for an abortion.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Kansas passed a law in 2011 demanding the Kansas Department for Children and Families (KDCF) produce child sex abuse records from abortion clinics.

KDCF never did it in the past 12 years despite abortion clinics reporting child sex abuse (who knows how many cases went unreported, though!).

The Topeka Capital-Journal found out when it requested the records after reports that a 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio traveled to Indiana for an abortion.

No such law exists in New York state and many others. In New York a 10-year-old can get an abortion and the abortionist effectively covers up the evidence of the rape that occurred.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Arizona Department of Education (ADE) Superintendent Kathy Hoffman is facing a lawsuit for advertising links to chat rooms where minors discuss sex and gender with adults present and without parents necessarily knowing.



Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
:) When I was a child my buddy Mickey was always there, one way or another, to entertain and spark my imagination. I went to his parks, watched his movies and even flew on Eastern Airlines to visit my Grandparents.

I loved Mickey...But he's gotten old now. He's old and I think dementia has set in. :unsure:

:cry:As much as I loved and miss my old friend...He's not the Mickey I knew anymore...Michael just isn't the same.

It's not a good idea to trust Michael Mouse around children anymore. :cautious:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Teach a child to behave like a sex addicted animal and don't be surprised when they act like a sex addicted animal

You don't have to teach them, that's the secret (that all groomers know). All you need do is expose them to R-rated content, and then the children will do the rest themselves. And by that I mean, they will immediately commence falling directly into a deep pit, that they will be unable to climb out of for decades, if ever.

Groomers know this. The stupidest thing is that parents don't. They have fallen for the trick, and they leave their kids defenseless, when they should be protecting them from people who want to push R-rated content onto their kids.

"What's wrong with parents these days?"----Jim Lahey, Trailer-visor of the super-park