Hooray For Pedophilia!


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And to think the democrat party must give these people a voice in public in exchange for their crooked voting support while shutting down Christian and conservative voices.

This is exactly why democracy is evil, because it gives the wicked just as much say as the righteous.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
This is exactly why democracy is evil, because it gives the wicked just as much say as the righteous.
But it puts the onus on the righteous to work hard to persuade the wicked to stop being wicked, so that there is a stable majority of the righteous who always outvote the wicked.

And if you can't persuade the wicked, such as for example in the racist slave owning planters in the South in 1865, then the righteous might have to use righteous force.


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This is exactly why democracy is evil, because it gives the wicked just as much say as the righteous.
I agree. In a democracy all you need in order to do wrong is to achieve a majority in the mob to approve like has been seen in the past democrat mob lynchings of blacks without a trial.


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But it puts the onus on the righteous to work hard to persuade the wicked to stop being wicked,

That's the case regardless of whether it's a democracy or a monarchy.

so that there is a stable majority of the righteous who always outvote the wicked.

Jesus said the majority is evil, wicked. Why would you want a system that guarantees that outcomes are determined by the majority, which effectively guarantees a system that is always in rebellion against God?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's the case regardless of whether it's a democracy or a monarchy.
OK. But in America it's 'set up' so that when the righteous are a majority, then everything just goes so easily and smoothly.
Jesus said the majority is evil, wicked.
Which chapter and verse are you alluding to? Let's see if it's verbatim or if you're interpreting His words.
Why would you want a system that guarantees that outcomes are determined by the majority, which effectively guarantees a system that is always in rebellion against God?
Your conclusion is valid if Jesus actually did mean that always all majorities are "evil, wicked."

Otherwise however, my political ideology is going to remain America First and MAGA.

So let's see those verses.


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But it puts the onus on the righteous to work hard to persuade the wicked to stop being wicked, so that there is a stable majority of the righteous who always outvote the wicked.

And if you can't persuade the wicked, such as for example in the racist slave owning planters in the South in 1865, then the righteous might have to use righteous force.
Yikes !
What happened to love your enemies, and pray for them, and do good to them?


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OK. But in America it's 'set up' so that when the righteous are a majority, then everything just goes so easily and smoothly.
Sadly, that will never happen.
Which chapter and verse are you alluding to? Let's see if it's verbatim or if you're interpreting His words.
How about John 3:19..."And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness."
What percent of the world is John's "we"?


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OK. But in America it's 'set up' so that when the righteous are a majority, then everything just goes so easily and smoothly.

It's also set up so that that's almost never going to happen, and things will just go "so easily and smoothly for the wicked, because in majority rule, the wickeds have it.

Which chapter and verse are you alluding to? Let's see if it's verbatim or if you're interpreting His words.

I never said it was a verbatim quote. It's a principle taught throughout the Bible.

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. - Matthew 7:13-14 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew7:13-14&version=NKJV

The majority of Israel's kings were wicked.
The majority of Israel's priests were wicked.
The majority of Israel rejected her Messiah, and so God cut them off.

Your conclusion is valid if Jesus actually did mean that always all majorities are "evil, wicked."

Where did I say it was an absolute rule?

Otherwise however, my political ideology is going to remain America First and MAGA.

So let's see those verses.

Your commitment should be to God and His word, not a political entity.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's also set up so that that's almost never going to happen, and things will just go "so easily and smoothly for the wicked, because in majority rule, the wickeds have it.
I disagree.
I never said it was a verbatim quote. It's a principle taught throughout the Bible.

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. - Matthew 7:13-14 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew7:13-14&version=NKJV
I believe the Bible. I need to see how this is an enduring principle that the New Testament isn't meant to overcome, because that's my view, and I don't see any scripture in necessary conflict with my view.
The majority of Israel's kings were wicked.
The majority of Israel's priests were wicked.
What is your evidence supporting this claim? I grant that there were a lot of wicked priests but I stop short of therefore believing that "the majority" of them were.
The majority of Israel rejected her Messiah, and so God cut them off.
Was it an actual numerical majority, or was it only a majority of their leaders, with many others, but not necessarily a majority?
Where did I say it was an absolute rule?
You said, " Jesus said the majority is evil, wicked." What was I supposed to think?
Your commitment should be to God and His word, not a political entity.
False dilemma.


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I disagree.

So what?

I believe the Bible.

Debatable, but again, so what?

I need to see how this is an enduring principle that the New Testament isn't meant to overcome,


because that's my view, and I don't see any scripture in necessary conflict with my view.

Argument from incredulity is a fallacy.

What is your evidence supporting this claim? I grant that there were a lot of wicked priests but I stop short of therefore believing that "the majority" of them were.

God told the Levites that they would serve Him for eternity (Deuteronomy 18:5), and then, later, He ended their service to Him because of how wicked they had become. (1 Samuel 2:30-31)

Was it an actual numerical majority,

No number is given, but the implication is that it was more than half of Israel that rejected her Messiah.

At least three cities are named by Jesus Himself as being unrepentant. despite Him doing most of His miracles in those three cities. Did some in those cities repent? Sure, I have no doubt that at least a few did. But the fact is that, as a whole, those cities rejected Him, and did not repent.

Did some in Israel repent, and accept Christ as their Messiah? Sure, but it wasn't enough for God to consider Israel as having accepted Him.

or was it only a majority of their leaders, with many others, but not necessarily a majority?

No, Paul talks about Israel as a whole (minus the remnant of course) as having rejected her messiah.

You said, " Jesus said the majority is evil, wicked." What was I supposed to think?

That He was correct.

False dilemma.

No, it's not. A man cannot have two masters:

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. - Matthew 6:24 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew6:24&version=NKJV

What I said stands: Your commitment should be to God and His word, not a political entity, for God is eternal, and eternally good and just, but political entities, and even non-political entities, such as churches, businesses, and institutions, grow corrupt. When (not if) they do, your commitment to God should be your priority. But you're holding on to a commitment to a political entity that has already become corrupt...

Doug McBurney, on a recent show of The Weekly Worldview, referenced a passage from C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce. I won't spoil the show for you, you can listen to it here, but I want to point out that you're like the man in the portion of the story that Doug tells from the book.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
DeSantis and the Florida legislators say "no sexual instruction for grades pre-K through 3"

The pedophile loving left screams in outrage



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DeSantis and the Florida legislators say "no sexual instruction for grades pre-K through 3"

The pedophile loving left screams in outrage

ANY discussion of homosexual behavior should be prohibited, in ANY context. It should NEVER be brought up in discussion except as is relevant to a criminal guilty of such acts.

Yet another weed being pruned rather than pulled out.


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ANY discussion of homosexual behavior should be prohibited, in ANY context. It should NEVER be brought up in discussion except as is relevant to a criminal guilty of such acts.

Yet another weed being pruned rather than pulled out.
How about love and affection?


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I think the public schools should just stick to the three Rs, reading, writing and arithmetic. Any time they stray into moral issues, they are abusing their authority. They're not a church. Stay in your lane.