Arthur Brain
Well-known member
You've gotta be kidding me?
That demon mustn't half get around...
You've gotta be kidding me?
The truth is that you didn't know what goes on in these centers. Your own personal blog is no yardstick for truth either. Frankly you are just too boring to address for the most part nowadays so you carry on with the pompous self righteous waffle etc. You're good for the inadvertent bit of comedy (as that giant clanger just here a short while ago) but that's about it.
Yes, of course.
You're asking what causes nocturnal emissions?
I don't know if there's one single cause.
I think people used to think it was because a man had to "get rid of excess semen," or some nonsense like that.
But women experience sleep orgasms, too, so it can't be that simple of an explanation.
I could be wrong. It could be succubi. :devil:
I have not studied this phenomenon very closely.
Should I have?
Ok, thank goodness for that but why would the human body be designed for such...nocturnal emissions?
Oh but Art, what is important is what comes out of these reparative therapy clinics:
Many people that are free from same sex desires.
I don't know that it is.
It might just happen accidentally.
I doubt you'll find many men who, if honest, it hasn't happened to. I'll lay odds that it's happened to you by way of. Has it? Be honest.
I haven't had the pleasure! :crackup:
You could skip the Socratic line of questioning, and just make your argument.
Given that it happens then why would sperm be 'wasted' like that?
Well, I wasn't aware that I'd turned into Trad but by the same token you could address my post where you think perfect pitch is something made up...
Nobody is "perfect" at anything, man.
Yeah aCW. They all come out of those places as straight as a dye and there's nothing untoward that happens in any of them.
You carry on there...
Then replace 'perfect' with 'absolute' pitch then. It's the same thing and it exists. It's not a moral matter anyway so why so reticent to just acknowledge it?
Besides, you couldn't recognize every note on a piano, by ear, when you were born.
Heck, you couldn't even recognize a piano when you were born!
You learned that skill, brother.
Your initial premise is absolutely true and all explained in a prior reply. I wouldn't know what an orange was at birth or a philosophical treatise never mind the musical scale. Even when I did learn what musical notes were it didn't exactly make me a great piano player or anything. My sister was far better talented at playing musical instruments than I've ever been even through years of practice. My innate ability to recognize notes through sound? Not learned dude...