homosexual thread


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
oh no
not another homosexual thread
this one is different

don't you want to know who keeps them going?

well that is my job
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
let's start with the worst one

aCultureWarrior 1,851
noguru 668
alwight 418
Angel4Truth 211
Town Heretic 192
Wile E. Coyote 144
Dark Radiance 141
StanJ53 140


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Hall of Fame
and here is part two

aCultureWarrior 1,139
Christian Liberty 398
alwight 290
Arthur Brain 230
lovemeorhateme 169
Eeset 77
Rusha 57
WizardofOz 48


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
can't ignore this one

Lighthouse 394
Big Mouth Nana 259
lovemeorhateme 230
Granite 195
Evee 182
red77 164
No Worries 118
kmoney 107


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
this goes back a little

Nineveh 186
Just Tom 140
PlastikBuddha 135
Rusha 89
Mystery 78
Lighthouse 73
aikido7 69
red77 57


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
another old one

wickwoman 211
Aimiel 132
aquamulier 87
Caledvwlch 69
Z Man 69
Agape4Robin 66
Lighthouse 59
beanieboy 55


Hall of Fame
oh no
not another homosexual thread
this one is different

don't you want to know who keeps them going?

well that is my job

Why would you do *this* when you KNOW what this thread will turn into?

It will inevitably be an argument over freedom and rights for all VS imposed rights based on religion.


Hall of Fame
if it weren't so sad

What do you expect on a theology/debate forum? The topic of homosexuality gets more discussion than any other, though it is normally initiated by Christians.

Simply put, they are no more important than any other adult ... though much less important than children, elderly and the unborn (in regards to needing protection).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What do you expect on a theology/debate forum? The topic of homosexuality gets more discussion than any other, though it is normally initiated by Christians.

Simply put, they are no more important than any other adult ... though much less important than children, elderly and the unborn (in regards to needing protection).

I am just trying to expose them

what are you trying to do?


New member
It's nice to see the stats on aCW's obsession. Maybe it will wake him up but I doubt it. He'll probably come in here and attack everyone for not having as many as him.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's nice to see the stats on aCW's obsession. Maybe it will wake him up but I doubt it. He'll probably come in here and attack everyone for not having as many as him.

I am just trying to show who is helping him out


New member
It will inevitably be an argument over freedom and rights for all VS imposed rights based on religion.

How come "freedom and rights for all" doesn't include the freedom and rights of religious/moral people to not to make same-sex wedding cakes? It's been most remarkable how your anti-freedom side has managed to frame your position as the pro-freedom side.


Hall of Fame
How come "freedom and rights for all" doesn't include the freedom and rights of religious/moral people to not to make same-sex wedding cakes?

Of course that *should* be a right. I was not discussing hate crime laws OR the rights of business owners and churches to refuse service to anyone their little old hearts desired.

I am clearly speaking of trying to legislate the right of other adults to have a relationship (including marriage) with another consenting adult based on their choice, rather than a requirement of gender. You, OTOH, wish to see homosexuality legislated as a DP offense. THAT is as anti-freedom as it gets.

It's been most remarkable how your anti-freedom side has managed to frame your position as the pro-freedom side.

I did no such thing, though apparently your martyr complex is telling you otherwise. Get over yourself OR at least don't expect me to defend positions I do not hold.


New member
the right of other adults to have a relationship (including marriage) with another consenting adult based on their choice
Historically that has never been a right.
Most of the famous tales of people trying to have a relationship based on their choice end in tragedy.


Hall of Fame
Historically that has never been a right.
Most of the famous tales of people trying to have a relationship based on their choice end in tragedy.

Freedom means the right to make choices for *yourself* that may be financially wrong or unhealthy.