Hitlary’s LGBT Agenda


New member
I've started several threads on Libertarianism and even devoted an entire segment in my WHMBR! Part 2 thread
And yet you still know nothing about Libertarianism? :rotfl:

Here's your chance to [. . .] to expose me for the liberal that I really am.
You are now admitting that you are a liberal?
I thought you were a Seatle NeoCon.

Psssst, am I liberal because I acknowledge that Jesus rescinded the penalty of death [. . .]?
The death penalty was never recinded by Jesus.
The death of Jesus on the cross depends on the death penalty.
Even Paul mentioned that the government had the duty of carrying out the death penalty against the wicked.

Romans 13:4
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.​



Do you have a scripture passage that depicts Jesus doing this rescinding?

When He rescinded things such as ceremonial laws He rescinded the penalty phase of crimes like adultery and homosexuality. Now if you and Libertarian genuineoriginal truly want to stone to death some 15 year old boy that has homosexual desires because he was raped as a little boy and became sexually confused because of it, there is a religion just for you:


The passage that you asked for?

(Don't feel bad, I was at one time as ignorant about Holy Scripture as you and your Libertarian buddy genuineoriginal currently are).

The question is: should this harsh punishment be applied to today’s world? Does it have universal application?

How Jesus fulfills the law

Jesus came to fulfill the law or Torah, not to destroy or abolish it (Matthew 5:17). He fulfills it in at least three ways, but the one we look at here takes away the law’s severe punishments. This benefits all of society, especially today.

Jesus fulfills the law by taking on himself the penalty for our sins. The Torah is filled with specific punishments for specific sins, but his death on the cross satisfies and propitiates divine wrath that is directed at our sins—this is the Christian doctrine of the atonement. It is for this reason that a Christian could never give up this doctrine and must totally reject Muhammad’s odd view that Christ never died on the cross (Sura 4:157). (For more information on Muhammad’s odd claim, see these articles, 1, 2.) Muhammad’s belief is completely misguided. Christ’s death is God’s gift to us. We are saved and on our way to heaven, not based on our own works, but on Christ’s good work on the cross. Therefore, those who trust in Christ do not have to pay the penalty for their sins.

It is therefore certain that homosexuals should not be put to death for their sins. The entire sweep of the New Testament says that all sexual sins begin in the heart and can only be healed in the heart, by transforming it. This is why Jesus and the inspired New Testament authors write often about the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18; 3:11; Luke 11:13; John 20:22). He lives in them to enable and empower them to walk in love, which fulfills the law (Matthew 23:37-40; Romans 13:10). In contrast, a major problem with the law of Muhammad is the distortion of the blessed doctrine of the Holy Spirit, who has been reduced to the archangel Gabriel in Islamic theology. According to this doctrine, Muslims do not enjoy the Holy Spirit living in them in the way described by Jesus Christ and the New Testament, so they have to fulfill the old-new law of Muhammad by their own efforts.

This may be a major factor as to why Muhammad reinstituted the punishments found in the Torah. Being merely a human messenger (Sura 3:144), he could not send the Holy Spirit into the hearts of people so that they could be changed from the inside out. On the other hand, as the eternal Son of God, Jesus does in fact send the Holy Spirit into the hearts of all those who ask for him, and now they have living in them the power to be changed from the inside out.

Repentance and redemption.

That's not to say that Jesus was some kind of anarchist and believed sexual sinners such as adulterers and homosexuals not be subjected to punishment (and thus helped). The only reason He didn't pursue criminal punishment against the woman accused of adultery is because no witnesses stepped forward to testify as to who she was having an adulterous affair with (it takes two to commit adultery).

Regarding homosexuality: It was a felony in every US State until the homosexual agenda took over. Look what Libertarianism has done to our once great country (i.e. "It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!").


New member
The passage that you asked for?
I see you never were able to find it.

Libertarian genuineoriginal truly want to stone to death some 15 year old boy that has homosexual desires . . .

Regarding homosexuality: It was a felony in every US State until the homosexual agenda took over. Look what Libertarianism has done to our once great country (i.e. "It's MY body and I can do with it as I damn well please!").
I see you decided to prove that you don't know anything about Libertarians, since you first claim that I am a Libertarian for stating that acting on homosexual desires should be a capital offense crime, then turning around and stating that Libertarians want homosexuality decriminalized.

Most people would claim I am Puritanical in my religious beliefs, which is very far from Libertarianism.

The Horn

I would NEVER vote for any politician who is opposed to gay rights and thinks it is okay to deny certain people rights and persecute them merely because they happen to be gay .
Unlike the bigoted scum of the Repugnican party , she has the decency to be for gay rights .
Being opposed to gay rights is no better than being opposed to rights for African Americans .
I don't know exactly what Trump's position on gay rights, because he's always very vague on his positions about everything except for his bigoted positions on Hispanics and Muslims .
But Ted Cruz is a vicious anti-gay bigot, and beneath contempt . He is adamantly opposed to gay rights, and if he got his way , would do everything in his power to oppress and persecute gay people in America, making him no better than Hitler . Trump has been rightly compared to Hitler, but
this is even more true of Cruz. Trump is a cynical opportunist, but Cruz is a rigid ideologue and a dogmatic, fanatical evangelical Christian and a bigoted monster .
I'm sick and tired of gay people and straight people who RIGHTLY fight for gay rights being called "Marxists " etc . These people are not the "bullies". Homophobic bigots in America are the bullies.
And I repeat - I am NOT gay myself even though some people at TOL still assume I am .


New member
I would NEVER vote for any politician who is opposed to gay rights. . .
And I repeat - I am NOT gay myself even though some people at TOL still assume I am .

Romans 1:32
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.​



Don't mind The Horn and his blithering, scandalous rant. I'm opposed to bestiality, so by his overly spewed nonsense I'm a 'bigot'- a word that has lost it's meaning due to spamming, just like 'sexism' and 'racism'.

Blow your horn somewhere else :rolleyes:


The super majority of the HIV virus is among homosexuals. That is, the bulk of the virus altogether is among Sodomites.
This is an established fact that you won't hear because of the gay agenda :rolleyes:


I see you never were able to find it.

There are none so blind...

I did point out the appropriate religion for people like you though.

I see you decided to prove that you don't know anything about Libertarians,

I provided a link for you to teach me what Libertarianism is all about. Are you interested in talking about it in an appropriate thread?

Most people would claim I am Puritanical in my religious beliefs, which is very far from Libertarianism.

When I want to talk to "most people" about you (which will be never), I'll do so. In the meantime, either defend Libertarianism by defining what it is or stay quiet on the subject.

Here's the appropriate thread once again:



Idaho just passed a bill which allows you to conceal carry without a permit

and you all think Hillary's about to be President.

The delusional Left :rolleyes:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I would NEVER vote for any politician who is opposed to molesting children and thinks it is okay to deny certain people rights and persecute them merely because they happen to be attracted to children .

This is what this pervert is really saying. He is not opposed to evil behavior.


Homosexuality is the same mortal sin as bestiality- there is no difference, as they are abominations against intended nature with proven consequence. You are pretty much presumed, by the medical standard, to have an STD upon the admittance of being a homosexual- the reason being is not of prejudice of gays, but because sodomy more times than not results in such.

Society has chosen to pull the wool over their eyes- like the gay marriage thing.. There's a laughably small percentage of gays actually married.. BECAUSE IT IS A DEVIANCE.
:doh: I'm angry with the stupidity of our nation.
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New member
Being opposed to gay rights is no better than being opposed to rights for African Americans .

In a previous note, I alluded to the fact that the implied analogy between civil rights for all races and civil rights gay people is false. A person is born with a particular skin color; they are not born homosexual. Yes it is a popular argument, but in the end it fails.

And to be clear, my position is not based on bigotry (which is rooted in prejudice), fear or hate; my position is based on the holy scriptures. If you want to love homosexuals, you need to learn and convey the truth to them; only then will they stand a chance to be extricated from their chains of slavery.

I'm sick and tired of gay people and straight people who RIGHTLY fight for gay rights being called "Marxists " etc ..

I respect you for your motive in taking your position, in that you are only doing what you believe is right. Hypothetically, were you to find that homosexual behavior is immoral if only because the Creator says so, would you be able to change your position?

The Horn

Yes, gay people ARE born gay . Why would they choose to be that way in a world which is so hostile to them ? But homophobic bigots DO choose to be hateful and nasty people .
Comparing homosexuality to bestiality , child molestation , incest and necrophilia is idiotic .
And if you can't see this, you are hopelessly ignorant and foolish .