Hillary Clinton's emails


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Hall of Fame
I read today that Obama said that he didn't know that Hillary wasn't using non-government email. What, he never received an email from her and saw that it wasn't from a 'gov' domain?? :idunno: How's that possible?


And Obama backtracks. He has since said that he did know that Hillary uses non-government email but didn't know the extent and how the servers were set up. Or something to that effect.


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama actually did know that Hillary Clinton used a non-government email address when she was secretary of state, but didn’t know the extent of her private email system, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday.

“I would not describe the numbers of emails as large. … He was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up,” Earnest said.

That’s a shift from Saturday, March 7, when Obama told CBS that he learned about Clinton’s private email system in the news.

“Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was secretary of state?” CBS News’ Bill Plante asked.

“Uh,” Obama replied, “the same time everybody else learned it through news reports.”
Hellary said that a bunch of the emails were to and from Bill. It's hilarious that they can't even get their lies straight as only a few weeks ago Bill's spokesman said that he doesn't use email.

Hillary said she emailed with Bill, but the thing is ...

"The former president, who does regularly use Twitter, has sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life, both as president, says Matt McKenna, his spokesman," WSJ reported. "After leaving office, Mr. Clinton established his own domain that staff use — @presidentclinton.com. But Mr. Clinton still doesn't use email himself, Mr. McKenna said."


New member
So Obama can write orders in violation of the law and his department can obey his orders? You crack me up.

You need to learn how to read. You claimed her use of her personal email domain was a violation of law and the Constitution. I told you that other was no Constitutional violation because there is nothing in the Constitution about government communications, and that communication law is statutory. Then I mentioned that, contrary to popular belief, the statutes do not require use of the official government servers, but each agency chief is required to develop communication standards that meet minimum statutory standards. Minimum standards state that all official communications must be forwarded to the archive, but personal communications may be destroyed after review by the department head. Each agency has its own standards, and the chief officer of the State Dept. would have been Hillary Clinton. I included a link to the statute in an earlier post. Whether or not she wrote those standards in such a way as to circumvent the spirit of the law is another story, but apparently she fulfilled the letter of the law.

Until you learn to read legalese you will likely continue to fall for whatever spin fits your preconcepcions.


New member
Hall of Fame
Hellary said that a bunch of the emails were to and from Bill. It's hilarious that they can't even get their lies straight as only a few weeks ago Bill's spokesman said that he doesn't use email.

Hillary said she emailed with Bill, but the thing is ...

"The former president, who does regularly use Twitter, has sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life, both as president, says Matt McKenna, his spokesman," WSJ reported. "After leaving office, Mr. Clinton established his own domain that staff use — @presidentclinton.com. But Mr. Clinton still doesn't use email himself, Mr. McKenna said."

He did not have email correspondence with that woman. :plain:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Am I the only one who was shocked to hear that Hillary didn't have a government email address while Secretary of State? And that she's not the only person to use personal email addresses while in office? How and why does this happen? To me it's obvious that personal email addresses shouldn't be used for things like this. :idunno:

You have figured out why, haven't you? To hide her illegal and immoral actions.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Maybe. But it's worth noting that former prosecutor Trey Goudy couldn't find anything substantial with a $7 million budget. In fact, the private email server is the most scandalous thing he uncovered.

did you miss the part where she deleted emails?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't know about the laws involved but It seems that the only thing that can bring criminal charges is intent. Otherwise, how can Clinton be getting off?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't know about the laws involved but It seems that the only thing that can bring criminal charges is intent. Otherwise, how can Clinton be getting off?

so if i don't intend to drive drunk at 90 mph, the cops won't bring criminal charges?

sweet! :cheers:


Am I the only one who was shocked to hear that Hillary didn't have a government email address while Secretary of State? And that she's not the only person to use personal email addresses while in office? How and why does this happen? To me it's obvious that personal email addresses shouldn't be used for things like this. :idunno:

You Better Believe Hillary Clinton’s Emails Matter - Ron Christie

Did Cliton intend to set up her own private Email server instead of use the SD system? Then it WAS intentional.


Well-known member
Am I the only one who was shocked to hear that Hillary didn't have a government email address while Secretary of State? And that she's not the only person to use personal email addresses while in office? How and why does this happen? To me it's obvious that personal email addresses shouldn't be used for things like this. :idunno:
Could a Secretary of State even function without a private email server for "off the record" communications?

I understand our desire for transparency, but I don't see how anyone in that office could function under that sort of requirement. Maintaining effective relations with other world leaders would require that they be able to communicate freely, and us with them. I just don't think transparent communication is a reasonable expectation these days. And email is a fast and effective method of communication in a world that moves faster than private phone conversations will allow.

Doen't matter, though, now. Because it's become a "political football", and all sense of reason and proportion have immediately been jettisoned in favor of political bias.

So this issue was doomed to be mired in idiocy the instant it came to light.