Hillary Clinton Is Bad for Stocks and the Economy

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
For the average American, the economy = JOBS.
Most jobs created under Obama have been part time and therefore worthless. Not only does a part time job not pay enough to support yourself, but it also does not pay enough to cause Federal Taxes to be paid in.

Why the part time jobs? Obamacare and Obama regulations and tax policies, the very things that john w says don't matter.

Repeated for Truth's sake


The stock market has already picked the next U.S. president


The GOP is traditionally known as the party of Wall Street, but this year investors, for the most part, are betting against the Republican standard-bearer.

“The market appears to have decided not only that [Hillary] Clinton will win, but that it won’t be close,” David Woo, a strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a report distributed Monday. “Investors like landslide victories.”

Woo noted that the S&P 500 has risen more than 4% since July 5, which marks the beginning of the 90-trading-day countdown to the election on Nov. 8. During years when presidential candidates won by a margin of more than 80% of Electoral College votes, the S&P 500 posted average returns of 8.4% in the 90 days leading up to the election, as this chart illustrates:

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/mark...esident/ar-AAie1a9?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp


Hillary will bring 4 more years of Obama economics and policies. Where 80% of Americans have negative wealth -

I quit investing in the stock market 8 years ago, and won't start doing so again until a real conservative is elected President. Since Donald Trump is a socialist just like Clinton...


:chuckle: Well if as you say, Hillary wins in a landslide, we need Cruz to get the White House back -

Ted Cruz predicted a Clinton landslide if Trump were her opponent in the GOP, and as shown, so have many on Wall Street.

You on the other hand will go back to voting Libertarian should a true conservative get the Republican Party nomination come 2020.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Ted Cruz predicted a Clinton landslide if Trump were her opponent in the GOP, and as shown, so have many on Wall Street.

You on the other hand will go back to voting Libertarian should a true conservative get the Republican Party nomination come 2020.

"Should"??? that is a really big word given the RINO establishment destroyed the only conservative in the race this go around and you somehow believe that this paradigm will change? You actually believe that after the felon Hillary gets done deep sixing this nation that a conservative will get elected? :rotfl: It's your fantasy, have it anyway you want. :rotfl: