Hi from Willowjoy


New member
I live in the UK, I am an agnostic losing my Christian faith by the time I became an adult.
Hi willowjoy, I never had any religious belief and live on the Isle of Wight.
Just what you might have expected on an American fundamentalist Christian forum. :doh:


Fortunately only the minority of Christians believe in the literal truth of the Bible, especially the OT.

Matthew 7:14
For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.



Actually 'enjoy' isn't the right word. I feel I have to because I believe it can be so psychologically damaging to threaten people with hell, especially children and the vulnerable for mere unbelief. There is no evidence of the existence of a deity or an afterlife.


New member
Actually 'enjoy' isn't the right word. I feel I have to because I believe it can be so psychologically damaging to threaten people with hell, especially children and the vulnerable for mere unbelief. There is no evidence of the existence of a deity or an afterlife.

Nor is there proof that God doesn't exist or an afterlife.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I live in the UK, I am an agnostic losing my Christian faith by the time I became an adult.
Hiya wj, I'm a Christian who lost my disbelief by the time I finished with my study of the law.

...I feel I have to because I believe it can be so psychologically damaging to threaten people with hell,
Is it psychologically damaging to threaten people with imprisonment for breaking the law?

especially children and the vulnerable for mere unbelief.
I don't know of an orthodox teaching in Christendom that brings children moral accountability. And hell isn't about "mere unbelief". It's about the actions that flow from that, the consequence of sin and the need for reconciliation. Not the sort of things most children can wrap their noggins around.

There is no evidence of the existence of a deity or an afterlife.
Horsefeathers. Personal testimony of relation is evidence, it's simply not conclusive, except for the individual, which is by and large all that matters to that individual. Else, I'll ask you the same question I ask anyone who says what you only just did: what criteria if met would objectively satisfy the question of God's existence?

I'll wait. :eek:

And welcome aboard! :e4e:

One Eyed Jack

New member
Actually 'enjoy' isn't the right word. I feel I have to because I believe it can be so psychologically damaging to threaten people with hell, especially children and the vulnerable for mere unbelief.

Had nightmares as a kid, huh? Revelation has been known to have that effect.

Welcome to TOL, btw.


Everything except the point itself.
Is there a God? I say yes.
Is there an afterlife? I say yes.
Proof, should I need it, along with other proofs, comes in the Acts of the Apostles.

Of course you are entitled to your belief system, but that isn't proof of anything.


New member
Of course you are entitled to your belief system, but that isn't proof of anything.

I am not trying to influence you one way or the other. Therefore, whether my words are proof or not is also irrelevant. I am merely responding to your statements.
Your disbelief carries no more credence than my belief.