Hi everyone


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame

Welcome g_n_o_s_i_s!


New member
Is there some magic number of posts one need before one can use the forum search facilities and partake in the chatbox?


Well-known member
That is quite correct. Waterbears post showed up on google reader and when I tried to read it I suddenly developed a severe headache so I started reading other threads instead and subsequently signed up for an account.


:thumb: "Severe headache"

That is something akin to my experience in reading waterbear's posts.

We've arrived at some common ground.

Welcome, again!


New member
Is there some magic number of posts one need before one can use the forum search facilities and partake in the chatbox?

The chatbox is for Christians.

...and Granite. :noid:

Just kidding. And welcome.

And consider yourself blessed by good fortune. I'm about as common as a sasquatch encounter around here lately. :plain:


New member
That is quite correct. Waterbears post showed up on google reader and when I tried to read it I suddenly developed a severe headache so I started reading other threads instead and subsequently signed up for an account.


HA! I thank God you only got the headache. My eyelid starting twitching...


Eclectic Theosophist


Hi gnosis,

Welcome to TOL,

Here are some resources on a gnostic-flavoured spiritual path and culture -

Esoteric School of Gnostic Wisdom
(social group)

Gnostic Cosmology

Could you share what in particular attracts you towards this school of thought, and what aspects of the philosophy interests you most, plus any authors or resources in this direction that you've been gleaning from in your studies. Just getting a hint where on the 'compass' you are resonating :)



New member
Hello and welcome! I don't know much about waterbear because I refuse to read his posts. I'm sure you'll be much more pleasant...right?


New member
Thanks again for all your welcomes.

Dena: I'll hopefully be more pleasant, let time tell :)

Paul: Thanks for the links, the first one I don't have access to, the second one I'm reading right now.


Eclectic Theosophist


Thanks again for all your welcomes.

Dena: I'll hopefully be more pleasant, let time tell :)

Paul: Thanks for the links, the first one I don't have access to, the second one I'm reading right now.

Excellent gnosis,

You may be able to access the social group after so many posts, or I forget if its just open to subscribers,...can try later.

Keep an eye out for other threads current on the subject of gnosticism - here are some current posts -

Addressing waterbear -

Passing the test

Appropriating knowledge

Another look


That the Creator of this world is the true God: Against Gnosticism (I'll be addressing more on the 'Demiurge' here, stay tuned)

You can access a posters past posts and threads too in their profile(under stats) or by clicking on their name, also check out blog-posts and signature links too.




New member
Life and Peace.

the only problem with knowledge is, knowledge has no end,
and in the end, one is only >this< much closer to more more knowledge.

do your homework! gnosis. Gnosis is a heavy, deep nombre' , friend.
don't believe in fantasy of imagination to be that which are not.
but in hope can become.

Welcome, friend!