ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
We must all remember that, the next time you make any comment about any other country or its leadership.
yes, the next time I obsessively focus on another country's leadership and pointedly ignore my own
We are talking about a World Wide pandemic here, much bigger than folks like you (or your President?) ever anticipated, and it includes your country. So of course we make mention of the USA's situation just like we do our own.
except you've been very reluctant to discuss your leadership and very eager to focus on Trump
as well, if this is indeed a World Wide pandemic, then one might expect you to be devoting the same amount of attention to Jinping, Kovind, Matterella, Sanchez, Macron, Rouhani, etc
but no, just Trump
Just your bizarre obsessive hatred of Trump
did Trump steal your milk money when you were in third grade?
take your best gal away from you in high school?
kick sand in your face at the beach?