Here we go again… …disgusting


Mrs. Trump used common words and phrases and concepts that are universal, the accusations are unfounded -
double down
- chiefly US (In blackjack) double a bet after seeing one’s initial cards, with the requirement that one additional card be drawn
- the amount only increases when you choose to split or double down
- strengthen one’s commitment to a particular strategy or course of action, typically one that is potentially risky

Being the presumptive presidential nominee of a major political party doesn't provide for many opportunities to recover from mistakes - particularly "self-inflicted" wounds.

Telling people what they saw and heard isn't what they really saw and heard is called "brainwashing" - the "self-serving" reinterpretation of the truth may go unchallenged under dictatorial regimes like North Korea, but this is America.

This current strategy of "doubling down" only proves that Trump and his "motley crew," given the reins of power, would take a solvable problem and blow it all out of all proportion on the international stage - with tragic results!


New member
You're full of crap.
What were you complaining about again? something about attacks and smears? Or was that some other CatholicCrusader?

"Your word is your bond." I've heard that my whole life. I suppose if I suggest that you love your neighbor you'll accuse me of the same.

And iIf she actually were of a mind to plagiarize someone why on God's green earth would she decide to plagiarize that vile ape Moochelle? That makes even LESS sense.

Nope. What we have here fantastic speeches given all night long that the media dare not cover, and instead an attack on a beautiful women in support of a lying wrinkled criminal hag. Let's ignore the mother grieving for the son she lost due to Hillary, let's ignore the Sheriff who said Blue Lives Matter, let's ignore America'S Mayor, instead let's attack the pretty immigrant who doesn't even speak English as a first language yet did such a wonderful job.

And of course, let's rely on braindead lemmings like MrDante to assist with the vilification.

...and of course, the hate-mongering fake conservative assists the leftwing media. As always, you disgust me.

I'm still new here, are you hoping for an insult laden response to match your own rant or do you think that this is how discussion and debate should operate?


... And if she actually were of a mind to plagiarize someone why on God's green earth would she decide to plagiarize that vile ape Moochelle? That makes even LESS sense.
This would be considered totally unacceptable in a secular, let alone a Christian forum!

When you demean the current "First-Lady," you are sowing the seeds of disrespect for the "First-Ladies" that come after her - including Republicans!
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
...the wannabe Playboy centerfold....

You're a homosexual aren't you. That's why you have been blabbering about homosexuality for years now, and despise beautiful women like Melania.





Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's the evidence showing the plagiarism that the wannabe Playboy centerfold used:

You're a homosexual aren't you. That's why you have been blabbering about homosexuality for years now, and despise beautiful women like Melania.


Calm down Catfish, I wouldn't want to read about a lemming of Donald Trump stroking out while he was blogging for the moral degenerate and his skanky wife.!-Part-4&p=4765610&viewfull=1#post4765610
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like marbles on glass
This current strategy of "doubling down" only proves that Trump and his "motley crew," given the reins of power, would take a solvable problem and blow it all out of all proportion on the international stage - with tragic results!

That's exactly what I'm concerned about.


like marbles on glass
I am adamant that she is not a thief.
Now, here is one possibility that I can see: A young lady thrust into a spotlight that she never imagined she'd be in in a million years, speaking in a language that is not her own, addressing a political tradition that she is not all that use to, knowing the eyes of the world and the eyes of thew most powerful nation in the history of mankind are one her..... .....perhaps she sought examples from other sources that expressed what she felt better than she thought she could. I can see that happening, and I damm well would not call that plagiarism!! I'd call it something that everyone has done.

Um... no.

English teachers all over the country are using her plagiarism as a teachable moment for their students, so I guess that's probably the only silver lining possible in this fiasco you're falling all over yourself trying to explain away.

"A young lady thrust into a spotlight that she never imagined..."

Oh, brother... :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
This current strategy of "doubling down" only proves that Trump and his "motley crew," given the reins of power, would take a solvable problem and blow it all out of all proportion on the international stage - with tragic results!

That's exactly what I'm concerned about.

Indeed ... allowing someone with the mentality of Trump to have that much power would be akin to handing a monkey a grenade and instructing him not to pull the pin ...


Well-known member
I'm not sure where the "again" in you title comes from.

In a side by side viewing of the speeches of Melania and Michelle it's pretty obvious that huge chunks of Melania's speech was plagiarized.

Not huge. I heard a Canadian journalist comment on this: 7% might be borrowed. The rest was original. However, in today's innumerate world, 7% is "huge."

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Barack Obama, 2008

Back during the height of the 2008 Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton's campaign accused then-Sen. Barack Obama of plagiarizing Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.

The speech in question was one Mr. Obama delivered in Milwaukee during the primary that responded to Clinton's claims his campaign was "just words."

"Don't tell me words don't matter! 'I have a dream.' Just words. 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.' Just words. 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself.' Just words, just speeches," Mr. Obama said in that speech.

Back in 2006, Patrick's phrasing was similar: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal'--just words. Just words. 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself'--just words. 'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country'--just words. 'I have a dream'--just words," he said.

At the time, Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said Mr. Obama had "lifted rhetoric" from Patrick, with Clinton herself later saying: "If your whole candidacy is about words, then they should be your own words."

Mr. Obama admitted the mistake and said he should have cited Patrick specifically, but that he didn't "really think this is too big of a deal." "Deval and I do trade ideas all the time, and you know he's occasionally used lines of mine," he said. "I would add I've noticed on occasion Sen. Clinton has used words of mine as well."

Joe Biden, 1987

The vice president, too, was in the midst of a presidential campaign when New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd pointed out strong similarities between a 1987 speech of Biden's and one by U.K. Labour Party Leader Neil Kinnock. For Biden, the accusations ultimately helped sink his campaign.

Biden said this during a speech at the Iowa State Fair that year, which he reportedly said he had thought of "spontaneously" on the way there: ''I started thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife who is sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I'm the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree that I was smarter than the rest?''

And here's what Kinnock said: ''Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university?'' Then pointing to his wife in the audience, he continued: ''Why is Glenys the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because all our predecessors were thick?''

Campaign journalists Jack Germond and Jules Witcover quoted Biden later, saying, "All I had to say was 'Like Kinnock.' If I'd just said those two words, 'Like Kinnock,' and I didn't. It was my fault, nobody else's fault.

After he dropped out of the race, he visited Kinnock in 1988, according to Reuters, and presented him with a bound copy of his own speeches. ''I told him he was welcome to use them whenever he liked, with or without attribution," Biden said

John Walsh, 2014

Walsh, the former appointed senator from Montana, was running a competitive race in 2014 to win a full term in office when the New York Times reported that he had plagiarized huge sections of his master's thesis at the Army War College.

It wasn't just a line here or a line there: as much as three-quarters of the thesis was lifted verbatim from other sources, according to a side-by-side comparison from the Times, with no footnotes on wide swaths of that information.

The candidate was ultimately forced to drop his reelection bid as a result


Then apparently the Trump campaign is lying.


"In writing her beautiful speech, Melania's team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking. Melania’s immigrant experience and love for America shone through in her speech, which made it such a success.

-Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Too funny.....:chuckle:
It's been 24 hours. Everyone has forgotten by now.

Trump staff writer takes responsibility for Melania speech controversy

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Trump’s Veterans Adviser: ‘Tell the Liberal Media to Kiss Off’

CLEVELAND, Ohio — New Hampshire state representative Al Baldasaro, an adviser on veterans issues for Donald Trump’s campaign, is now defending Melania Trump against mainstream media allegations that she plagiarized her speech at the GOP National Convention.

“Tell the liberal media to kiss off because it’s a shame what’s going on. This is a disgrace,” Baldasaro told Breitbart News outside the Quicken Loans Arena.

He continued:

Here’s a mother, here’s a model, here’s a business woman — why can’t they praise her accomplishments and try to pick and choose certain words? Irregardless of who wrote the speech…the bottom line is she presented herself as a professional — God’s gift to the Republicans.​

“Get over it and stop being jealous of the future first lady,” he concluded.

Earlier in the election cycle, Baldasaro famously defended the Republican nominee during a combative press conference on Trump’s fundraising for veterans.


Jose Fly

New member
Here's the statement/apology issued by the speechwriter...

This raises a few issues.

Melania is a huge admirer of Michelle Obama? Very interesting.

Remember, Melania claimed to have written the speech herself. Oops.

The Trump campaign claimed that there was no plagiarism, yet here the writer says it was, but it was just a mistake. Oops.

The campaign also claimed there was a "team of writers" for the speech. Oops.

The speech writer says Melania read from Michelle Obama's speech over the phone, yet yesterday the campaign was insisting that it was just a coincidence and was due to Melania just using "common words and phrases". Oops.

Hilarious. :chuckle:


Here we go again… …disgusting

Why was the Trump Campaign in denial mode for 36 hours before it
could produce a plausible response?

Why would Paul Manafort, the Director of the Trump Campaign, who should have known who wrote Mrs. Trump's speech, not got out in front of the story on Monday night?

Why would Manafort and the Trump Campaign spend all Tuesday denying something they already knew to be true, only to do an "about turn" and allow the speechwriter to come forward on Wednesday?

Why could nobody with political experience from the Trump campaign and/or the Republican Party in the weeks and days before the Convention, take the time to review this much anticipated keynote speech on Monday night?
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