Here it comes again

Gary K

New member
I don't remember where I posted it but I predicted that masks, lockdowns, etc... were not over as the tactic of temporary restoration of freedom and then the return of big time oppression breaks the will of a population to resist authoritarianism. Well, here is the evidence of the return of masking orders.



Well-known member
A friend of mine that lives in NYC recently commented that people not wearing masks are getting covid there, again. But that's completely anecdotal as far as I know. However, given the population density in NYC it would be understandable that any airborne communicable illness would spread more easily, there, among those who choose not to wear a mask.

After all, many Japanese people have been wearing masks, in their bigger cities, since long before the pandemic, for that very reason. It's just common sense after all. And in the future, I will always wear a mask on airplanes. Because I know from past experience that flying in planes is a very easy way to catch colds, flu, and other viral infections.

Gary K

New member
A friend of mine that lives in NYC recently commented that people not wearing masks are getting covid there, again. But that's completely anecdotal as far as I know. However, given the population density in NYC it would be understandable that any airborne communicable illness would spread more easily, there, among those who choose not to wear a mask.

After all, many Japanese people have been wearing masks, in their bigger cities, since long before the pandemic, for that very reason. It's just common sense after all. And in the future, I will always wear a mask on airplanes. Because I know from past experience that flying in planes is a very easy way to catch colds, flu, and other viral infections.
Be happy wearing your masks of subservience.



Well-known member
I don't remember where I posted it but I predicted that masks, lockdowns, etc... were not over as the tactic of temporary restoration of freedom and then the return of big time oppression breaks the will of a population to resist authoritarianism. Well, here is the evidence of the return of masking orders.

Pretty soon they will force us to wear seat belts in our cars!!!


Well-known member
Be happy wearing your masks of subservience.

I'll be happy not to catch anyone else's cold or flu on the plane. Avoiding wearing a mask on a crowded plane doesn't make me "free", it just makes me stupid.

Gary K

New member
Pretty soon they will force us to wear seat belts in our cars!!!
Yeah. Odd how the world survived without government safety regulations for as long as it did. That tells me the government is a very poor at telling us what it takes to survive and that human beings understand what it takes to survive without a government telling them how to live their lives. But you "need" government to "protect" you against all risks in life.

If you actually stopped and thought about this you would understand how crazy the underlying thought processes you have really are. But I see little hope of that.


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And in the future, I will always wear a mask on airplanes. Because I know from past experience that flying in planes is a very easy way to catch colds, flu, and other viral infections.

Traveling seems like a good way to build up your immune system. Why hinder your immune system?

Gary K

New member
I'll be happy not to catch anyone else's cold or flu on the plane. Avoiding wearing a mask on a crowded plane doesn't make me "free", it just makes me stupid.
Yeah. How many studies have you actually read on mask effectiveness? Zero? One? I have read 40 plus and there is zero consensus that masks are effective at all. It's like using a 3' net to catch a 1" fish.


Well-known member
Yeah. Odd how the world survived without government safety regulations for as long as it did.
I wish seat belts had been around when my baby sister got thrown into the dash-board during a near wreck my mom was in. (1956)
That tells me the government is a very poor at telling us what it takes to survive and that human beings understand what it takes to survive without a government telling them how to live their lives. But you "need" government to "protect" you against all risks in life.
Some folks think their own panels of experts are wiser than the expert panels of others.
It is up to us to do what is best for both ourselves and for those around us.
If you actually stopped and thought about this you would understand how crazy the underlying thought processes you have really are. But I see little hope of that.
You seem to just abhor being told what to do.
I bet you had a good time in school.


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You put your fate in His hands,

Yes, that's part of what it means to trust in Christ.

kinda daring Him to let you get sick anyways.

No. Whether I get sick or not, God has very little to do with it.

God doesn't micromanage my life, nor the consequences to my actions.

And again, in order to build my God-given immune system, getting sick is part of the process. If I die, then I die, but God isn't the one who killed me.

Jesus would often cite the news of the day to teach a lesson. One lesson in particular is relevant here:

There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things?I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” - Luke 13:1-5

The Galileans were not killed because they were worse sinners than other Galileans, nor did the 18 in Siloam die because they sinned.

Jesus said they didn't, pointing out that sometimes things happen that aren't punishments from God.

In the same way, if in the process of building up my immune system, I get sick and die, it's not a punishment from God, I didn't "tempt fate," as it were, nor did I "tempt God," but it was simply coincidence.

Gary K

New member
You put your fate in His hands, kinda daring Him to let you get sick anyways.
In your philosophy just living life is "kinda daring God" as life itself has inherent risks. Trusting Him rather than men is what He tells us to do. Somehow you appear to forget his counsel as to how we are to live our lives


Well-known member
Traveling seems like a good way to build up your immune system. Why hinder your immune system?
It doesn't work that way. I am 65 years old. My immune system is as built up against colds and flu as much as it will ever be, and yet I can still catch them from other people, especially sitting in an enclosed space like a plane. I know this from experience. So in the future, I will wear a mask on planes to help avoid doing so. And your (or anyone else) telling me I shouldn't is no different from the government telling me I should. It's my decision, and that's my choice.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It doesn't work that way. I am 65 years old. My immune system is as built up against colds and flu as much as it will ever be, and yet I can still catch them from other people, especially sitting in an enclosed space like a plane. I know this from experience. So in the future, I will wear a mask on planes to help avoid doing so. And your (or anyone else) telling me I shouldn't is no different from the government telling me I should. It's my decision, and that's my choice.
If you're really concerned use a respirator.


Well-known member
Masks don't do anything useful
Except that I have not had a cold or flu in almost three years, now, when I used to get one per year. And the difference is that for the last several years I have limited close contact with other people, washed my hands more often, and worn a mask around clustered groups of people. So my own experience tells me that these things do help me avoid communicable illnesses. It's really just that simple.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I take it back.
I think this is probably an lol. But I do agree with @PureX because my experience is exactly the same, I haven't had cold or flu since this thing began, and I do not miss them. You can accuse us all you want that we're superstitious and primitive because the science doesn't support that it's our masks when we're out and about that's contributing to this by now justifiably remarkable statistical outlier. I haven't had cold or flu in over two years. That's never, ever happened to me before. I, like it. I do not miss those fool things. And again as Purex says, if the "strengthen your immune system by getting colds" held any water at all, then I wouldn't get colds all the time.

The only other reasonable possibility, is that finally after all my decades on this Earth, finally, me getting cold and flu all the time, has resulted in an immune system which is strong enough that I'm now . . . immune, from cold and flu.

It's possible. In the meantime, I don't have any problem rolling the dice, that me wearing a mask according to the protocol and policy I've established and revised since March 2020 contributes to the statistical outlier of me not catching cold or flu in over two straight years. This is absolutely my world record personal best on this score. And I don't mind continuing it, and I don't mind 'paying a little extra' when it comes to wearing a comfortable mask on my face, in the hopes of sustaining and promoting the continuation. I like not having a cold. Those things stink. They slow you down. And to no purpose! If my immune system all those times it was fighting colds was actually getting stronger and stronger, like lifting weights inevitably gets your stronger, then I should have been immune to colds at some point.