Hello Thread.


New member

About 20 Billion years ago Two Energy Beings we know as GOD with their vast accumulated
knowledge decided to create other beings like themselves. The Creators started
with simpler energy beings of lesser qualities until they finally created a
being similar to themselves full of wisdom and knowledge. His name was Lucifer.
As time progressed the millions of created beings helped in discovering and
creating vast star making structures made out of swirling gas that would compact
that gas into balls of burning gas of tremendous size that we call stars. Over
millions of years many of these stars cooled as the Hydrogen, and the Helium
burned off and Carbon, Nickle and Iron Molecules formed under immense pressure
and formed planets.
The energy beings studied these planets to see what could be created out of the chemicals
that were formed there. They created many things similar to what we have today
on this planet . They also created the rudiments of physical life on other
planets where conditions were just right. Some energy beings developed
life forms and genetically experimented with them over millions of years.

As you look at our Solar System, you see that the planets are in pairs of smilar sized orbs.
Earth and Venus are almost the same size, Jupiter and Saturn are similar in size
as is Uranus and Neptune. But when you look at Mars, it only has the Meteor Belt.
What happened to the Planet that was probably there. The Scientists say that there
is not enough Mass to make up a Planet out of the Meteors and Comets there.
What happened to the rest of the Planet is a Mystery that may be answered here.

Lucifer established a system of trading on a planet in our Solar System close to
the planet Mars.
Lucifer traded goods between these two planets. As time went on Lucifer started
to have confllicts when the beings on Mars did not meet his trading expectations.
He thought that his way of doing things was more important than others.
He became frustrated and angry and eventually wanted permission from the Creators
to take over Mars. The Creators told him no . When he was rebuked, he became
vengeful toward them and planned to destroy Mars by blowing up his planet as it
came near to Mars. When Lucifer moved the orbit of the other Planet so that it hit Mars
his planet blew up and broke appart near Mars it blew
everything off of Mars including all the atmosphere and the water which flew off
into space and accumulated on the other planets of Jupiter and Saturn.
Large pieces of the broken planet traveled throughout the solar system causing
havoc and destruction.
Huge Comets pummelled Earth and pushed the flat ground into large deep craters.The
Earth was moved off its axis and the poles melted. Where there had been rivers
and streams, there were now Oceans. and seas. Everything was under water and it
stayed that way for millions of years.

After blowing up that planet, Lucifer took his Army and tried to take over
control of the Universe by attacking the Creators.
He was defeated and imprisoned along with his Army on the Earth.
Re 12:7 And there was war in heaven:
Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his
Lu 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
Re 9:14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet,
Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
The Creators had a Problem.
What were they going to do if the other beings decided to Rebel too ?
How could they make them understand that Rebellion was not the Way to go ?

So, The Creators went off to another Solar System and genetically engineered
another being.
Only, this being was of much less power because it was made out of the chemicals
of the planet
and thus could be controlled. After millions of years of developing and studying
these physical beings
in a balanced environment, the Creators worked out a plan.
Because Lucifer Rebelled and wanted to RULE the Universe instead of The Creators,
they gave him these physical beings to Rule over.
The Creators gave the physical beings a choice either to follow them or Lucifer.
After absorbing the fruit tainted with Lucifers energy,
After absorbing the fruit contaminated with Lucifers energy, the people were
more spiritually connected to Lucifer and kept drifting away from The Creators.
The physical beings suffered and died on this Earth because Lucifer caused them
to go to war with each other.
In fact , he Hated them because he realized that they were going to be in The
Creators' Government and he and his army were going to be rejected and locked up
for a long long time .

The Creators later gave the physical beings who wanted to follow them, another
Mental Energy to help them fight and overcome their evil Mindset.
Their Reward for Overcoming would be Immortality and Membership in The Creators
Universal Government.


New member

that is some funny shtuff MC, :rotfl: thank you for the morning laugh and the clear visual help!

HeLlO Stripe!