The Living Word Of God is Christ, a person you can commune with, not a book. Notice how practically all of your proof-texting from this book, doesn't even come from Christ or His 12 apostles. Why is that? Why do you cite someone as your main reference, that wasn't one of the 12 apostles of Christ? You rely on paper and ink, because you lack faith and the Spirit of God. The Word of God is a person, not a book. The book is only profitable and good for instruction in righteousness, provided you're an actual born again disciple of Christ, a member of His body. Otherwise, the bible will kill you. It's poison fruit for the unregenerate mind. It only increases your delusion and hypocrisy, until it destroys you.
The Bible is both law and Gospel. Since Christians are not under the law only the Gospel should be of interest. The law says to do something. The Gospel says that Jesus Christ has done something to free us from the demands of the law. The Bible is a witness to the Christ Event. If we didn't have the Bible we would not know what Christ has done for us.