You seem particularly enamoured with your weasel thread. Does it answer the specific questions I asked you about how you reconcile your various recent comments about science and evolution? Specifically,
If you're going to declare ultimate origins off-limits to science, then doesn't that make the most fundamental scientific question "How can we best explain what happened after that?" How can you claim science is against evolution when all it does is explain "what happened after that," you know, the part that comes after the time you specifically excluded from scientific inquiry? I can't even apply bobblogic to that: "Evolution only examines questions that are appropriate to scientific inquiry, therefore science is against evolution."
Oh wait, I see, science is against evolution because of presuppositions made by evolutionists but (it must follow) not by other scientists. So what presuppositions does evolution, alone among scientific theories, make that turns science against it?
You still don't "get it" do you?
Science is against evolution, because its proper employment shows that "molecules to man" is not true.
"Evolution" means many different things depending on the context in which it is being used.
If your weasel thread does not explictly answer these questions, then it's nothing more than a red herring ploy to direct me to it.
The WEASEL thread is not intended to be specific: it is more like a parable.
I direct you to it for two reasons; 1) you are one of the few unbelievers posting on this forum who have the necessary knowledge and smarts to see how profound this simple "parable" really is, and 2) I am still optimistic that despite your prior strong committment to certain ideas (illustrated by the "rising water" analogy) you can eventually uncover the truth.