Hacked Emails Show The DNC Consider Hispanics as Nothing More than a “Target Consumer


New member
Hey, moron, read the words: Trump never said anything bad about any "race" or about MexiCANS. He was talkinmg about MexiCO - "CO" - about Mexico letting criminals and rapists across the border, but guess what Einstein: MEXICO is a country and a government, not a race. Trump never said anything bad about Mexicans, he talked about Mexico. And before you make a bigger jerk out of yourself by saying that its Mexicans who cross the Mexico border, read:

LINK: California sees surge in Chinese illegally crossing border from Mexico
The number of Chinese immigrants illegally crossing the Mexican border into California has skyrocketed in recent years, the result of a lucrative smuggling industry, mass migration from China and a diversifying pool of migrants settling in the United States.

Mexico allows criminals of all nations to cross the border. Trump is correct. The liars in the media, just like liars like you, perverted that into him saying that Mexicans are rapists. People like you make me sick.

That's what Liberals/Democrats jerks do: Pervert the words, put words in peoples' mouths, then snivel and cry racism where there is NO racism.


The Berean

Well-known member
I know you think I should be, but I can't even figure out how to be outraged by this. Is it awkward to see how marketing approaches privately target different demographics? Sure. This was never intended for public disclosure, and that matters. If this language were actually run in an ad, it might be a problem. It would also be a bit perplexing. But as a way that people privately try to figure out how to appeal to a group with understandable preferences? I don't see any problem with it.

What do you suppose it would look like if the GOP's internal strategy for appealing to Hispanic voters were leaked? Or do you think they have one?
As a Latino person and a former GOP supporter I can tell you that the GOP used to appeal to Latinos. George Bush was elected governer of Texas with HUGE Latino support. My father lived in Texas at that time and he told me many times that Bush was very popular with Latino Texans. Bush even spoke in Spanish at times. He wasn't great at it but at least he tried.

The tide is changing with the younger Latinos. I have cousins who are 20+ years younger than me and they are mostly leftist, liberal, SJW types. Granted when I was their age I was a leftist, liberal, SJW type as well so there is hope for them that they will see the light one day. :p

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
As a Latino person and a former GOP supporter I can tell you that the GOP used to appeal to Latinos. George Bush was elected governer of Texas with HUGE Latino support. My father lived in Texas at that time and he told me many times that Bush was very popular with Latino Texans. Bush even spoke in Spanish at times. He wasn't great at it but at least he tried.

The tide is changing with the younger Latinos. I have cousins who are 20+ years younger than me and they are mostly leftist, liberal, SJW types. Granted when I was their age I was a leftist, liberal, SJW type as well so there is hope for them that they will see the light one day. :p

And why is that? The GOP positions on policies are essentially the same as when Bush was president. It's only been 8 years. Why would young Latinos who come from a tradition, mostly Catholic culture, embrace the part of gay marriage and abortion? And for that matter why would YOU flip on such fundamental issues?

Its because they are being LIED to, that's why. Their heads are being perverted by liberals in schools, tv and the news.

The Berean

Well-known member
And why is that? The GOP positions on policies are essentially the same as when Bush was president. It's only been 8 years. Why would young Latinos who come from a tradition, mostly Catholic culture, embrace the part of gay marriage and abortion? And for that matter why would YOU flip on such fundamental issues?

Its because they are being LIED to, that's why. Their heads are being perverted by liberals in schools, tv and the news.
I can only speak as a first generation Mexican-American but from my experience the vast majority of Catholic Latinos are not devout Catholics. Oh they go to Mass but they know nothing about core Catholic teachings or much of anything about Jesus Christ. I have never in my life seen any of my Catholic family members reading the Holy Bible or even reading the Catechism. They have no saving faith in Jesus Christ. Being Catholic is just a cultural thing to them. Also, Mexican parents tend to be hands off type of parents because they work a lot and that's how they were raised. I had a nephew stay in my house for a few months. He was only 23 years old and just finished college. He and my wife were watching some TV show (I wasn't home) about Islam and my wife commented that Muslims worship a false god. Well our nephew had a SJW fit going on and on about how Christians and Muslims worship the same god. My wife asked him if he has ever read the Bible or the Koran. He admitted he read neither. My wife then asked him if he hadn't read either book why does he believe Christians and Muslims worship the same god? He had no answer. Instead he starting crying. My wife was stunned. Now my wife thinks millineals are weak minded if our nephew is any gauge of the typical millenial. My point is that my nephew is college educated but is ignorant about so many things including spiritual matters. Nominally, he was raised Catholic (baptized, First Communion, etc.) but I don't think his parents taught him much of anything about faith, morality, etc. He believes homosexuality is not a sin. I was very similar at his age (minus the crying) but as I got older I realized that my life was somehow empty. At age 30 I accepted Jesus Christ as the messiah and my Lord and Savior. My life was completely transformed. Now I view the world completely through the lens of my Christian faith. My nephew is now looking deeper into his Catholic faith which I hope is a first step in his spiritual eyes being opened.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I can only speak as a first generation Mexican-American but from my experience the vast majority of Catholic Latinos are not devout Catholics.........

I am sure you are right, but that goes for all groups. White Catholics like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are frauds, and we know that lots of protestant denominations embrace homosexuality and even have gay ministers. So there are lots of fakes out there.

Having said that, I always felt that Latinos at least held to certain "gut" rights and wrongs like traditional marriage and being against abortion.