

"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The right to bear arms is hard to see in a society as egalitarian as ours is, but it's simple to see in an aristocratic one like England's. They treat the royal family there like they are better than the rest of them, and it's complete fiction and theater, but they all seem to really enjoy doing it so they keep it up.

Go back 100 years or 200 in time, when there were way more aristocrats there. Imagine an aristocrat attempting to murder a pleb. Does that pleb have the right to defend himself of course! But in order for it to not be an empty idea or platitude it must be a right to bear arms, in order that the pleb might defend himself against the aristocrat, no matter what weapon the aristocrat is using to try to kill him.

You can't have one right to bear arms for the aristocrats, and then another for the plebs. The aristocrats will always outgun the plebs in that case, rendering the plebs's right to bear arms, and thus their right to self-defense, inferior and gutted.

This is what Justice Thomas might fix for us if he gets half a chance.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Leftists keep chipping away at 2nd amendment freedoms with the ultimate goal of doing away with the 2nd amendment altogether.
A good liberal---a true liberal---knows how important a right the right to keep and bear arms is. Justice Clarence Thomas I believe, is a true liberal. It's just like liberals to call Thomas 'conservative', when they are all actually the conservatives here, because they are paternalists on gun rights. Paternalism is conservative, not liberal.

way 2 go

Well-known member
“Anytime any Democrat ever speaks to America about gun control again, and they want to talk to you about your AR-15, you tell them right now how many weapons and how many semi-automatic weapons did you hand over to terrorists in Afghanistan, to the Taliban, ISIS and possible Al-Qaeda before you ever talk to Americans about gun control,” she said.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
“Anytime any Democrat ever speaks to America about gun control again, and they want to talk to you about your AR-15, you tell them right now how many weapons and how many semi-automatic weapons did you hand over to terrorists in Afghanistan, to the Taliban, ISIS and possible Al-Qaeda before you ever talk to Americans about gun control,” she said.
Cheerleading rhetoric but DOA argument, it'll never convince gun controlling paternalists that their holy mission to remove guns from the private citizens is wrong. They'll all say, 'Oh yeah that's awful we should fix that' and keep on voting with Feinstein and Schumer all the while.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Worn extractor?....It's probably had a quarter of a million rounds sent through it already. :sneaky:
I'm closer to 1% of that on my primary carry 1911, external extractor, never had a non-magazine ftf on the thing; stainless, which is key for a (concealed) carry gun, because of summers and sweating.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Clickbait-y Headline: What the fear that Black people could have access to firearms says about the gun control debate
Silly article mainly, trying to sustain the idea that gun rights has something to do with attempts at racial hierarchy in America, instead of it just being about human rights, which it is.

Mentions President Reagan's infamous rights-violating Mulford Act, which definitely targeted Blacks.

No conservative would support such a law, or should.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Brazilian President Tells Supporters "Buy A Gun, Damn It" Amid Impending Chaos​

Brazil used to be the murder /murderer capital of the world, it might still be. Not per capita, but in absolute numbers, Brazil had the most murderers in their population in the whole world.

Per capita it's something like Jamaica.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
One of the YouTube channels I'm subscribed to, this particular episode is funny on two levels - first of all there's deer in the background of many of the scenes, and the comment section is hilarious.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
One of the YouTube channels I'm subscribed to, this particular episode is funny on two levels - first of all there's deer in the background of many of the scenes, and the comment section is hilarious.

Googol will not let me get on on Tor. 'Says it can't be sure I'm not a bot. Idunno.