Gun Control - a Liberal/Socialist Fantasy Solution

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
ahh its all the black fault ..... that makes sense now.

By the way what is the murder rate in Canada compared the the US?

oh yeah just in case you forget to check its 1.4 per 100,000 rather than 3.8 in the US

Maybe this gun control thing works?

Sure, I'll speculate.

Illegal Gun possession is based on supply and defeating policing of regulations, and race.

But in Canada its (opposite-)race based.

For instance, in Scarborough (Toronto-East GTA) any black man can get a handgun.
They get supplied by friends in the USA.

But local white folk (working class Irish mostly) haven't the talent or connections
to get hold of handguns. The best they can do is buy a pellet-gun at Canadian Tire (Like Home Depot for poor Canadians).

Ammo? forget it.

In Canada our glorious overlords feel too afraid to let Canadians have guns generally.
In fact, its a crime (=felony US) to possess pepper spray (=concealed weapon) or
use it (administer a noxious substance) against a human being.

You 'can' have pepper spray (below a certain concentration) for defence against bears
in rural areas (outside cities like Toronto) or for defence against dogs only.

If you are caught in urban areas you will be charged with concealed restricted weapon,
and if you use pepper spray in self-defence you will be charged with assault and etc.

For 30 years our 'self-defence' rules in the Criminal Code were confusing and self-contradictory,
and impossible to interpret by judges (on purpose to maximize convictions).
They fixed that recently but its not anything like the USA.

So basically if you are black you have easy access to handguns (most blacks in Canada
are immigrants from the USA from the 'underground railroad' days and recent decades).

If you are 'white' you have no access to handguns at all, unless you can get to
the US border and get one across. through Canadian Customs.

I believe there is only one rifle manufacturer in Canada, in Alberta,
and they only make sniper rifles for the military and export.

IN U.K. I suspect that like Canada, guns are as hard to get and rare for whites
as would be a Jamaican passport.


Well-known member
There have been many terrorist stabbing attacks here in Israel in the past few months. Many of the attackers have been killed or stopped by people with weapons. This is despite the fact that there is strict gun control in Israel. There are many armed soldiers and policemen around.


New member
There have been many terrorist stabbing attacks here in Israel in the past few months. Many of the attackers have been killed or stopped by people with weapons. This is despite the fact that there is strict gun control in Israel. There are many armed soldiers and policemen around.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if hatred could be banned? I don't ask for acceptance. I ask for tolerance in our differences. Let me be me and I shall surely let you be you.
As Martin Buber states, human's must treat each other as "I/Thou" relationships.
I/it" relationship is for things.
But, if someone hates me, and wants to kill me? I will defend myself by any means possible.


New member
ahh its all the black fault ..... that makes sense now.

By the way what is the murder rate in Canada compared the the US?

oh yeah just in case you forget to check its 1.4 per 100,000 rather than 3.8 in the US

Maybe this gun control thing works?

Yeah thanks for the transparent racist accusation.

The reason we have lower murder rates in Canada isn't gun control.

We have no "gun control". We just don't have a gun industry.
All guns have to be imported legally or illegally from the USA. Since we are a small and unprofitable market
(it costs massive tarriffs, fees, and customs charges for Canadians to import anything,
and items made of steel weigh a lot and aren't feasable to ship without dire need).

There are plenty of violent offenders here.

The facts are incredibly ugly and you will think they are "racist" because they are just facts.

The majority of offenders incarcerated in Toronto jails (e.g. The Toronto East Detention Centre,
or Etobicoke Detention Center West) in 1990s were Jamaicans .
That was a 60-80% majority which varied.

Canadian authorities responded by shipping Jamaicans back to Jamaica
on an 'amnesty' plan to prevent the overloading of Canadian prisons, and cut court costs.
Jamaicans willingly signed deportation consents to escape incarceration.
Then they would come back to Canada under another name and commit the same
violent crimes (rape, robbery, pimping, drug dealing) again the next summer,
and sign a Deportation order again a year later.

However, now, for some mysterious reason,
the majority of inmates in Canada is shifting from 'domestics' (due to Feminazi pressure),
to Muslims. Even Indigenous Native prison populations are dwindling (previously 40-50%),
in comparison to Muslims arrested for violent crimes.

We have the same police we had before, with the same 'racist' bias.
They didn't suddenly switch from profiling Jamaicans to profiling wife-beaters
to profiling Muslims.

In fact, Muslims are not profiled at all here, but instead cops still profile blacks.

So it must be that Muslims are committing a hugely disproportionate number of crimes,
in comparison to blacks.

Your charge of 'racism' is based on complete ignorance of what is going on here on the ground.

The answer to the mystery of drifting populations in Canadian prisons is simple:

Homosexual lawyers have taken over the government, and have opened the floodgates
to Muslim immigration. While doing this, they are covering up the crime wave
hitting major urban centers in Canada by Muslims.

Is that racism? No. Thats Liberal policies being implemented regardless of
what is really going on here.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The way I see it we are headed in one of two directions: Either national gun control legislation will be passed or pretty much anybody will be walking around with guns holstered, Old West-style.

Road rage, anyone? It's another reason why having more guns around isn't a good idea.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
National gun control legislation may be illegal under the Constitution as it is currently interpreted,

Exactly. And more importantly, it is immoral.

but the Constitution can be amended.

You would probably like that to be done. The Justice is wrong. The militia is a citizen army. It is a nongovernment organization. Everybody belongs to the militia dumps that bad idea in the toilet where it belongs.

Why take away people's right to life and liberty? Explain the reasoning.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
It could be, but, criminals have weapons! Terrorists have weapons! Only sheep don't have weapons....

This is what the left wants. They want to disarm the populace that will resist the criminals and terrorists.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
You would probably like that to be done...Why take away people's right to life and liberty? Explain the reasoning.

I don't necessarily want to take away the peoples' right to keep and bear arms, but some controls of some sort are going to have to be implemented or else we are going to see mass shootings occur on an even more frequent basis in the future.

It seems to me that any proposed solution would involve one of two things: 1) More guns; or, 2) Less guns.

Let's consider the first option. More guns in society would provide mass shooters with the market they need to obtain weapons and ammo. Potential mass shooters with no prior criminal record have legal access to all the weapons they want. And do we really want to live in a "wild West" society where everyone is packing? I mentioned road rage earlier. There are people out there who seem perfectly normal and would be allowed to carry firearms under the law, but given the right circumstances (or perhaps I should say, the wrong ones), they snap and start shooting people. More guns around also increases the likelihood of accidents.

The other option is some type of gun control legislation. The controls could be applied to individuals rather than to firearms themselves. For example, passing a psychiatric evaluation and background checks could be required before a gun purchase. This would restrict the market on firearms to sane individuals and make it more difficult for psychos to obtain guns.

As it stands now, the USA has both the highest number of guns in civilian hands and one of the highest rates of homicide in comparison with other developed countries:

Apparently, what we're doing now isn't working well so we need a change of policy.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Gun Control - a Liberal/Socialist Fantasy Solution

The way I see it we are headed in one of two directions: Either national gun control legislation will be passed or pretty much anybody will be walking around with guns holstered, Old West-style.

The latter works for me...Texas is going open carry and AZ has been that way as long as I can remember.


New member
then why did the attacker in London use a knife if he had access to "weapons" - by which I assume you meant guns.

No need for me to be exclusive here. The criminals, terrorists and nut-jobs are not exclusive. They will turn anything into a weapon! And Paris shows us that unarmed sheep get mowed down.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
What about the unarmed sheep of Colorado or the armed sheep of Boston?

....nobody does it like the Americans

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
It could be, but, criminals have weapons! Terrorists have weapons! Only sheep don't have weapons....

It isn't true actually, mobsters until quite recently have been unarmed over here. The police have always argued against an armed police force knowing that the criminals would arm. Police by and large do not want to be armed.

It is only in the last 10 years they have mobile armed response units.

Guns breed guns

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
There have been many terrorist stabbing attacks here in Israel in the past few months. Many of the attackers have been killed or stopped by people with weapons. This is despite the fact that there is strict gun control in Israel. There are many armed soldiers and policemen around.

I think you will find that in the present jihad the gun control laws are suspended.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The way I see it we are headed in one of two directions: Either national gun control legislation will be passed or pretty much anybody will be walking around with guns holstered, Old West-style.

You HAVE to go back to the old wild west because it is just impossible to take the guns out of America. But all Bammy was asking for was control on military assault weapons.

The WHOLE world looks on in amazement

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You HAVE to go back to the old wild west because it is just impossible to take the guns out of America. But all Bammy was asking for was control on military assault weapons.

you really don't know the difference, do you? :dizzy:
