Greta Thunberg, Deranged Poster Child For The Mentally Ill Left

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and of course, I would be remiss if I didn't include the other retarded poster child for the deranged left, AOC

in this one, she meets one of her even more deranged supporters who thinks that "even if we bomb Russia, it's not enough, we need to eat the babies" :kookoo:

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Carlson Tucker responds to AOC and Beto:

Worth noting that, as is often the case, they are speaking different languages

AOC and Beto and Greta are speaking the language of emotion, of irrationality

Carlson and Ben Shapiro are speaking the language of reason and logic, a foreign language to the likes of AOC, Beto and their supporters

in public encounters with the irrational emotional types, it always behooves the rational person to point that out, that their argument is not rooted in fact or reason, that it is rooted in emotion.

And then mock them mercilessly for being irrational emotional little retards :banana:
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It should be clear to everybody during this plague how many things we just shouldn't care about ever, because we don't care about them during pestilence. Things that don't matter during pestilence or famine or war, don't matter. Nobody cares right now about driving an electric car versus a gas guzzling SUV. Nobody cares right now about recycling plastic. Nobody cares about things that pale in comparison with a pandemic. And we shouldn't care about them when the plague clears either.

What does matter always, is that we need to have the ability to supply a sudden 20x increase in demand, all across our economy. Not only hospitals and PPE, but everything, because pandemics are real, they're not fairy tales from the distant past, and if we live our collective lives like pandemics and famine are fictional, then we're going to get caught swimming naked when the tide goes out, and that's what every single nation on the earth was doing all this time before the pestilence came upon us, every one of our countries was overwhelmed and unprepared for this novel contagion, and it was because we were spending so much time listening to and thinking and talking about Greta and AOC and Beto (aka Beta), instead of building up our whole economy to 20 times as strong as it was before the COVID-19 pneumonia plague.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nobody cares right now about recycling plastic.

I was surprised a couple of months ago at the grocery store to discover that my governor had banned plastic bags at the checkout line, and that I was supposed to bring my own. I was a little perturbed, as I reuse the bags as trash can liners and find them handier than paper bags for carrying in groceries from the car, no mean feat in the winter when I park a couple hundred feet from my back door. But I adapted.

Yesterday when I made my bi-weekly trip to the grocery store, they were back to plastic again :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nobody cares right now about driving an electric car versus a gas guzzling SUV.

I'd still like to get a Tesla Model 3 :banana:

although, 56 grand is a lot to pay for a vehicle that'll get smoked in the quarter mile by a $3000 used Honda V65 or Kaw KZ1100 :banana: :banana:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It would be nice to imagine that one day, the adult world will unanimously agree that we were, as a global society, insane for failing to recognize that this:

was an emotional temper tantrum from a mentally ill child, and deserved to be regarded as nothing more


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You say this in defiance of your pope and your Church:
I don't think so. The Church is politically liberal, the evidence being the multiple times in our Catechism where inalienable and basic human rights are invoked (a definitively liberal thing). And all I'm saying is that at minimum, before we worry about the things that I enumerated, that we get ourselves ready for the next inevitable famine, pestilence (plague /pandemic), or war, because it's irresponsible to live the way we were living prior to this pandemic, with literally no nations on the earth prepared for it. We were all swimming naked and nobody knew it because it was high tide, and now the tide's gone out, and now we see that we were all swimming naked all along.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...Yesterday when I made my bi-weekly trip to the grocery store, they were back to plastic again :chuckle:
You're darn right they were, and we know why. It's plague. Plague and famine and war have a decidedly clarifying influence on us, and we should learn from this clarity and amend our ways for the future. The worst part of plague isn't just the disease and death, it's the economic toll, and it's a toll we have to pay now because none of us were ready for a sudden either 20-fold increase or decrease in the demand for our services.

I mean, except for "preppers" lol. Although maybe not so much either the l or the ol, since they are the ones with all the toilet roll right now.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I'd still like to get a Tesla Model 3 :banana:

although, 56 grand is a lot to pay for a vehicle that'll get smoked in the quarter mile by a $3000 used Honda V65 or Kaw KZ1100 :banana: :banana:
Eventually we'll all have electric cars, even without subsidies and rebates and other government incentives. Within the next century for sure.

Right Divider

Body part
and of course, I would be remiss if I didn't include the other retarded poster child for the deranged left, AOC

in this one, she meets one of her even more deranged supporters who thinks that "even if we bomb Russia, it's not enough, we need to eat the babies" :kookoo:



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A great many things, judging by your ignorant posts. Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide causing global warming being just one of them.
And global warmening causing this plague is obviously another one.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

the emotionalism is what struck me, the blind irrational angry emotionalism

much like this, a circumstance I return to pondering occasionally - a rational person confronted by an irrational crowd who are absolutely consumed by their emotional anger which only grows as it is confronted and frustrated by calm rationality:


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This one too - Stephen Crowder and the girl who has a meltdown when she realizes she can't change his mind and demands that security remove him because she's crying:



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The Church's position on ecology is informed by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, not by politics:

Another thing you are missing.
And yet laws are involved, even though it's "not by politics".

Also just for grins and fyi, I looked through Pope Francis's authorized twitter feed over the past month.

He tweets almost as much as President Trump.

There's a lot of pastoral guidance and counsel, a lot about prayer and assisting the needy and vulnerable, a lot about Lent and Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter.

Gas guzzling SUVs, recycling plastic, climate change /crisis? Zero.

Which only goes to my first post above, where you accused me of defying my supreme pastor.

See for yourself, when was the last time he mentioned the climate or CO2 emissions or ecology? Since the plague hit, he's tweeting about the plague. And that was my point.