Green Energy


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Do you really believe guys like Gates would target those who agree with them politiclaly
You mean useful idiots whose minds have been pacified and stultified into believing Bill Gates does not have them under target? Whatever other agreement they may have, or think they have with him, I doubt they would agree with him politically on the particular issue of his meaning to kill them, too. And I'd guess that he rarely, if ever, thinks to broach that issue with them, since "these things must be done delicately." I would have no difficulty believing Bill Gates targets every, last one of 'em. It's just that, obviously, he would calculate upon something of an order of operations to which he (whether begrudgingly, stoicly, or with relish) must adhere, so as ultimately to acheive his intended ends.


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For now I'll just address that first sentence.

Explain to me how the baby formula shortage is directed at any one group. Then explain to me how the destruction of food provessing plants nation wide can be directed at one specific group. It's your train of logic. Explain how it is possible as I don't believe it is possible,

Massive food shortages and no fertilizer is the same. It is universal in it's targeting. It's no different than inflation. It affects every person alive.
Did you get massively confused because of that question mark....I'm not sure why it's there. My bad...I'll take it away.

Does that change your response to that sentence? :cautious:

Gary K

New member
You mean useful idiots whose minds have been pacified and stultified into believing Bill Gates does not have them under target? Whatever other agreement they may have, or think they have with him, I doubt they would agree with him politically on the particular issue of his meaning to kill them, too. And I'd guess that he rarely, if ever, thinks to broach that issue with them, since "these things must be done delicately." I would have no difficulty believing Bill Gates targets every, last one of 'em. It's just that, obviously, he would calculate upon something of an order of operations to which he (whether begrudgingly, stoicly, or with relish) must adhere, so as ultimately to acheive his intended ends.
This has absolutely nothing to do with people agreeing with Gates. It has everything to do with whether or not he sees them as important and valuable to his causes. Demonstrate that from evidence.

I have followed the man for decades and he has proven to be without a conscience. When MS was being sued by the DOJ his testimony was one lie after another. he could talk for ours and never tell the truth.
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Gary K

New member
Did you get massively confused because of that question mark....I'm not sure why it's there. My bad...I'll take it away.

Does that change your response to that sentence? :cautious:
Not in the least. Explain how the baby food shortage is aimed at any specific group as this is all pert of the whole.

It's simple to starve a specific political group. Just create laws that make it so they can't buy food, That is all that is needed. No need to create artificial shortages that will damage your own political allies Your train of logic doesn't come close to addressing any of this.


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Do you really believe guys like Gates would target those who agree with them politiclaly
This has absolutely nothing to do with people agreeing with Gates.

What has nothing to do with people agreeing with Gates?

It has everything to do with whether or not he sees them as important and valuable to his causes. Demonstrate that from evidence.

Demonstrate what? That something has to do with whether or not he sees them as useful to his objectives?

I have followed the man for decades and he has proven to be without a conscience. When MS was being sued by the DOJ his testimony was one lie after another. he could talk for ours and never tell the truth.

I've absolutely zero doubt that that is true. I'm just confused as to exactly what question is the present bone of contention in this thread.

Gary K

New member
What has nothing to do with people agreeing with Gates?

Demonstrate what? That something has to do with whether or not he sees them as useful to his objectives?

I've absolutely zero doubt that that is true. I'm just confused as to exactly what question is the present bone of contention in this thread.
You're amazingly naive. Gates is a eugenicist. That means he will kill anyone without a twinge of conscience.

Gary K

New member
Oh....That's all. Silly me.

You're right....I'm too shallow a thinker for your stunning logic. :rolleyes:

I tried. :censored:
There you go avoiding explaining your position.

Explain how the manufactured baby formula shortage only affects those of one side of the political aisle. Just how are women and babies of only conservatives and independents not getting baby formula. While you're at it explain how women on the left are being supplied with formula. It ought to be simple for you since you believe this happens on a daily basis.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
There you go avoiding explaining your position.

Explain how the manufactured baby formula shortage only affects those of one side of the political aisle. Just how are women and babies of only conservatives and independents not getting baby formula. While you're at it explain how women on the left are being supplied with formula. It ought to be simple for you since you believe this happens on a daily basis.
Quite simple my good man...

Basset Hounds got long ears...

There! I trust that should ally any future concerns you may have. :cool:

Gary K

New member
What I'm saying to you guys is a long ways out of any frame of reference for you. It's not for me because I grew up in a family of psychopaths.

My entire family hated me because I liked the man I knew as Grandpa. He was my old man's stepfather. My old man hated him because he believed, without reason, that he murdered my old man's real dad. I was hated by my mother and both of my brothers for the same reason.

I became friends with Grandpa because he treated me well. Now explain to me their train of logic. Can you understand it? Does it make sense to you? Or is it past your comprehension how an entire family hates a member of the family just because another person likes that family member and because of that they become friends? Would you hate a member of your family for that?

Gary K

New member
What that I said triggered you to say that?

I had no idea.

But who said he would not do so? I didn't.
But you couldn't believe he would. And, you couldn't come close to understanding my argument, How do I know that? Because you didn't understand what my questions have to do with the discussion. When you can't understand that you are missing out on how I view the context of the subject. Ahd wheb you don't you cannot discuss it intelligently.

Do you understsnd what I talked about in my last post? Would you hate a member of your family because of who liked them? Can you even understand the logic that leads to that? That is psychopathic logic.


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But you couldn't believe he would.

I couldn't? Oh, OK.

And, you couldn't come close to understanding my argument,

What "argument"?

How do I know that? Because you didn't understand what my questions have to do with the discussion.

Spare me.

When you can't understand that you are missing out on how I view the context of the subject. Ahd wheb you don't you cannot discuss it intelligently.

Do you understsnd what I talked about in my last post?

It looked like raving. I don't even assume you understand what you wrote in your last post.

Would you hate a member of your family because of who liked them?


Can you even understand the logic that leads to that?

No logic leads to that.

That is psychopathic logic.

Personally, I would not use a nonsense phrase like "psychopathic logic," because it is oxymoronic and just silly.

Gary K

New member
Wow. Am I an idiot. I finally understand what you guys are talking about. When women walk into the grocery store they wear patches that identify them by political persuasion. Then the store knows who can buy baby formula and who can't. I just couldn't wrap my brain around that.

Sorry about being so dense.


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Liberalism 2022

California man charges his electric car with a portable gas-powered electricity generator.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Liberalism 2022

California man charges his electric car with a portable gas-powered electricity generator.

View attachment 4250
Next thing he'll realize, he can just plop that thing in the backseat and charge it while he's moving. Next thing after that he'll be pulling into the gas station to fill it up. Next thing after that he'll be selling his e-car and getting a good old fashioned gas guzzler again. Crude oil ftw.

Gary K

New member
I couldn't? Oh, OK.

What "argument"?

Spare me.

It looked like raving. I don't even assume you understand what you wrote in your last post.


No logic leads to that.

Personally, I would not use a nonsense phrase like "psychopathic logic," because it is oxymoronic and just silly.
So you can't identify with how psychopaths think Big shock there as the vast majority people can't even recognize a psychopath when they meet one.. It's why so many psychopaths live in plain sight and aren't identified as such. Here's an article on psychopaths in business, There are 3 to 5 times as many psychopaths in CEO positions than there are in the general public.

What I said about the environment I grew up in is true. That you can't even imagine it means it is so farawayy from how you grew up you can't even imagine it. It's why I grew up with a large streak of self destructivenss in me. Anyome who grows up in an environment like gets damaged pretty severely. It took my relation ship with God for Him to heaal me. It still wasn't until a handfulll of years ago that I came to understand his motivations. In other words I spent most of my life trying to understand why he hated me the way he did and treated me the way he did.


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the vast majority people can't even recognize a psychopath when they meet one.

I recognize them by their psycho eyes. Any time you can see the white above the cornea, you're dealing with a psychopath:




Gary K

New member
Wow. Am I an idiot. I finally understand what you guys are talking about. When women walk into the grocery store they wear patches that identify them by political persuasion. Then the store knows who can buy baby formula and who can't. I just couldn't wrap my brain around that.

Sorry about being so dense.
LOL. So mo one recognizes tongue in cheek anymore.

This is exactly what I have been taking about when I said it is impossible to make sure leftist women get baby formula and women of other political persuasions are kept away from it. The only way to do that is to create laws like the Nazi's did and force people to wear identification badges so those prohibited from buying food stuffs can be identified by sight. Oh, now you can control that at the checkout counter by identifying them electronically but the principle is the same.

I have to say I am shocked by the level of indoctrination I'm seeing.

Gary K

New member
I recognize them by their psycho eyes. Any time you can see the white above the cornea, you're dealing with a psychopath:



Well maybe. It's a start. My wife has worked for two of them. Both are congenital liars. Both are big time bullies. You can't/couldn't trust a word they said. And both screw with people on an ongoing basis. You know them by their behavior far more accurately than any other way.