I just know an infusion of sodium is associated with increased blood pressure and if it is high to begin with it could be dangerous. I don't fall for big pharma or corp america. You should know that. Don't get on my bad side.
I'd like to give you my story. I was intrigued about the idea of alkalinizing ones body/blood stream, mainly because I've dealt with gout for over a decade. Gout is usually described as being caused by too much uric acid. So after I read ffreeloader's post, I decided to try Baking soda. I started with a partial teaspoon once a day and worked up to 2 per day. After an initial gout flare up, I haven't had any gout trouble for about 6 months. And that was after I went off my prescribed uric acid reduction medicine.
But there's more. I checked my blood pressure (i don't own a sphignomenometer, so I'd check it at a store that has one of those machines). It started to rise, from a healthy 120/80 to about 130/88. But then it began to drop, until it hit about 115/75--pretty decent!
But there's more. My wife and daughter both got some kind of respiratory virus, not once but twice this year, where they were sick and coughing for weeks. I had a little postnasal drip both times that lasted for a couple days.
I can't guarantee that all of that is from the baking soda, but I'm convinced there are some health benefits. And the gout had been driving me crazy.