ECT Grace is unconditional but not universal

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Cross Reference

New member
One cannot be a true member of the Body of Christ then choose not to be.

Why not? You example that disposition every day on this forum. You just don't recognize it. You lie, you obfuscate, you misrepresent, you presume, you attack, falsely accuse and that is just with me, Where in your thinking does all that fit in with one professing to be part of the body of Christ?

You just finished a session.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Why not? You example that disposition every day on this forum. You just don't recognize it. You lie, you obfuscate, you misrepresent, you presume, you attack, falsely accuse and that is just with me, Where in your thinking does all that fit in with one professing to be part of the body of Christ?

Next, you'll say I'm ugly and smell bad.


TOL Subscriber
Faith requires assurance and confidence which both required the engagement of the brain - which is 'doing'.

Nouns verb. Things act. Acting doesn't noun.

The brain is a physical organ. It isn't engaged as an action. It's very nature is to function, just as the mind's very nature is to function. The brain and the mind are not the same thing, though integrated and co-inherent.

You're denying grammar at the most basic level. Nouns have an innate functionality. Tables aren't "tabling" when there are items being held up that are on them. It's the very nature of their being as existence to have this latent functionality as part of their "thing-ness" as a noun. That's why non-tables aren't tables.

Things do. Acting doesn't be. Nouns verb. Verbs don't noun.

Faith is a noun. Scripture is very explicit about its source. From that noun is all relative acting and the resulting actions that are nouns. Those latter nouns on the far side of the verb all end in -ma in the Greek language.


TOL Subscriber
Seriously? You seem at ease reducing man to a mere vessel. Are you aware of how worthless you make God's creatures?

You seem at ease reducing God to a mandatory contingent mutuality with man that denies His Necessity as Creator. Are you aware of how worthless you make God... AND man?

He restores us to and beyond the functionality of the original creation as a new creation in Christ, so we must be worth Him laying down His psuche (soul life) in Christ for us. We're worth being saved, but it's because of Him in whose image we were made.

You insist on man over God or man equal to God; in both worth and functionality. That's the pride of life, just like rejecting basic grammar.


Literal lunatic
Obviously not true otherwise man is rendered a spectator of his 'own' conversion.

Acts 26:19
So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.

Paul witnessed this taking place in himself.

15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,

16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:

Who did Jesus tell Peter gave him the faith to believe Jesus was the son of God?

Matthew 16:17
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In PPSs world nouns and verbs RULE! He's a grammar and punctuation fanatic. He also appears to be a bit on the "OCD" side of the street, if you know what I mean? Oh, he also has an underdeveloped sense of humor/wit. He prefers childish name calling instead of adult humor. He's a poor soul who requires our pity.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Lest anyone feel I'm being unfair to PPS, I really have nothing but sympathy for these types of posters. They're a little socially inept. They should be treated with the utmost respect and made to feel welcome on any and all social forums.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Perhaps this thread has run its course? Nang's original premise that, "Grace is unconditional but not universal" has been proven wrong. The Bible displays a myriad of evidence to the contrary. This thread has degenerated into a free for all and it appears as if it has no further purpose to exist. I hope Nang concurs?


TOL Subscriber
Perhaps this thread has run its course? Nang's original premise that, "Grace is unconditional but not universal" has been proven wrong. The Bible displays a myriad of evidence to the contrary. This thread has degenerated into a free for all and it appears as if it has no further purpose to exist. I hope Nang concurs?

No, I do not concur.

This suggestion reveals your true agenda. Interrupt a decent discussion with nonsense for several days that will only cause disruption and disintegration until everyone gets bored with you, and then you claim you have disproved the OP?

I hope you just go away, so others might rejoin and restore the discussion to the respectful level it first generated.

Disappear . . . please . . .

Take CR with you.
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