Good news, bad news


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You've come a long way from your first cult (Libertarianism) where everything was allowable as long as "consent" was used, to a cult that wants to stone to death sexually confused 12 year olds (as long as two witnesses saw them engaging in homosex).

I'm not sure if the law applies differently to people that aren't adults.

Minors and children aside, you've gone from one extreme (consensual morality) to another (Jewish theocracy).

Sorry Jr., but if you're going by Jewish laws (which you are) then there are prescribed methods of punishment (stoning, burning, strangling) :

Yes, I'm aware that stoning was used at the time.

Then I'll need to see in the Bible where it repeals the act of stoning for those caught in acts of homosexuality, adultery, being disrespectful to one's parents, etc.

How about circumstantial evidence?

I'm not certain exactly how this works either. I realize that there are new types of evidence that didn't exist back then, so if the OT law were to be implemented in society the codes would have to reflect this one way or another (application is not a settled science as of now.)

I'm pretty certain that circumstantial evidence was allowed. How many cases of murder (then and now) do you think would be successfully prosecuted if the conviction rested solely on two or more people witnessing the murder? (very few).

Don't get me wrong Jr.; God's universal moral codes haven't changed one bit, but when He sent his Son to die on the cross much of the OT punishment phase did.

Where does the Bible say the penalty phase was changed?

When Jesus rescinded ceremonial and other laws handed down specifically to the Jews.

I covered this topic extensively in my 3 part thread, review the table of contents in part 3 for more information.

BTW, since Ron Paul empowered homosexuals by voting to allow them to openly serve in the military, should he be stoned, hung or burned?

Even leaving aside that Ron Paul isn't under a theonomy, I'm not sure how voting to give those rights would be punishable.

Wouldn't a legislator, someone who was supposed to legislate righteously in the eyes of God, be held to the same standards as those caught in a capital offense if he was responsible for laws that legally enabled them under a theonomy?

Back to what the Bible says about the topic:

Individuals and nations have the God-given right to self defense. Take a look in the Quran to see what it says should be done to Christians and Jews and let me know if fighting Islam in an act of self defense.

"fighting Islam" is really vague.

Kill or be murdered isn't (back to our God-given right to self defense).

Back to what the Bible says about recreational drug use:

It says that people are to remain alert (sober) so that they can be self reliant and be dependable for others in need.

It also speaks out against the use of pharmaceuticals for recreational use.

Put two and two together and you'd see that the Bible speaks against recreational drug legalization.

The problem is that you're assuming that every sin should be a crime.

I don't recall every endorsing legislation that outlaws gluttony. I'm talking about behaviors that destroy individuals, families, entire communities and nations.

Heck, I left the best one out:

Pornography (kiddy porn included).

Since the Bible doesn't speak against it, even though it ruins millions and millions of lives through sexual immorality, it MUST remain legal...

right Jr.?

I think the OT law clearly implies that this shouldn't be legal, considering that its very production is typically predicated on acts which are against the OT law. Similar to how you can't sell videos of rape for entertainment purposes

If you're going to be a theonomist and outlaw pornography, you'll need specifics from the Bible in order to do so.