Good news, bad news

The Barbarian

Rand Paul fired his opening shot against the excessive power granted to the government in the Patriot Act in an 11-hour fillibuster.

The more I see of this guy, the better I like him.

A coalition of big-government liberals and right-wing extremists will probably prevail, though. But it's a shot across the bow of the state-worshipers.

He might have the last say, in the long run.


Rand Paul fired his opening shot against the excessive power granted to the government in the Patriot Act in an 11-hour fillibuster.

The more I see of this guy, the better I like him.

A coalition of big-government liberals and right-wing extremists will probably prevail, though. But it's a shot across the bow of the state-worshipers.

He might have the last say, in the long run.

Does he use perm in his hair?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Rand Paul fired his opening shot against the excessive power granted to the government in the Patriot Act in an 11-hour fillibuster.

The more I see of this guy, the better I like him.

A coalition of big-government liberals and right-wing extremists will probably prevail, though. But it's a shot across the bow of the state-worshipers.

He might have the last say, in the long run.

:plain: Right now he is the only candidate (which has a snowball's chance in Hell of actually getting to the finals ) I would consider voting for.

Awaiting ACW's inevitable contribution. :rain:



New member
I'm against the patriot act, but I don't like Rand Paul either. He's just as bought as the rest of them. Ron Paul was a man of integrity.


New member
I'm against the patriot act, but I don't like Rand Paul either. He's just as bought as the rest of them. Ron Paul was a man of integrity.


That Rand is being seen fighting the Patriot Act may simply mean he's doing it to be seen doing it.
Especially if it means he can say "I'm not like the other corporate toadies!" when it's time to count votes.

If he's actually fighting it out of genuine personal conviction?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

patrick jane


That Rand is being seen fighting the Patriot Act may simply mean he's doing it to be seen doing it.
Especially if it means he can say "I'm not like the other corporate toadies!" when it's time to count votes.

If he's actually fighting it out of genuine personal conviction?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

yeah, that's what it means. not every politician lies. Ron never did -

what about a shattered clock ?

View attachment 19746

The Barbarian

I admired Ron Paul, even though I disagreed with much that he said. He struck me as trustworthy, and willing to speak regardless of the consequences.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm against the patriot act, but I don't like Rand Paul either. He's just as bought as the rest of them. Ron Paul was a man of integrity.

Yeah, I don't like Rand as much as his father. I think I need to pay more attention to him though. I support his stand against this.


I'm against the patriot act, but I don't like Rand Paul either. He's just as bought as the rest of them. Ron Paul was a man of integrity.

I admired Ron Paul, even though I disagreed with much that he said. He struck me as trustworthy, and willing to speak regardless of the consequences.

Yeah, I don't like Rand as much as his father. I think I need to pay more attention to him though...

What's not to like about Ron Paul if you're a Libertarian?

1). Wants to legalize all recreational drugs.
2). Wants to make abortion a "states rights issue" (because in the mind of Ron Paul, murdering unborn babies is something that the respective states should decide).
3). Isn't sure if buggerizing what'shisname is a sin (yet Ron Paul claims to believe in God who is very clear on homosexuality being a sin).
4). Doesn't think that Islam is an inherent threat to the US, i.e. if we leave the Christian/Jew hating barbarians alone they'll leave us alone.

Ron Paul: truly a man of honesty and integrity.


Christian Liberty

Well-known member
What's not to like about Ron Paul if you're a Libertarian?

1). Wants to legalize all recreational drugs.
2). Wants to make abortion a "states rights issue" (because in the mind of Ron Paul, murdering unborn babies is something that the respective states should decide).
3). Isn't sure if buggerizing what'shisname is a sin (yet Ron Paul claims to believe in God who is very clear on homosexuality being a sin).
4). Doesn't think that Islam is an inherent threat to the US, i.e. if we leave the Christian/Jew hating barbarians alone they'll leave us alone.

Ron Paul: truly a man of honesty and integrity.


Well, I agree with Ro on two of those four and disagree on the other two. I'll let you guess which ones.


Well, I agree with Ro on two of those four and disagree on the other two. I'll let you guess which ones.

Being that your newest cult (theonomy) would put to death those caught in homosexual acts (by stoning I assume, since lethal injection isn't mentioned in the Bible), of course as long as there are two witnesses, and apparently would execute women that have had abortions (there's no room for grace in Jr.'s theonomist world), I would guess that drug pushing and muzzie loving would be the two that you agree with Ron Paul on cuz the Bible doesn't specifically talk about those two things? (it does, but Jr. and his newest cult just don't want to acknowledge it).

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Being that your newest cult (theonomy)


would put to death those caught in homosexual acts (by stoning I assume, since lethal injection isn't mentioned in the Bible),

Methods are more or less interchangeable

of course as long as there are two witnesses,


and apparently would execute women that have had abortions (there's no room for grace in Jr.'s theonomist world),

Wait, are you accusing God of having no grace when he wrote the OT law? Also, since when have you ever had grace with anyone?

I would guess that drug pushing and muzzie loving

You say "grace" then this.

I love Muslims. I hate Islam. I just hate it more rationally than you do.

I also hate drugs, but I also hate them more rationally than you do.
would be the two that you agree with Ron Paul on cuz the Bible doesn't specifically talk about those two things? (it does, but Jr. and his newest cult just don't want to acknowledge it).

You are correct that it does. It does NOT, however, teach that drugs should be legally prohibited, or that a "crusade" against Islam is justified.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that your newest cult (theonomy)

You've come a long way from your first cult (Libertarianism) where everything was allowable as long as "consent" was used, to a cult that wants to stone to death sexually confused 12 year olds (as long as two witnesses saw them engaging in homosex).

would put to death those caught in homosexual acts (by stoning I assume, since lethal injection isn't mentioned in the Bible),

Methods are more or less interchangeable

Sorry Jr., but if you're going by Jewish laws (which you are) then there are prescribed methods of punishment (stoning, burning, strangling) :

of course as long as there are two witnesses,

How about circumstantial evidence?

and apparently would execute women that have had abortions (there's no room for grace in Jr.'s theonomist world),

Wait, are you accusing God of having no grace when he wrote the OT law? Also, since when have you ever had grace with anyone?

Don't get me wrong Jr.; God's universal moral codes haven't changed one bit, but when He sent his Son to die on the cross much of the OT punishment phase did.

BTW, since Ron Paul empowered homosexuals by voting to allow them to openly serve in the military, should he be stoned, hung or burned?

I would guess that drug pushing and muzzie loving

I love Muslims. I hate Islam. I just hate it more rationally than you do.

Back to what the Bible says about the topic:

Individuals and nations have the God-given right to self defense. Take a look in the Quran to see what it says should be done to Christians and Jews and let me know if fighting Islam in an act of self defense.

I also hate drugs, but I also hate them more rationally than you do.

Back to what the Bible says about recreational drug use:

It says that people are to remain alert (sober) so that they can be self reliant and be dependable for others in need.

It also speaks out against the use of pharmaceuticals for recreational use.

Put two and two together and you'd see that the Bible speaks against recreational drug legalization.

Heck, I left the best one out:

Pornography (kiddy porn included).

Since the Bible doesn't speak against it, even though it ruins millions and millions of lives through sexual immorality, it MUST remain legal...

right Jr.?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
You've come a long way from your first cult (Libertarianism) where everything was allowable as long as "consent" was used, to a cult that wants to stone to death sexually confused 12 year olds (as long as two witnesses saw them engaging in homosex).

I'm not sure if the law applies differently to people that aren't adults.

Sorry Jr., but if you're going by Jewish laws (which you are) then there are prescribed methods of punishment (stoning, burning, strangling) :

Yes, I'm aware that stoning was used at the time.

How about circumstantial evidence?

I'm not certain exactly how this works either. I realize that there are new types of evidence that didn't exist back then, so if the OT law were to be implemented in society the codes would have to reflect this one way or another (application is not a settled science as of now.)

Don't get me wrong Jr.; God's universal moral codes haven't changed one bit, but when He sent his Son to die on the cross much of the OT punishment phase did.

Where does the Bible say the penalty phase was changed?
BTW, since Ron Paul empowered homosexuals by voting to allow them to openly serve in the military, should he be stoned, hung or burned?
Even leaving aside that Ron Paul isn't under a theonomy, I'm not sure how voting to give those rights would be punishable.

Back to what the Bible says about the topic:

Individuals and nations have the God-given right to self defense. Take a look in the Quran to see what it says should be done to Christians and Jews and let me know if fighting Islam in an act of self defense.

"fighting Islam" is really vague.

Back to what the Bible says about recreational drug use:

It says that people are to remain alert (sober) so that they can be self reliant and be dependable for others in need.

It also speaks out against the use of pharmaceuticals for recreational use.

Put two and two together and you'd see that the Bible speaks against recreational drug legalization.

The problem is that you're assuming that every sin should be a crime.

Heck, I left the best one out:

Pornography (kiddy porn included).

Since the Bible doesn't speak against it, even though it ruins millions and millions of lives through sexual immorality, it MUST remain legal...

right Jr.?

I think the OT law clearly implies that this shouldn't be legal, considering that its very production is typically predicated on acts which are against the OT law. Similar to how you can't sell videos of rape for entertainment purposes