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* Dr. Dobson Staffer:dunce:, "3rd trimester abortion outlawed!": after we learned that Focus on the Family's staff and call center were giving out false information about what the PBA ban actually does, Bob Enyart asked his general manager Will Duffy, to place just one call to 1-800-A-Family (Dr. Dobson's ministry phone number), to record the call, and to request no one in particular, but just ask the question, "What does the partial-birth abortion ban actually do?" On this show, you can hear Susan from the Focus on the Family correspondence department answer, "The U.S. Supreme Court made it illegal for women to have an abortion in the last trimester." Later in the call, Will asks for a clarification: "Okay, so that'd be the seventh, eighth, and ninth months?" "Yes." Bob Enyart also re-aired a clip from another pro-life ministry which provides totally false information about the ruling. Rob Schenck (pronounced shank) is president of Faith and Action and works also with the National Pro-Life Action Center which his twin brother Paul founded, both groups operating in Washington D.C. just across the street from the Supreme Court. The brothers have close ties to Pat Robertson and his American Center for Law and Justice, and Paul has worked for Jay Sekulow as executive vice president of the ACLJ. Bob re-aired the clip of Rob Schenck grossly misinforming Christians about the brutally wicked Gonzales v. Carhart ruling. Because the authority written into this law by pro-lifers never had even the possibility of saving a single child's life, it is probably impossible to justify the 15 years and tens of millions of dollars wasted on this PBA ban by actually quoting what the Gonzales v. Carhart ruling actually holds. And as a result, pro-life ministries continue the long misinformation campaign about what the "ban" actually does, for in fact, it doesn't even prohibit an abortionist from partially delivering a late-term fetus, and then killing the baby. The ruling is more of a PBA Manual, explaining in some detail exactly how an abortionist can legally perform a text-book partial-birth abortion, or how he can perform a four-inch variation on traditional PBA. The new procedure can be called a "Navel PBA."
Will Duffy's complete call to Focus is six minutes and 36 seconds long. You can download the one minute and 19 second excerpt that Bob aired, and the entire call.
* Dr. Dobson Staffer:dunce:, "3rd trimester abortion outlawed!": after we learned that Focus on the Family's staff and call center were giving out false information about what the PBA ban actually does, Bob Enyart asked his general manager Will Duffy, to place just one call to 1-800-A-Family (Dr. Dobson's ministry phone number), to record the call, and to request no one in particular, but just ask the question, "What does the partial-birth abortion ban actually do?" On this show, you can hear Susan from the Focus on the Family correspondence department answer, "The U.S. Supreme Court made it illegal for women to have an abortion in the last trimester." Later in the call, Will asks for a clarification: "Okay, so that'd be the seventh, eighth, and ninth months?" "Yes." Bob Enyart also re-aired a clip from another pro-life ministry which provides totally false information about the ruling. Rob Schenck (pronounced shank) is president of Faith and Action and works also with the National Pro-Life Action Center which his twin brother Paul founded, both groups operating in Washington D.C. just across the street from the Supreme Court. The brothers have close ties to Pat Robertson and his American Center for Law and Justice, and Paul has worked for Jay Sekulow as executive vice president of the ACLJ. Bob re-aired the clip of Rob Schenck grossly misinforming Christians about the brutally wicked Gonzales v. Carhart ruling. Because the authority written into this law by pro-lifers never had even the possibility of saving a single child's life, it is probably impossible to justify the 15 years and tens of millions of dollars wasted on this PBA ban by actually quoting what the Gonzales v. Carhart ruling actually holds. And as a result, pro-life ministries continue the long misinformation campaign about what the "ban" actually does, for in fact, it doesn't even prohibit an abortionist from partially delivering a late-term fetus, and then killing the baby. The ruling is more of a PBA Manual, explaining in some detail exactly how an abortionist can legally perform a text-book partial-birth abortion, or how he can perform a four-inch variation on traditional PBA. The new procedure can be called a "Navel PBA."
Will Duffy's complete call to Focus is six minutes and 36 seconds long. You can download the one minute and 19 second excerpt that Bob aired, and the entire call.