God's Bondage to Satan!!


New member
There is a difference between a who (Jesus) and a what (the gospel).

They're both the "Word of God", and they both are the "Seed" of God, and both are the "Death, burial and the Resurrection". What more do you want to show you that they are the "Same"???

Paul -- 092812


New member
Nonsense as usual.

Your lack of wisdom is overwhelming!!! - That really corrected me like some fool trying to correct a Math PHD. -- Why do some of you show yourselves up so foolishly??? -- Do you think you're hurting me?? - Are you that mindless??

Paul -- 092812
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They're both the "Word of God", and they both are the "Seed" of God, and both are the "Death, burial and the Resurrection". What more do you want to show you that they are the "Same"???

Paul -- 092812
One is the Word of God, the person Jesus. The other is the word of God, the what and the gospel or message of truth.


New member
:doh: belonging to a group isn't arrogant :doh:

What about the Boy Scouts? Is belonging to a group who can make fires better than anybody else arrogant? :doh:

I said that the ( "Group" ) was "Arrogant", ( not the belonging ( TO ) a Group )!! -- Thanks for being an "Enemy" ( Thank You!! ), and changing everything I say to what you wanted me to say!! -- Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try again, you didn't get very far that time!!!!!!

Paul -- 092912


New member
One is the Word of God, the person Jesus. The other is the word of God, the what and the gospel or message of truth.

The Word of God is the Word of God, whether you trash it, or throw it under the bus, ot it's your Life. It's still the Word of God / Jesus / Truth / Light / My Life!!!!

Paul -- 092912


The Word of God is the Word of God, whether you trash it, or throw it under the bus, ot it's your Life. It's still the Word of God / Jesus / Truth / Light / My Life!!!!

Paul -- 092912
Each of these words / phrases is important. They are important all along be themself, and what do they mean when we put them together as you have done?

The word of God is "the truth" (true). Jesus is the truth. Is that what makes Him the Word of God?


New member
Each of these words / phrases is important. They are important all along be themself, and what do they mean when we put them together as you have done?

The word of God is "the truth" (true). Jesus is the truth. Is that what makes Him the Word of God?

The Word of God is “Truth”, Jesus is that Truth, because He is the Word of God, the Light; the same thing. So the Truth walked and is in those who die to the world of sin, and are raised in the Life which is Christ Anointed. --- Life is nothing unless Anointed by the Ghost of God, the Body of Christ. - One must put on the Body which is the Anointing of Life!! - Thus Life, the Holy Ghost, is poured upon you; - and study is where you pour yourself onto the Word of Truth. He is in you and you are in Him. – It can’t be simpler than that!!

Paul – 092912


The Word of God is “Truth”, Jesus is that Truth, because He is the Word of God, the Light; the same thing. So the Truth walked and is in those who die to the world of sin, and are raised in the Life which is Christ Anointed. --- Life is nothing unless Anointed by the Ghost of God, the Body of Christ. - One must put on the Body which is the Anointing of Life!! - Thus Life, the Holy Ghost, is poured upon you; - and study is where you pour yourself onto the Word of Truth. He is in you and you are in Him. – It can’t be simpler than that!!

Paul – 092912
There may be a difference between learning about Jesus and learning from Jesus.


Learning from Jesus, ( IS ) learning about Jesus. --- Matthew 11:29 KJV --

Paul -- 092912
That's correct. And there is also a person who learns about Jesus from a preacher or missionary/evangelist. So we have (consider) the Holy Spirit as well as the person by whom you heard of Jesus.


New member
That's correct. And there is also a person who learns about Jesus from a preacher or missionary/evangelist. So we have (consider) the Holy Spirit as well as the person by whom you heard of Jesus.

Which missionaries and evangelists?? - The Mormons', or the Catholics', or do you have one better than the Lord's Ministers??

Paul -- 092912


Which missionaries and evangelists?? - The Mormons', or the Catholics', or do you have one better than the Lord's Ministers??

Paul -- 092912
"How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news".

The gospel. Romans 1:16-17.


Yes, that's what it says. "Good" "News". not false news!!

Paul -- 092912
Good news includes Jesus being the Word of God. But you may have heard of the good news of the word of God, even hearing the word of God, without having yet heard of Jesus. Colossians 1:5. The "before" here not referring to pre-Jesus word of God. Pre-Jesus word of God never spoke against Jesus though. The Messiah.


New member
Good news includes Jesus being the Word of God. But you may have heard of the good news of the word of God, even hearing the word of God, without having yet heard of Jesus. Colossians 1:5. The "before" here not referring to pre-Jesus word of God. Pre-Jesus word of God never spoke against Jesus though. The Messiah.

Maybe so, but Salvation didn't come until after the Resurrection and the Ascension and "Pentecost". Pentecost was more than just what today's religionists call "Pentecost". - Pentecost was the Day of the Passover, and the "Fiftieth Passover", the "Day of Jubilee"; the removing of all debts. - So Salvation came on the very day of the removing of the debts of the Children of Israel. - Jesus fulfilled it on Pentecost by the Gospel being preached that day of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and three thousand Souls were saved that day. Etc. Etc.

Paul -- 092912


New member
Maybe so, but Salvation didn't come until after the Resurrection and the Ascension and "Pentecost". Pentecost was more than just what today's religionists call "Pentecost". - Pentecost was the Day of the Passover, and the "Fiftieth Passover", the "Day of Jubilee"; the removing of all debts. - So Salvation came on the very day of the removing of the debts of the Children of Israel. - Jesus fulfilled it on Pentecost by the Gospel being preached that day of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and three thousand Souls were saved that day. Etc. Etc.

Paul -- 092912

Paul this may be the best thing I have read in days!
Did you know I look for insights and understanding - just a little snippet here or there that might help me understand?

Now you have given me something to meditate on and roll around in my head!
thank you, Paul, hug!

Hope to be back later.

Oh and ps Paul
you get very angry and call them religionists but have you thought that if they were like you there would be no reason for you to be you? It is the same for me.

And perhaps it is the same for them?


New member
I have a question and also an agreement for you, Paul.

First the agreement - what you said about music on another thread:

Yes, - a joyful noise ( In your heart ) to the Lord, ( not with your mouth )!!! That's what ( God ) is saying!!! - Love yourselves for it, I don't care. - I just told you what God ( said )!!! --- Matthew 15:8-9 KJV -------//--- That's what ( God Said ) also to match all that he says!!!! - You all just like to sing and you like vocal ( "Amusement" / Music ), which is to say, ( You "Amuse" yourselves ) not God; - So enjoy, and pay!!

Paul -- 092212

And you add this here to what you said above:

I prefer the "New Testament". - That's the "Testamony of Jesus Christ".

I think I'll stay with Jesus' Commandments, not David's or Moses'. You can if that's your Faith!

Paul -- 101012

It does say that we are in this New Testament to be worshipers in spirit and in truth. I agree with you with all my heart
regarding music must come from the heart because this is what would make a joyful noise in spirit and in truth!

So it follows to me that rather than any physical tradition being passed on everything was focused on our heart and our spirit.
Both in our fellowship with each other and our worship, right?

That includes what at one time may have been set times of singing and praise being given to The Lord being replaced by anytime - and instead of listing instruments that made glorious sounds we were told to do so with our hearts whether an instrument was found or not.

But in every case hymns and psalms are listed aren't they?

Acts 16:25
1 Corinthians 14:15
Colossians 3:16

So although we no longer hold to customs over heart content,
we still worship and have joy in the same way David in The Spirit described worship and joy in Psalms, right?

Do you kind of agree with me Paul?

I see you are not answering me lately?

Is it because I reminded you about the verse about women?
