Godless Republic: Sodomite Marriage


Im not in a hebrew theocracy, are you? God never advocated for me to kill them.

Fair enough. But Jesus never advocated against gays as far as I can tell. I could be wrong, but I believe he mentioned them under the name "born eunuchs" as people who would never marry, but never advocated against homosexual activity itself


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Fair enough. But Jesus never advocated against gays as far as I can tell. I could be wrong, but I believe he mentioned them under the name "born eunuchs" as people who would never marry, but never advocated against homosexual activity itself

Seems you didnt read all of the passage you just cited a little from (matthew chapter 19) you left off the part where He said they should be celibate for the kingdom of heaven)

You also ignore that He clearly defined what marriage is as well as its intent and purpose (to be one - reason earlier defined in Malachi) - leaving the gay in an adulterous state as well if they have sex.


Seems you didnt read all of the passage you just cited a little from (matthew chapter 19) you left off the part where He said they should be celibate for the kingdom of heaven)

You also ignore that He clearly defined what marriage is as well as its intent and purpose (to be one - reason earlier defined in Malachi) - leaving the gay in an adulterous state as well if they have sex.

I believe you. I said I could be wrong


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Nope, but you claim to care about homosexuals and yet you continue to contribute to the machine that oppresses them. Why should I believe you?

Maybe because i have never given you a reason to believe i am lying. Thats a great place to start.
Think about it.

I think unrepentant gays are headed to hell.

Since that is what i truthfully believe, would it not stand to reason that if i hated them, i would ignore them and let them end up there without objection of any kind? If i really hated them, i would act like they are perfectly ok to do whatever they wanted if it made them feel good.

Why would i bother sweating any grief over false witness against me or mocking from secularists? I wouldnt sweat a second of it if i were worldly too- since i know where they are headed and try to object, i am the same as one watching one speeding toward a cliff and trying to stop them. Ill have no blood on my hands.

Are you hating a drug user, who loves their high, for trying to stop them and protecting their life?


New member
Maybe because i have never given you a reason to believe i am lying. Thats a great place to start.
Think about it.

I think unrepentant gays are headed to hell.

Since that is what i truthfully believe, would it not stand to reason that if i hated them, i would ignore them and let them end up there without objection of any kind? If i really hated them, i would act like they are perfectly ok to do whatever they wanted if it made them feel good.

Why would i bother sweating any grief over false witness against me or mocking from secularists? I wouldnt sweat a second of it if i were worldly too- since i know where they are headed and try to object, i am the same as one watching one speeding toward a cliff and trying to stop them. Ill have no blood on my hands.
Whatever makes it seem okay to you, in any case, your actions make you a hypocrite. You cannot claim to represent a tradition founded on toleration and acceptance and then reject people on something they have no control over.

Are you hating a drug user, who loves their high, for trying to stop them and protecting their life?
Drug users are not equivalent to homosexuals.

The Horn

I hate that stupid term "sodomy " for homosexuality , which is just a normal part of human sexuality . It's about time we just got rid of this
stupid, loaded word .
Same sex marriage does not interfere with anyone else's rights and does not prevent opposite sex couples from getting married and having children , any more than the granting of voting rights in the past to blacks and women interfered with the voting rights of white males in America .
I don't care what the Bible says about homosexuality . This is nothing
but ancient supersitition which has absolutely no place in the 21st century . This is the digital age ! The Old Testament was written during the bronze age by primitive Semitic tribesemen who didn't know the earth is round or where the sun goes at night .
I thought mankind had progressed far beyond the bronze age .

Totton Linnet

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Civil society is based upon marriage, one man one woman. People do not SEE the connection between the breakdown and disintergration that comes when godly marriage breaks down.....but it happens.

When the collapse happens people will see who did the hurt and to who.

The Horn

Totton Linnett , you are completely deluded . Gay marriage has not and will not cause "the breakdown of society ." It's been legal in various European countries for years and has caused absolutely no harm there, nor will it in America .
Decades ago, many foolish Americans were just as opposed to allowing blacks and whites to marry , and they claimed this would be disastrous to America and "bring God's wrath " down on us .
And don't tell me that blacks and whites marrying is OK because opposite sex couples can have children .
We don't prohibit infertile couples from getting married or
women who are past childbraring age . Or give all that nonsense about same sex marriage opening up the "slippery slope " to legalizing incest, pedophilia and bestiality .


[Better be sure (Ro 1:18). :smokie: The easiest person to fool is yourself (Ps 14:1). :freak:] "I find Christians who use scripture to oppress others.."
:yawn: The Christian oppresses no one (Jn 8:36, Ga 5:1 :straight:). :dizzy: God gave the law for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9). :poly: He intends to protect his own from unregenerate reprobates like yourself (Deut. 32:4, Jn 10:10).
"...to be the biggest cowards of all."

:yawn: We are not given a spirit of cowardice (2 Ti 1:7). :peach: That is an attribute of the wicked like yourself. :noway: You've got it all backwards as usual. :dizzy: We get to drag you before our Lord. Lk 19:27


New member
:yawn: The Christian oppresses no one (Jn 8:36, Ga 5:1 :straight:). :dizzy: God gave the law for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9). :poly: He intends to protect his own from unregenerate reprobates like yourself (Deut. 32:4, Jn 10:10).

:yawn: We are not given a spirit of cowardice (2 Ti 1:7). :peach: That is an attribute of the wicked like yourself. :noway: You've got it all backwards as usual. :dizzy: We get to drag you before our Lord. Lk 19:27
You're adorable. :chuckle: