God My Hope Is In You Always.


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Hope is one of the Apostle Paul's Big Three.
"Now these three remain: Faith, Hope, Love."

Ya gotta have Hope to survive bro. You can't make it on Gloom, Doom, Negative
Thinking, Despair, and Pessimism. That Old Dragon Pessimism has haunted
humans throughout our history, but it's time to say goodbye to that aged ugly devil
forever because he's a joy-killing serpent disguised, most of the time, as a wise
knowledgeable Prophet Of Doom out to steal away your Hope -- but he'll not
succeed cause our Hope is in such as this:

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you Hope and a future." {Jeremiah 29:11 applies, in principle,
to we the people of God in all generations because God cares for His John 3:16-Human
Race-Love Project and therefore He gives us Hope.

In the same vein, I love this one:

"Those who Hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles."
Isa. 40:31

Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine ♫ ♫
Oh what a foretaste of joy divine
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

So tell that Serpent Skepticism to take a long walk on a short pier. Goodbye Mr. Doubt.
Hello Sunshine. Hello Hope.

But Hope has to last forever. What ultimate good is Short Term Hope?
Not much. Eternal Hope is better, but you need Eternal Life to
have Eternal Hope. "He that believes in Me," said the Lord Jesus,
"will live even though he dies." That's called C.H. {Continuing Hope}.
You don't want to love life for only say 1140 months {95 years}, you
want to love it forever and ever. Thank You Lord Jesus for giving us
the gift of Eternal Life.

Now enter: Negativity, Cynicism, and Depression.
Even though the hideous vultures of Gloom, Doom, Fear, and Pessimism come
a'calling ~~ in Christ I have bright cheerful expectations bubbling over with optimism,
and that Ugly Buzzard Of Anxiety immediately runs away when he hears me quote
Isa. 41:10 "Do not fear for I am with you" and John 3:16's promise of Eternal Life for
those of us who believe in the Lord Jesus as our Savior.

From whence cometh my Hope?
My Hope was originally conceived in the heart of the Father who said He so loved
the world that He gave His one and only Son that if I believed in Him I would never
perish but have Eternal Life.

My Hope begin in Gethsemane, was made eternal-steel-strong on Golgotha, and
eternally secured by that Empty Tomb on Resurrection Sunday {Easter}. Here we can
say Hallelujah.

He had no concerns for His own Hopes
but shed drop of blood for mine.
"Not my will but thy will be done", said the Lord Jesus
"His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground"
as He anticipated the agony of The Cross out of Love for us.

Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, for giving us Hope.


May 2, 2021
