ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Biden would really have to screw it up to give the Burn any chance....
sounds likely! :banana:
Biden would really have to screw it up to give the Burn any chance....
sounds likely! :banana:
Klobuchar (who?): 7
Gabbard (???): 1
She won the popular vote by over 2.4+ million votes.
And those were all people here in the US illegally.
Your proof?
I don't need proof, I was giving an opinion. A well informed opinion.
How do you not know who Amy Klobuchar and Tulsi Gabbard are?
Bloomberg, who has a net worth of about $58 billion according to Forbes, was already one of the most important Democratic donors before he ran for president. He and his various groups spent more than $41 million on two dozen congressional races during the 2018 midterms, which helped give the party its House majority. That could be just a tiny preview of what he’s about to do during this year’s general election. Bloomberg has promised to continue paying his massive campaign team to support the party’s eventual nominee in November, unless it is Sen. Bernie Sanders. |
Bloomberg's out of the race, but according to Slate he plans to rub sand in the eye of Trad:
... The Democratic National Committee’s rules only say that pledged delegates “shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.” So come convention day, delegates selected to represent a dropped-out candidate don’t have to cast their ballot for that candidate — or for the person their candidate endorsed. So while Bloomberg, Buttigieg and Klobuchar have all endorsed Biden, don’t immediately add their delegates to his total. However: Campaigns have effective veto control over the people who become their pledged delegates, meaning delegates will likely be loyal to the candidate themselves and honor their wishes. more really confusing stuff: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/0...legates-121442 |
Bernie is a Democratic Party insurgent, just as Trump was an insurgent to the Republican Party in 2016.
The whole Democratic Party establishment is against Bernie--everyone from the Clintons on down. And of course Bloomberg wants anyone but Bernie to be president. Corporate Democrats would rather have 4 more years of Trump than see a Bernie presidency.
Baseless is your opinion.Oh, I see. It's better to just make baseless accusations then.
Your opinions are useless.A well-informed opinion based on baseless accusations? Sounds legit.