Girl Scouts accepting 'Boys that live as Girls'


New member
i didn't read the articles yet, but on the surface it's almost as if the parents are letting the kids decide what they are -

It is due to the evil spirits that permeate American culture.

This recent article:
But along with the celebrity angle have been stories of brave, everyday moms and dads, who have publicly shared their experiences of parenting transgender children as young as 4 years old. In June, a video about Ryland Whittington, a California 6-year-old born female who transitioned to male with parental support, went viral. Also in the public eye has been the story of Jazz Jennings, 14, author of “I Am Jazz,” and of Coy Mathis, 8, who famously won the right to use the girls’ school bathroom when she was in first grade. This week, the world learned about Jacob, born Mia, through an NBC Nightly News profile of the 5-year-old and his supportive parents, Mimi and Joe Lemay.

Eight-year-old Tomás Rocha, a third grader at Malcolm X Elementary School in Berkeley, Calif., is among a handful of gender non-conforming students at the school.

The U.S. is a breeding ground for the Anti-Christ global agenda. Obviously when Jesus is removed guess who replaces him?
Consider this and " Piss-Christ" next time your inclined to recite the pledge of allegiance to "America"..

I am not an " American". I am a Christian who live's in America. So far it is still relatively safe for Christians to live in America.
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New member
Typical response from a 28 years old little dweeb who has no life experience, and no awareness about what life was like before 1970 in America. You are just a child who laughs at what he does not understand and anything that s contrary to what my kids generation taught you in school.

Go jump in a lake :baby:
Come on, your posts are coated in inaccuracies and bigoted prejudice. What do you expect me to say? You are so far removed from reality that I can even begin to comprehend your twisted thought process.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I agree with you that they are not representative of Christian values. Moreover, what will they think when they learn no one straight man will marry them? Just find a liberal forum and get a picture of a woman unknown, someone who would volunteer for the experiment, definitely not a celebrity, someone otherwise attractive. Then state this woman used to be a man, would you marry her?

Then sit back and let all the reasons come is as to why they would not. The most common will be, they want someone who van gave children, yet a few honest ones might say, 'as much as i do not like admitting it, I cannot live with the idea my wife used to be male.

Here the person really is a woman, and there is no masculine traits, yet they will perceive some traits.

I would take down the picture, as you do not want to hurt someone.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Come on, your posts are coated in inaccuracies and bigoted prejudice. What do you expect me to say? You are so far removed from reality that I can even begin to comprehend your twisted thought process.

You are predictable as a clock; I know your mind because I know the people who programmed you. Now you are a dweeb, so what does it matter what you think? You do not think outside the box filled with processed thoughts about prejudice, sexist, bigot and similar terms.

You do not matter on discourse because what you say are words already said by those who trained you.
goodnight :dunce:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You are so far removed from reality that I can even begin to comprehend your twisted thought process.

That is funny I have been thinking the same thing about the positions & opinions/drivel you post. The difference is I do understand the intellectually lazy liberal mindset, or as it used to be called "following the crowd". It is the reality that scares you, we can all see that but, you keep digesting the tripe fed to you by pop culture...that my friend is by definition being removed from reality.

patrick jane

It is due to the evil spirits that permeate American culture.

But along with the celebrity angle have been stories of brave, everyday moms and dads, who have publicly shared their experiences of parenting transgender children as young as 4 years old. In June, a video about Ryland Whittington, a California 6-year-old born female who transitioned to male with parental support, went viral. Also in the public eye has been the story of Jazz Jennings, 14, author of “I Am Jazz,” and of Coy Mathis, 8, who famously won the right to use the girls’ school bathroom when she was in first grade. This week, the world learned about Jacob, born Mia, through an NBC Nightly News profile of the 5-year-old and his supportive parents, Mimi and Joe Lemay.

Eight-year-old Tomás Rocha, a third grader at Malcolm X Elementary School in Berkeley, Calif., is among a handful of gender non-conforming students at the school.

The U.S. is a breeding ground for the Anti-Christ global agenda. Obviously when Jesus is removed guess who replaces him?
Consider this and " Piss-Christ" next time your inclined to recite the pledge of allegiance to "America"..
I am not an " American". I am a Christian who lives in America.

well, there it is, yet rare and obscure cases are portrayed by media and who knows what, as 'trending', and modern 'normal' parenting. there is no way a 4 year old is equipped to decide it's gender; even a baby genius - :patrol:


New member
You can say what you want. You can try to intimidate me on my profile page and call me names if it makes you feel better. But here is the reality of the situation, as I see it. My thought process, ideals, and beliefs have popular support. Further, they are growing and expanding. Your reality is shrinking with every poll and every election. As the older generations continue to die off, so do the aged traditions you blindly support. The world is going to continue to change with or without you here. In short, that should scare you, not me.


New member
You can say what you want. You can try to intimidate me on my profile page and call me names if it makes you feel better. But here is the reality of the situation, as I see it. My thought process, ideals, and beliefs have popular support. Further, they are growing and expanding. Your reality is shrinking with every poll and every election. As the older generations continue to die off, so do the aged traditions you blindly support. The world is going to continue to change with or without you here. In short, that should scare you, not me.

I am scared for you. It is the Zeitgeist mentality that has blinded you and those who accept such deviant and Anti-Christ behaviors' as normal, progressive. . Yes, your correct, " My thought process, ideals, and beliefs have popular support. Further, they are growing and expanding." It is your perspectives, ( man's), and not God's, that will indeed continue to garner popular support. Here is more reality, when Christians are being murdered in masses, it will be the ( your's) worlds agenda that such murder's are needed for the progression of " your", the worlds agenda.
You can rethink and repent. You can decide that what you now ascribe to is not what God desires, and make a heart felt aim for God who has proven HE knows what is best for you and man kind.
Even Bruce Jenner had a moment of clarity, " he recalls thinking, “What did I just do? What did I just do to myself?”
But Jenner will continue in his abominable sin. BECAUSE TO ADMIT WE ARE MISTAKEN requires more intestinal fortitude, than it does to continue in our mistakes. Which are sins.

Question, you admit " My thought process, ideals, and beliefs have popular support. Further, they are growing and expanding.

Growing Into what? What do you perceive your ultimate agenda will lead? Be specific.



New member
Question, you admit " My thought process, ideals, and beliefs have popular support. Further, they are growing and expanding.

Growing Into what? What do you perceive your ultimate agenda will lead? Be specific.
Fair question. I think the biggest push my generation is going towards is social and legal equality. LGBT, women, ethnic minorities, etc; will continue to gain ground in the realm of equal rights and opportunity. Another big topic will be scientific advancement and study. There are many conservative politicians that see these investments as a waste. As the country continues to slide towards the left, I can see these investments gaining a bit more traction. This includes space exploration, climate change, renewable energy, etc.

patrick jane

Fair question. I think the biggest push my generation is going towards is social and legal equality. LGBT, women, ethnic minorities, etc; will continue to gain ground in the realm of equal rights and opportunity. Another big topic will be scientific advancement and study. There are many conservative politicians that see these investments as a waste. As the country continues to slide towards the left, I can see these investments gaining a bit more traction. This includes space exploration, climate change, renewable energy, etc.

ahhh yes. utopia -

View attachment 19847


New member
You are predictable as a clock; I know your mind because I know the people who programmed you. Now you are a dweeb, so what does it matter what you think? You do not think outside the box filled with processed thoughts about prejudice, sexist, bigot and similar terms.

You do not matter on discourse because what you say are words already said by those who trained you.
goodnight :dunce:

pot meet kettle


I see in the future, everyone will be treated the same like race. Genitals are also made for producing babies. Making babies happens rarely. So, today, we need to get along without knowing if one is a girl or a male while we leave those that make babies alone. Life isn't always about having children.

The Barbarian

I have heard of cases when birth assigned 'boys' do not have this, yet their parents do not consider them girls. Such cases the children have no ability to grow up and have babies. Nevertheless, they will never be fathers, so that are inter-sexed.

There is the issue of X or Y chromosomes. Some kids, who are males genetically, appear to be girls at birth, and vice versa. This can be often correct if caught soon enough. But not always.

Unfortunately, gender isn't always as simple as it usually appears to be. This is entirely different of course, than a genetically and physically female girl who identifies as a boy or vice versa.

There are such people, and why that happens is a complex issue. They don't need to be hated.

Jesus spent his time decrying sin, but didn't spend any of it on homosexuality or gender identification. He did spend a great deal of time on compassion for others, even for hated people like publicans and Samaritans Maybe that's a lesson too, for anyone who really wants to follow Him.


There is the issue of X or Y chromosomes. Some kids, who are males genetically, appear to be girls at birth, and vice versa. This can be often correct if caught soon enough. But not always.

Hermaphrodites make up around 0.01% of the population.

Unfortunately, gender isn't always as simple as it usually appears to be. This is entirely different of course, than a genetically and physically female girl who identifies as a boy or vice versa.

There are such people, and why that happens is a complex issue.

That is why they need professional therapy so that the can overcome their gender confusion.

Jesus spent his time decrying sin, but didn't spend any of it on homosexuality or gender identification.

Not true, He and His apostles speak frequently about it.

BTW, why does the movement that you represent link sexual confusion (homosexuality) in with gender confusion? (transgenderism).
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New member
There is the issue of X or Y chromosomes. Some kids, who are males genetically, appear to be girls at birth, and vice versa. This can be often correct if caught soon enough. But not always.

Unfortunately, gender isn't always as simple as it usually appears to be. This is entirely different of course, than a genetically and physically female girl who identifies as a boy or vice versa.

There are such people, and why that happens is a complex issue. They don't need to be hated.

Jesus spent his time decrying sin, but didn't spend any of it on homosexuality or gender identification. He did spend a great deal of time on compassion for others, even for hated people like publicans and Samaritans Maybe that's a lesson too, for anyone who really wants to follow Him.

He didn't have to. It was verboten in Jewish society.

The Barbarian

He didn't have to. It was verboten in Jewish society.

So was theft and adultery, and hatred. And yet He spent a lot of time on those. Not so much on homosexuality.

He was more concerned with other sins, it seems.


Can you quote Jesus speaking "frequently" about it?

And what is your definition of "frequently"?

Check out the Old and New Testaments, starting with Genesis, which gives the basis for human sexuality.

God talks about that throughout the Old and New Testaments and nowhere will you find that He approves of same sex relationships.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You can say what you want. You can try to intimidate me on my profile page and call me names if it makes you feel better.

I have never said a word to you in any other venue but, replying to your posts, nor have I called you names, just called you out based upon your rhetoric, lazy liberal logic, and poorly thought out viewpoints. You are very young and it shows.

But here is the reality of the situation, as I see it. My thought process, ideals, and beliefs have popular support.

As you see it? or as your friends, professors, & your preferred media propagandizers see it?

Support from who? the herd of sheeple that you culture. Those are not mindsets, ideals, or beliefs that you derived from critical thought on your own or experience, you are just another lazy follower of the crowd.

Further, they are growing and expanding. Your reality is shrinking with every poll and every election. As the older generations continue to die off, so do the aged traditions you blindly support.

No, as the older generations die off the younger generations grow up, have families of their own and begin to understand the errors of a flawed worldview as yours & most of pop culture's is. They are not traditions BTW they are referred to as values, morals, & virtue when you grow up you may be able to attain them.

The world is going to continue to change with or without you here. In short, that should scare you, not me.

The world has always changed yet there is nothing new that has not run it's cycle yet before in different places & societies, you really should not give your generation so much credit for novel thought, it has just been recycled from other failed societies...might want to brush up on your history.