get rid of IRS, Dept of Education, EPA..


New member

It is imperative to get the US (and preferably other countries...) to SMALL government...

slash and burn is my policy: get rid of IRS, Dept of Education, and EPA

let the STATES do the necessary [key word there!] things those agencies do

our system is unconstitutional. All powers not given to the fed gov by the Constitution are to be held by the STATES... and yet we have the fed gov running EVERYTHING.. even telling employers how much they can pay an employee... even when the employee just may be willing to take a lower wage to 1) have a job and/or 2) get training...

but small business cannot afford to pay people $50 an hour... surprise, surprise... and many sm businesses either go out of business or do not even start up in the first place, causing...

lack of jobs...

good one, you socialist morons... (who are too cowardly to call yourselves Socialist... or too cunning maybe...)

you always hurt the POOR the most, always take out the first 2 or 3 rungs in the ladder to prosperity

The fed gov should only be concerned with SECURITY. I say forget them dealing with most infrastructure as well. Again, the STATES can take care of the roads and bridges in their own territory..



Hall of Fame
I am not surprised in the least that you would wish to destroy the Department of Education. Apparently children are not high on your list of priorities.


New member
christians in this country have confused celebrity with intelligence

no doubt Trump is not stupid... agree with him 90% of the time..

but he is not presidential

he is not pro life..

We can't vote for someone who thinks its OK to kill helpless children

When people are powerless and helpless, we need to HELP them.. .uphold their right to continue living..

not kill them...

now Trump never said he beleives in abortion in the cases of rape/incest, but he accepts and will not defund Planned Barren-head... so that just says all we need to know..

here's what he has said, however

I'm rich

you're stupid

I'm ahead of all the others

I'm not going to defund the Horror House

I'm rich

he's stupid

I care about the economy but babies... not so much...

I'm rich

he's stupid

(etc.... etc)

I'm rich

you're stupid

I'm ahead of all the others

I'm not going to defund the Horror House

I'm rich

he's stupid

I care about the economy but babies... not so much...

I'm rich

he's stupid

(etc.... etc)



New member
Ted Cruz will at least consider ridding us of the IRS

I hope he is thinking of all those other worthless gov organizations also..

Walker... I believe he cut gov jobs in Wisconsin.. (trying to find his book)

Jindal did the same... Maybe those gov workers in cushy jobs need to let the poor people they suposedly serve, have their turn at those jobs... since they are dependent on the gov already..

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I am not surprised in the least that you would wish to destroy the Department of Education. Apparently children are not high on your list of priorities.

They are high on the priority list. Which is why that devil worshipping department needs to go.

patrick jane

Originally Posted by republicanchick View Post

In that case, why do you claim to be prolife?

You are a walking, talking contradiction.

right. it makes no sense to be concerned about abortion only to bail out on the children when they are 1 month old, or 5 years - some folks don't know what they care about and take a stand that they destroy the next day -:patrol:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I am not surprised in the least that you would wish to destroy the Department of Education.

The Dept. of Education provides no productive service at the state & local level where policy should be made. I have to agree with RC that it the DOE needs to go and the feds need to stay out of state's business, it is not their function. Keep education at the state and local levels and we as Americans will see a better quality of education across the board.

Apparently children are not high on your list of priorities.

That is kinda lame...accusing someone of not caring because they point out the misplaced direction of our federal government meddling in state affairs. If RC would have posited to get rid of public education all together you could use this argument but, she did not so, to accuse her of not caring is a petty liberal trick to paint someone as extreme when in fact they are really not....Bad form Rusha.


Well-known member

It is imperative to get the US (and preferably other countries...) to SMALL government...

slash and burn is my policy: get rid of IRS, Dept of Education, and EPA

let the STATES do the necessary [key word there!] things those agencies do

our system is unconstitutional. All powers not given to the fed gov by the Constitution are to be held by the STATES... and yet we have the fed gov running EVERYTHING.. even telling employers how much they can pay an employee... even when the employee just may be willing to take a lower wage to 1) have a job and/or 2) get training...

but small business cannot afford to pay people $50 an hour... surprise, surprise... and many sm businesses either go out of business or do not even start up in the first place, causing...

lack of jobs...

good one, you socialist morons... (who are too cowardly to call yourselves Socialist... or too cunning maybe...)

you always hurt the POOR the most, always take out the first 2 or 3 rungs in the ladder to prosperity

The fed gov should only be concerned with SECURITY. I say forget them dealing with most infrastructure as well. Again, the STATES can take care of the roads and bridges in their own territory..


Good thread!


Well-known member
I am not surprised in the least that you would wish to destroy the Department of Education. Apparently children are not high on your list of priorities.

The Federal government is not qualified to educate children.

The parents are.

They can best do that locally without Federal interference


New member
Hall of Fame
The Federal government is not qualified to educate children.

The parents are.

They can best do that locally without Federal interference

What of parents who won't and of the parents who can't because they have to work?

What happens to them if there are no public schools? What do you suggest?


New member

It is imperative to get the US (and preferably other countries...) to SMALL government...

slash and burn is my policy: get rid of IRS, Dept of Education, and EPA

let the STATES do the necessary [key word there!] things those agencies do

our system is unconstitutional. All powers not given to the fed gov by the Constitution are to be held by the STATES... and yet we have the fed gov running EVERYTHING.. even telling employers how much they can pay an employee... even when the employee just may be willing to take a lower wage to 1) have a job and/or 2) get training...

but small business cannot afford to pay people $50 an hour... surprise, surprise... and many sm businesses either go out of business or do not even start up in the first place, causing...

lack of jobs...

good one, you socialist morons... (who are too cowardly to call yourselves Socialist... or too cunning maybe...)

you always hurt the POOR the most, always take out the first 2 or 3 rungs in the ladder to prosperity

The fed gov should only be concerned with SECURITY. I say forget them dealing with most infrastructure as well. Again, the STATES can take care of the roads and bridges in their own territory..


I agree, which is why I vote libertarian


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The Federal government is not qualified to educate children.

The parents are.

They can best do that locally without Federal interference

What of parents who won't and of the parents who can't because they have to work?

What happens to them if there are no public schools? What do you suggest?

I don't think anybody is saying that public education needs to go Angel, they are saying it is best left to States & localities to do it. The federal government has no place in public education.


Well-known member
What of parents who won't and of the parents who can't because they have to work?

What happens to them if there are no public schools? What do you suggest?

There a plenty of parents who won't and don't now. Federally funding and dictating what your children learn and do not learn in school has not changed that.

People have had to work before, they sent them to locally funded schools.

States and communities can fund education, they do not need Federal funds and regulations to fund education.

There were public schools before the Federal government took them over and the children learned much more.

Do you need to be taxed by the Federal government for your children to be educated?

The Milwaukee school system, as many other large city educational systems are failing their children. You could throw a billions more dollars at them and they would still fail their children.

We do not need Federal bureaucrats to screw up our educational systems, we can do that locally and pay alot less taxes to do so


New member
Hall of Fame
There a plenty of parents who won't and don't now. Federally funding and dictating what your children learn and do not learn in school has not changed that.

People have had to work before, they sent them to locally funded schools.

States and communities can fund education, they do not need Federal funds and regulations to fund education.

There were public schools before the Federal government took them over and the children learned much more.

Do you need to be taxed by the Federal government for your children to be educated?

The Milwaukee school system, as many other large city educational systems are failing their children. You could throw a billions more dollars at them and they would still fail their children.

We do not need Federal bureaucrats to screw up our educational systems, we can do that locally and pay alot less taxes to do so

I agree it should be done locally/state, i took your post as meaning there should be no public schools.

I am curious as to what people suggest for those whose parents either wont teach them or cant.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't think anybody is saying that public education needs to go Angel, they are saying it is best left to States & localities to do it. The federal government has no place in public education.

Ive seen people say exactly that - that all public education needs to go and home schooling only. So for those who think that, i would like to know what they suggest for the children of those whose parents either will not, or cannot (for a number of reasons) educate them at home.